With Yun Xiuyi's temperament, she seldom forces anyone because of something. However, the current situation does not allow her to continue to waste time.

"Shifu, shuimurong has been staying in Sihe and Bahuang all this time, which means that it's not time for them to attack Dongyue. We must destroy the magic spirit way as soon as possible. If we drag it down, I'm afraid there will be other changes, and the magic spirit way will be more difficult to be destroyed."

He looked up at Yun Xiu's clothes with a complicated look. After a long time, he asked, "how many chances do you have to win?"

If the enemy is just shuimurong, Gongyan and Yeling, yunxiuyi may be able to predict the victory, but these people are associated with the four artifact, there are many variables that can't be estimated. Ask yourself, she has no chance of winning.

The four soul jade once shattered the two souls of Mo Xi Lou, causing him serious injury, but he still hasn't recovered, and the water moon mirror split into "water moon" and almost destroyed the whole continent.

There is also yeshizhu. Gongyan almost destroyed Dongyue empire with it just by mistake. At the thought of the Langxie sword in Ye Ling's hand, Yun Xiu's eyebrows are so thick that they can't be changed.

"If you don't have a chance of winning, will you just sit back and ignore it?" Fu Qinghuan gave his friend a bad look. Not long ago, this man ventured to test the magic spirit. Now he questioned ah Xun, "if you can hold the Lord down, she has a chance to win."

Beigong Jue can understand Fu Qinghuan's meaning. If there is no lord, the girl doesn't have to worry about Langxie sword. Maybe... After a long hesitation, Beigong Jue finally nods.

"I'll hold the Lord." He swept to Fu Qinghuan, eyes with can't refuse, "I know you never interfere in the Lord's business, but you must promise me to go with her." Finally, Beigong Jue said, "we must protect her."

Fu Qinghuan didn't speak, but if he didn't refuse, it means that he had agreed.

Because Nie Yu has news that the orc army is going to take action these days. After discussing with Beigong Jue, Yun Xiuyi decides to go to Nanhai this evening.

During the day, the North Palace refused to go to the South China Sea. If shuimurong had a heart, she would soon know. Once she knew, she would take emergency measures. The more she dragged back, the more strict the guard around the magic path would be. So it should be done sooner rather than later.

Here Beigong Jue just went to Sihe palace, Fu Qinghuan took Yunxiu clothes to Nanhai. Because Fu Qinghuan never leaves Yunxiu clothes, Mo Xilou has no chance to show up.

The South China Sea.

Piles of dark clouds, like blue flames, burn on the bottomless sea. The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its own abyss. The shadow of these lightning like a fire snake winding in the sea, disappeared in a flash.

A moment ago, there was no wind and no waves. The South China Sea, which is opposite to the sky silently, had wind and waves for no reason. It seems that this evening is destined to be extraordinary.

When Yun Xiuyi and Fu Qinghuan arrived at the South China Sea, it was dark. They could barely see what was going on around them because of the lightning. At this time, there was a tent on the flat land not far from the South China Sea.

A few fireworks flashed from tent to tent, and from time to time several groups of people walked around the tent.

This is yunxiuyi's first time to see an ORC. She originally understood that an orc is like a fox injured. Although it is a human body, it has ears on its head and a tail behind it.

However, the orcs in front of her at the moment are more incomplete than the foxes at that time. Most of them have animal faces, and their physique is much stronger than that of normal people.

If they are allowed to go to Dongyue, even if Jun Fu is on guard, he is not an opponent. Dongyue is bound to fall.

Cloud Xiu clothes Mou light a dark, just at this time heard Mo Xi Lou spread of the idea: see the situation, they will act tomorrow at the latest.

She nodded with the same look. Fu Qinghuan, who was beside her, didn't seem to find anything unusual. After taking her to a hidden place, he pointed to a place over the South China Sea with a faint water color light and said, "there, it should be the magic way you said."

Yunxiuyi looked up over the South China Sea and saw Fu Qinghuan's light gate, but the energy of this light gate was obviously stronger than that of Yunjian swamp.

Combined with the message that moxilou reminded her just now, yunxiuyi was thoughtful and did not respond to Fu Qinghuan.

In the South China Sea, the soul power is no longer restrained. Although the spirit power is still suppressed, it does not sink into the sea like before. There is no trace to find.

At this moment, the two energies in Yunxiu's body were surging at the same time, one strong and one weak seemed to be gradually merging. Soon, she obviously felt that her body was becoming lighter and lighter, and even her five senses and six senses were more sensitive than before.

Her face changed a little, and even she was shocked by the strength of these two forces. For a moment, she was a little dazed, and she didn't even care about the magic way.

Before, although the spiritual cultivation and soul cultivation were promoted to the third level at the same time, Yunxiu clothes didn't feel the difference before and after the breakthrough because it was unable to perform.She closed her eyes to test the extent of her cultivation. When she opened them again, her eyes were still dark and cold, and her previous shock gradually returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Ah Xun, your master was hurt by the magic way."

Fu Qinghuan said this sentence means to let her be more careful. Yunxiuyi nodded after listening, and then moved her eyes to the tent.

Once you start to work on the magic way, you will surely attract those people's attention, and it will be very troublesome to attract shuimurong at that time.

By the light of the lightning, Yun Xiuyi's vision swayed around. After seeing a large forest on the left side of the tent group, he had a plan in his heart.

She flew to the forest with zhurong kindling wrapped in her soul power, and the forest glowed red in an instant. Fu Qinghuan's original attention was all on the magic path. He suddenly changed his face when he found the movement not far away. "Ah Xun, it's dark moon and secluded forest there."

Fu Qinghuan's surprise was not that yunxiuyi had set fire to the forest, but that the dark moon and secluded forest was due to the special terrain, let alone fire.

Even lightning cutting trees may not have a spark.

It's not surprising that manghuang is already cold and humid. In addition, it has been snowing for many days. The dark moon forest is next to the South China Sea. It's very humid. So how could it suddenly turn red? The only thing that makes sense is that it's not ordinary fire.

Yun Xiuyi thought that Fu Qinghuan was worried about the forest, and explained lightly, "the red light is a false image, and it can't burn."

At the next moment, she had gone to the magic way, and Fu Qinghuan found that the orcs in the tent swarmed to the dark moon forest, and now they were also in a hurry to keep up with the pace of Yunxiu clothes.

In fact, Fu Qinghuan had already noticed the two energy fluctuations. He had guessed that ah Xun was not simple, and that she should major in other subjects besides martial arts. But he never thought that she should practice spiritual cultivation and soul cultivation at the same time.

With the beginning of martial arts cultivation, doesn't it mean that this girl is a three cultivator?

As far as he knows, there have been few double practitioners since ancient times, not to mention three practitioners. Fu Qinghuan's eyebrows trembled at the thought.

All of a sudden, I didn't think it was a big deal for me to return to the ruins. I also had a deeper look at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes.

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