Yes, since shuimurong has not come out yet, it means that there is still some time before they attack other territories. He must disturb their plans before that.

"This matter can't be publicized. If shuimurong knows that we already know her plan, we will certainly act in advance."

This sentence of northern palace Jue was naturally said to Yun Xiuyi. Yun Xiuyi immediately lowered his head and said, "I know, master." Then she asked, "is there anything I can do to help master?"

"Don't try to be brave. Shuimurong can't be dealt with easily by a little girl."

"Maybe only she can deal with shuimurong."

When Fu Qinghuan said this, he laughed like the warm sun in the spring, "can you guess that shuimurong's plan is not based on a Xun's wake-up call."

The North Palace will never accept it. After a long period of time, it warned again, "no way, no risk."

"Ah Xun, your master really has a heart for you! He has been childless and lonely for most of his life. He must have regarded you as his own daughter. "

"What are you talking about?" Beigong Jue suddenly stares at Fu Qinghuan uneasily.

Fu Qinghuan didn't annoy him any more. He turned his lips and ended the topic. "It's my nonsense. It's my nonsense. Let's go! I'll accompany you to Nanhai to see if our guess is correct. "

Hearing that this man wanted to walk with him, the North Palace could not wait for him. Then he nodded and agreed. Then he said to Yun Xiuyi, "you are not allowed to go anywhere if you stay in the left hall."

"Yes, master."

As soon as beigongjue and Fu Qinghuan left the left Hall of the eight wasteland, moxilou sat on the chair that beigongjue had just sat on. He supported his head with one arm. He seemed to agree with Fu Qinghuan very much.

"That person looks difficult to get along with, but he is sincere to you. If you let him know that you are using him, I'm afraid it's a bad end."

Yunxiu is used to the haunting of moxilou. Looking at him at the moment, he looks as usual, "solve the problem of manghuang and Dongyue's passage. We should never have the chance to meet again. What's the bad end?"

"A heartless little girl."

Mo Xi Lou laughed to scold a, next moment again wring up eyebrows, "South Temple Chen unexpectedly dare to seek to come over, presumably is I before in the evil palace to teach him lesson not enough, next time must teach him a meal not hard."

Mo Xilou has no intention of fighting Nangong Chen. Yun Xiuyi even suspects that he and Nangong Chen are the same as Beigong Jue and Fu Qinghuan

With these words, Mo Xi Lou pulls Yun Xiu's clothes into his arms. He carefully looks at her face after changing her face. He says it after a while.

"This face is so ugly that it can even attract Ye Ling's attention." He shook his head. "One is like this, two are like this. It's the first time I know what a crisis is."

This all what juncture, this person unexpectedly still has the leisure to say to laugh to flirt, cloud Xiu dress not good spirit of retort a way, "I how don't feel you have the slightest crisis feeling?"? Knowing that I was taken away by Nangong Chen, you didn't appear to rescue me. "

"I believe in your ability and will send him away."

"Is it?" Looking at Mo Xi Lou's face, Yun Xiu Yi could not help teasing him, "then you know I'm under control..."

The smile on Mo Xi Lou's face suddenly condenses, "controlled?" He was not stupid. He immediately thought of the pear drop in the heaven and earth cauldron, "there is only a wisp of soul silk left, and there are people who have the courage to move me. Should we teach her a lesson?"

"What? Are you going to blow her up? " Cloud Xiu clothes pose will take out the heaven and earth Ding, but was Mo Xi floor hold hands.

"It's just a wisp of soul. It's the same whether it's scattered or not."

Cloud Xiu clothes originally just so a say, see Mo Xi Lou unexpectedly protect pear drop eyebrow tip a Yang, "before in the sky machine Pavilion you should recognize her, but hide me to now.". It's hard not to be true. As they say, between you two... "

"You listen to their nonsense!"

See cloud Xiu dress a little taste ink Xi floor not angry but smile, "in this world, I'm afraid only I can make you like a normal little girl, the honor."

"Shameless!" Yun Xiuyi pushes his face away and naturally talks about the channel. "According to the existing information channel, it should be in the South China Sea, but it's hard to win over shuimurong and Yeling!"

It's not that Yun Xiuyi belittles herself, but that she knows the power of "Shuiyue" and "Langxie sword".

"It's really hard." Mo Xi Lou said, leaning his head on the shoulder of Yun Xiu's clothes, hiding a trace of divine injury passing through his eyes, "promise me never to be brave, even if they attack Dongyue, there will always be a solution."Cloud Xiu clothes understand what Mo Xi floor is worried about, rare warmth will face against his head, "rest assured, I still want to save life to complete the wedding with you."

Heard the wedding two word ink Xi floor to smile on his back, eyes cunning light did not hide, "or we first bridal chamber?"

"No face, no skin."

Although he hated Mo Xilou's appearance of playing a rogue, Yun Xiuyi didn't push him away this time. However, the other side only gave her a kiss like a dragonfly on her lips and stopped all the movements.

For such a long time, Mo Xi Lou has always been in love with Yun Xiu's clothes and never done anything beyond it.

He buried his face in the neck of Yunxiu's clothes again, and some of his emotions made a stuffy voice, "when can I not control myself?"

For thousands of years, he finally met a little girl who let him be infected with fireworks, but he had to consider the etiquette in the world. For him, it was the most unbearable fate in history.

Despite his age, he was just an ordinary man. Thinking of this, Mo Xi Lou took a bite of his little girl's neck.

At the same time, Ye Ling just returned to Sihe palace, and shuimurong found him, "did you go to the left hall?"

Ye Ling took a squint at her. She could see neither joy nor anger on her face. "Right envoy, are you asking about my whereabouts? In what capacity? "

"I'm just worried about the Lord." Hearing the warning in Ye Ling's words, shuimurong's tone softened immediately. She stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Ye Ling's arm. "Now is the most critical moment. Success or failure depends on it. The Lord must not waver."

"You don't have to remind me."

In fact, shuimurong has already found out why Ye Ling went to the left hall, but he doesn't understand why an ugly girl who has been disfigured attracts Ye Ling's attention. Even she can't really get Ye Ling's heart.

Ye Ling is different from Gu Nanxu. If Gu Nanxu turns a blind eye to her because he doesn't love her, then ye Ling has no heart at all.

"How did the Lord get angry? Since the Lord will not listen, I will not say that. " As soon as the words changed, shuimurong deliberately mentioned Yunxiu's clothes, "Lord, who is the girl that the left envoy of the North Palace brought back?"

Without waiting for Ye Ling to ask shuimurong, he volunteered, "that girl is mu Chusheng's daughter. I don't know if the Lord has any impression."

"The daughter of Mu Chusheng?"

Ye Ling seems to be remembering something. When he was not the Lord of manghuang in the early years, he had a good friendship with Mu Chusheng. He also knew that he did have a daughter, but the girl was still young at that time, and he couldn't remember her appearance.

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