As expected, after Tang Yishuang was rescued and Zuoli was attacked at night, Tianji Pavilion immediately started to search for the whereabouts of Yunxiu clothes.

Tang Yishuang recovers quickly under the treatment of Wen Yu and the care of Yaoguang. Yunxiu's clothes are at ease, but she doesn't tell Tang Yishuang about her next plan. At the same time, she tells Yaoguang not to let her leave zhulanglou.

Because the relationship between Tianji Pavilion and zhulanglou has always been tense, even if they suspect that cloud Xiuyi is in zhulanglou, they dare not come to find someone aboveboard.

So cloud Xiuyi let Ye Xingming back to the cloud ink Xuan, waiting for the left to take the initiative to find him.

Just as ye Xingming came back to yunmoxuan, someone rushed in before he put down his luggage. The leader was Zuoli. Seeing ye Xingming, Zuoli hesitated for a moment. It seemed that he was wondering whether this person knew about yunxiuyi's return to Dongyue.

"So fast?"

Seeing Zuo Chou, ye Xingming looked as usual. He glanced at the battle behind him and asked, "are you sending someone to watch me outside yunmo Xuan?"

"You..." looking at Ye Xingming's reaction and attitude, he didn't seem to know that Yun Xiuyi was back. Zuo Dun hesitated for a while, and finally asked, "Yun Xiuyi is back. Have you seen her?"

"Cloud Xiu clothes?"

Ye Xingming's eyes widened in shock. He rushed to zuolu excitedly, "when did she come back? Where is she now? " After asking Ye Xingming, he complains, "why doesn't she tell me every time she comes back?"

After ye Xingming reminds Zuo Fu, he just remembers that when Yun Xiuyi came back, ye Xingming didn't know it. It's estimated that he didn't know it this time!

"She came back and almost killed me."

Zuo Chou gave a sneer, "you've been waiting for her to come back in yunmoxuan. What's the result? People have never cared about you. They have never even come back to Dongyue to see you. Ye Xingming, why can't you see her clearly? "

"In her present situation, she should be afraid of implicating me." Ye Xingming said and fell into a deep thought, but he was very angry in his eyes.

She can't see the way ye Xingming talks for Yun Xiuyi. Almost without thinking, she steps forward and grabs Ye Xingming's arm. She asks fiercely, "don't you want to go back to the palace with me when she comes back?"


Ye Xingming slowly pulls back her arm, and her eyes are full of struggles. As a result, before he finishes speaking, Zuo Tuo forcibly pulls him out, as if ye Xingming is the key to pull her back.

Yunmo Xuan outside, Yunxiu clothes stand in the corner looking at this scene, but do not intend to come forward to help, ye Xingming is left to force back to the palace is also part of her plan.

She needs someone to meet her in the palace, so that she can know the situation of Junfu at any time.

Until Zuoli leaves with Ye Xingming, yunmoxuan becomes empty again. Yunxiuyi still doesn't leave. She is waiting for Tianji pavilion to appear.

In cloud Xiu clothes finally aware of a trace of unusual breath, from the corner came a male voice, "have long guessed that you will return to cloud ink Xuan." Voice falling Su Xian slowly came out from the corner, he looked at the cloud Xiu clothes with a proud face.

"You can't escape this time."

"It's up to you?" Yun Xiuyi always has little emotion when he talks, but it's extremely embarrassing to listen to Su Xian.

A trace of anger flashed across his face. "You don't want to be arrogant." After calming down his anger a little, he didn't forget the purpose of looking for Yunxiu clothes. "You must have known that your mother and your brother are in Tianji Pavilion, and the pavilion leader wants to see you."

"Just to see me?"

The calm attitude of yunxiuyi makes Su Xian very uncomfortable. He originally wanted to see her panicked and asked him to take her to Tianji Pavilion. As a result, after a confrontation, Mingming's chips were on their side, but he was defeated in front of her.

Seeing Su Xian's face uncertain, Yun Xiuyi kindly reminded him, "since it's a message, it should be more clear, otherwise even if I go to Tianji Pavilion, it may not be possible for you to do so."

"Lord of the Pavilion..."

Su Xian wanted to fight against Yun Xiuyi, but he was afraid that it would affect xiaoyaozi's plan. At last, he said, "the Lord of the pavilion heard that you have a magic book in your hand. He was worried that you would not give up. So he invited your brother and mother back."

It turns out that they are for tianxinjue!

It seems that xiaoyaozi only heard that she had Tianxin Jue in her hand, and didn't know that Tianxin Jue came from Tianji Pavilion. If he knew, it would not be this posture. Yunxiu said clearly, "LINGJI? He wants the secret of heaven's heart? "

"It's the secret of heaven's heart." At first, Su Xian still thought that this woman was always cruel and cruel. Would she not be willing to give up Tianxin Jue for her family.Now it seems that she doesn't take tianxinjue seriously. He continued, "tomorrow's Pavilion master will wait for you in Tianji Pavilion. If you don't bring tianxinjue, I can't guarantee what he will do to your mother and your brother."

"I'll keep the appointment tomorrow." Before leaving, Yun Xiu's clothes fluttered lightly and dropped a sentence, "if they are half wrong, I want the whole Tianji pavilion to be buried with them!"

Looking at the cloud Xiu clothes quickly away back, Su Xian gas gnash teeth.

Since that day he learned the secret of heaven's heart, he wanted to take it for himself, but he couldn't get close to Yunxiu clothes.

Later, without waiting for him to come up with a way, Yunxiu's clothes were robbed again, which completely failed his desire to think about tianxinjue. Later, Tianji Pavilion became the power place of Dongyue Empire, and he had to return to xiaoyaozi.

In order to please xiaoyaozi, he simply told him about tianxinjue, so xiaoyaozi left Yunluo and Qingyao alive.

In front of him, there was no cloud Xiuyi's back, but Su Xian's heart was still full of depression. "I want to see how long you can be proud of it! Exchange? When tianxinjue is successful, the pavilion master will never let your cloud family leave Tianji Pavilion alive. "

Su Xian's front foot just left, and two figures came out from another place. The woman's Willow eyebrows slightly frowned, "how can xiaoyaozi also think about tianxinjue?"

"Who doesn't want the last one in the world?" The man's absent-minded back a, the heart is still thinking of other things.


Tianji Pavilion.

In the main hall, several hall leaders and elders were present. LAN Feiyu and Zhiyuan sat on one side of each other. Beside them, they sat Wuhuo, muwanci, Yuexiu and ye Tianjing in sequence.

After waiting for xiaoyaozi for a long time, Wu Huo asked LAN Feiyu in a low voice, "master LAN, what's the matter with the urgent call for us?" LAN Feiyu is ready to shake her head and say that she doesn't know xiaoyaozi, so she steps into the hall and follows Su Xian.

"Is everyone here?"

Xiaoyaozi's eyes swept around, and Su Xian immediately said, "the Lord of the pavilion, all together."

After xiaoyaozi was seated, LAN Feiyu asked, "what's the matter with the pavilion master?" She didn't look very well when she spoke. She remembered that the last time people got together, it was because xiaoyaozi wanted to announce that he wanted to take over your family.

LAN Feiyu never denies her ambition, otherwise she will not step by step over the elder and become the leader of Huajian hall.

However, no matter how ambitious she is, she has never had the heart of treason, and never thought that one day she would get rid of Jun's family and change Dongyue's Dynasty.

But now even if she didn't have that mind, she did unforgivable things under the leadership of xiaoyaozi!

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