Not far away, although Beigong Jue is talking to Fu Qinghuan, her sight is always on Yunxiu's clothes. At the moment, seeing her slow movement, she immediately reminds her, "concentrate, don't be distracted."

"I think she is tired after practicing for a long time." Fu Qinghuan then waved to Yun Xiu, "don't practice, come and talk with me for a while."

Hearing these words, Beigong Jue looked at Fu Qinghuan more, "you seem to be very interested in my apprentice."

Beigong Jue asked this question once before, but it was prevaricated by Fu Qinghuan. However, this time, he said, "yes! I'm very interested. Would you like to give me this apprentice? I think you are also very busy. You should not have much time to teach. "

"If you promise to help me, maybe I'll think about it."

"Then I will be very busy, too?" Fu Qinghuan didn't eat the way of Beigong Jue. He waved his hand disapprovingly, "in that case, forget it. When I didn't say it, you didn't hear it."

Cloud Xiu clothes stop action, hope North Palace must, after getting his agreement, just slowly toward those two people walk.

"You are progressing so fast! In just a few days, I've been promoted several times. I'm afraid of the younger generation Fu Qinghuan praised Yun Xiuyi, but he did not forget to make fun of Beigong Jue.

"I don't know when you got such a clever and obedient apprentice."

After hearing this, the northern palace refused to be outdone and said, "if you think more about manghuang and sihebahuang, maybe you'll get such an apprentice."

"If that's my destiny, why should I wade in this muddy water? It's you, why don't you always take my words to heart? If you come, you'll be at ease. Don't you look at your apprentice now? "

I don't know whether Fu Qinghuan is used to it, or he never cares about Yunxiu clothes. What he says, whether it's appreciation or exploration, he never avoids Yunxiu clothes.

"Even if she's restless, she can't turn the world around, but the little girl in the right hall really makes people uneasy!"

"There's always a comparison to let you know how good this apprentice is." Fu Qinghuan said, looking at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes, "ah Xun, you haven't been around for such a long time! I'll show you around today. "

The North Temple absolute hears speech to sink down a face immediately, "four harmonies eight wasteland is not at random ramble of land, you don't want to take her to make a fool of together."

"Your master is just too rigid." Fu Qinghuan did not take Beigong Jue's warning seriously. "Go, right hall is boring. Let's go to Sihe palace."

To sneak into Sihe palace openly and justly, the clothes of Yunxiu are of course desirable, but due to Beigong's absolute opposition, Fu Qinghuan has to politely refuse.

Who knows Fu Qinghuan took yunxiuyi's arm and left. As he walked, he promised to Beigong Jue, "don't worry, if there's something wrong with me, I'll send her back in a moment." Without waiting for Beigong Jue to respond, he has taken Yunxiu's clothes away from the left hall.

On the way to Sihe palace, Fu Qinghuan said lovingly, "I've been suffocating in the left Hall these days! It's a waste of time. "

From the beginning, Yun Xiuyi felt that he could not hide anything in front of Fu Qinghuan. Now when he said this, he always felt that he already knew his intention of coming to Sihe and Bahuang.

But what puzzled her was that if he really knew why she came to Sihe Bahuang, why did he take her into Sihe palace himself? A moment ago, he refused to ask for help from Beigong Jue.

With full of doubts, cloud Xiuyi followed Fu Qinghuan to Sihe palace.

"The Lord's temper is even more strange than that of your master. I'll show you two eyes. You must remember not to touch and touch the things in Sihe palace. We can't afford to pay for them."

After hearing this, Yun Xiuyi nodded and was about to follow Fu Qinghuan forward. He did not take a few steps, but suddenly stopped, "ah! Look at my memory. I made an appointment to play chess. How can I forget? " Fu Qinghuan said embarrassed to see to cloud Xiu clothes.

When Yun Xiuyi proposed to go back, he said, "why don't you hang out here for a while? I'll pick you up to the left hall when I'm done? "

Without Fu Qinghuan watching her actions, she could be more unimpeded. Of course, she couldn't wait. But the more things developed according to her wishes, the more Yun Xiuyi felt that Fu Qinghuan's behavior was abnormal.

However, without waiting for Yun Xiuyi's permission or refusal, Fu Qinghuan continued, "it's settled. Please remember what I said. Don't touch and touch it

When Fu Qinghuan's figure has disappeared from her eyes, Yun Xiuyi still stays in the same place without any action. In recent years, she has contacted many people, but she can't understand what Fu Qinghuan thinks.

However, whether she was trying to help or not, she was still standing in Sihe palace. Of course, she didn't have the reason to leave without looking at it.Because Beigong Jue was extremely cautious, he didn't have a full grasp of Yunxiu clothes. He didn't dare to act rashly under his eyes.

So these days, except for Wu Xiu, she has done almost nothing else, and she has never left the eight wasteland left hall. Thinking that the North Palace would relax, she went to the eight wasteland right hall and Sihe palace one by one to find out the news of the passage.

But I didn't expect that she was forced to Sihe Palace by Fu Qinghuan before she could act.

Even because she came in with Fu Qinghuan, after passing the gate of the palace, she went all the way.

Even if you meet the guards and maids in Sihe palace, you don't need to avoid them, which saves you a lot of trouble. However, you can't find anything special in Yunxiu clothes all the way.

In principle, the channel connecting manghuang and Dongyue must be constructed by some special energy. Even now her soul power is suppressed, she should be able to see the abnormality at a glance. How can she not be aware of it? Isn't the passage in Sihe palace?

When she had all kinds of doubts, she suddenly felt an unusual fluctuation of force, and then her vision was fixed on a palace door.

Just when Yun Xiuyi hesitated to sneak in, a deep voice came from the Palace door, "come in!"

Cloud Xiu clothes look around, there is no other people nearby, that is to say, the people inside are calling her... Without waiting for her hesitation, the voice continued, "Why are you so stunned, do you still want me to invite you?"

Before the man inside became more angry, Yun Xiuyi pushed open the Palace door and walked in cautiously with a piece of animal skin. Across the screen, she saw a hazy figure.

Without waiting for her to guess each other's identity, the man threw a heavy robe out of the screen and said, "here you are."

"..." Yun Xiuyi glanced at the robe that had been left on the ground, and then glanced at the naked man in the screen. He immediately realized that he wanted her to take the clean clothes, but she searched everywhere, and could not find any other clothes.

I think it's the maid who sent the clothes. She hasn't arrived yet!

When Yun Xiuyi was in a dilemma, there was a knock outside the Palace door, and then a woman's delicate voice came, "Lord, it's me."

This man is Ye Ling, the Lord of the wasteland!

Cloud Xiu clothes heart next flustered, haven't come up with a way to deal with, that person suddenly turned around, even if across the road screen wind and cloud Xiu clothes can also feel each other full of murderous eyes, followed by voice also cold as ice, "who are you?"

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