In the first battle of Nanhai, Mo Xilou shattered Ye Ling's Yuanying, but failed to take back the Langxie sword. On the verge of life and death, Ye Ling escaped with the protection of Langxie sword, while shuimurong disappeared when Mo Xilou's attention was on Ye Ling.

The magic spirit road is destroyed, and Ye Ling and shuimurong are seriously injured. The seemingly complete victory of World War I is shrouded in a layer of haze because of the accident of yunxiuyi.

That day, after yunxiuyi fell into the South China Sea, moxilou ended the battle with Ye Ling as soon as possible, so he didn't kill him completely. However, when he sneaked into the South China Sea, yunxiuyi disappeared everywhere.

This is the first time Mo Xilou feels the vastness of the sea, and for the first time he hates the vastness of the sea, but he has nothing to do with it.

He wandered in the South China Sea for more than a month. Because of his rage, he burned the dark moon forest and destroyed many places, making the barren wasteland more depressed and desolate.

If Beigong Jue didn't stop him as master yunxiuyi, maybe moxilou would destroy the whole extreme north.

Because of the cloud Xiu clothes falling into the sea and missing, Nangong Chen has an unshirkable responsibility. After years of hostility with Mo Xilou, he gave up his former hatred and later hatred.

This month, Nangong Chen never left Nanhai, exhausted all energy and mind to find the whereabouts of Yunxiu clothes.

As for Nangong Jin, Yuan Yi brings her back to the magic palace and puts her in a dark prison. Nangong Chen orders her to be imprisoned for life. No matter how Nangong Jin cries, he can't change this decision.

As a result of the first World War in the South China Sea, the deep snow accumulated in the wilderness melted overnight. Not only many places were submerged, but also the water level in the South China Sea rose. And because the other side of the South China Sea is connected with the infinite continent, this disaster has not been spared.

Not only that, because the power of the water moon is consumed, the phenomenon of "water moon" appears, and the "Mirror Flower" suppressed on the spiritual pulse of the Xiang Yi people is also affected.

Without even giving Gu Nanxu a chance to deal with it, more than half of the land in Wuji continent was flooded, and countless people died and disappeared.

A month later, the old and new wounds of moxilou still in the South China Sea finally broke out. He was just injured by Langxie sword in the first World War of the South China Sea. Before that, he tried to rebuild the magic spirit path in Yunjian swamp, and his wounds have not been healed. Even longer ago, his soul was still missing a few pieces.

Even so, he didn't want to give up looking for Yunxiu clothes. Finally, he was sent back to the land of divine change by Fox and nalanyun and duo sisters while he was in a coma.

At the same time, Dongyue Empire also encountered unprecedented changes.

In the Dongyue Empire, Tianji Pavilion colluded with Zuoyu to imprison Junfu's power, imprisoning and even eradicating Yunjia and other hostile forces. Yunluo and Qingyao are still missing.

When the cloud family suffered a disaster, Tang Yishuang, the leader of the Tang family, was seriously injured by his eldest daughter, Tang Ning, and put into the Tang family water prison.

Because Jimo family has Xuanwu's reason, xiaoyaozi and Zuoli have been afraid to move jimochuan, but they have never stopped the idea of killing jimochuan.

In addition to Yun, Tang, Jimo three, including Zhong Li Congzhi's Ningxue building and Su Zixiang's fanglou are not immune.

Once upon a time, the reason why the monarchs never moved these two places was that they worried about shaking the economic lifeline of Dongyue Empire, while xiaoyaozi and Zuoli were determined to eradicate the dissidents, regardless of Dongyue's life or death and Dongyue's people's life or death.

As a result, when the cloud family and the Tang family have declined, and fanglou and Ningxue Lou are also facing crisis, Dongyue people are in an unprecedented panic.

This kind of fear is even stronger than the fear when Qinglong turns Zhuque Street into ruins, which makes them despair.


The South China Sea.

Gu Nanxu personally visited the South China Sea to prevent the water level from rising. Until he consumed more than half of his soul power, he finally built a defense wall on the South China Sea shore.

As soon as he solved the problem in the South China Sea, he led Tianshu and Yaoguang to return to the water moon god of the Yi people in Hunan Province. However, as soon as they turned around, the South China Sea became strange again. First there was a vortex on the sea, and then there was a big red light.

Just as Gu Nanxu and others were preparing to fight, a figure slowly appeared from the vortex. A glimmer of light flashed in Gu Nanxu's eyes and rushed into the South China Sea regardless of the surprise of Tianshu and Yaoguang.

Three days later, in a temporary bamboo building near the South China Sea, Tianshu came quickly with a bowl of soup.

When he entered the bamboo building, he automatically played light footsteps, for fear of disturbing the people lying on the bed. Before he reached the bedside, he shook the light and said, "give it to me!"

She took the medicine bowl from Tianshu and gave it to Gu Nanxu, who was guarding the bedside. "Palace master, here comes the medicine."

Gu Nanxu turned around and looked at the medicine in his hand. There was a circle of black and blue under his eyes. It seemed that he hadn't had a rest for several days. He took the bowl and swung it up and down slowly with a spoon.He carefully fed it to the mouth of the man on the bed after confirming that the temperature was right. However, as in the previous few days, her teeth were closed and she could not feed it at all.

Gu Nan Xu sighs as she wipes the medicine spilled from her mouth, but still does not give up feeding. He thinks that if she drinks some medicine, it will help her. After feeding a bowl of medicine, she gets several brocade handkerchiefs wet.

One side of the shake light see bowl empty, immediately from Gu Nanxu hand over, see Gu Nanxu waved her back, and went out with Tianshu.

She didn't dare to amplify her voice until she was far away from the inside. She looked sad and seemed to be in a bad state. "Tianshu, how do you say that lady came out of the South China Sea? Is the rising water level in the South China Sea related to my wife? "

These questions have been boring for three days in Yaoguang's heart, but they have never had a chance to say it. Now they are finally asked.

To be expected, Tianshu shook his head. Look, madam's clothes should have been soaked in the sea for a long time. Ordinary people would have died long ago.

"I didn't think my wife would be hurt or ill." He said to himself and left with the medicine bowl.

Three days ago, the person who appeared in the vortex was Yunxiu clothes. When Gu Nanxu rushed to touch her cold skin, his heart suddenly cooled by more than half, and he almost crazily carried Yunxiu clothes back to the shore.

Over the past few years, he has been looking forward to the reunion with yunxiuyi all the time, and he has imagined that they will meet again countless times.

But he never thought it would be the scene in front of him. If it was such a reunion, he would rather not meet her in this life.

At first sight, when Gu Nanchu sees that the person he is holding back is Yunxiu's clothes, Tianshu and Yaoguang are no less shocked than Gu Nanchu. Maybe it's because the relationship is not so close. At the moment, only Tianshu's reason still exists.

See Gu Nan Xu flustered to at a loss, Tianshu kindly remind way, "palace Lord, madam, she is still alive."

After hearing this, Gu Nan Xu finally had some color on his face like ashes. Then he remembered to check the physical condition of Yun Xiu's clothes.

After feeling the weak breath of cloud Xiu clothes, Gu Nan Xu suddenly laughed, "alive, still alive."

Gu Nanxu, who always abides by the male and female etiquette and has never overstepped Yunxiu's clothes, puts aside all the rules for the first time. He hugs Yunxiu's clothes tightly and hasn't let go for a long time.

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