She patted Yunluo on the shoulder, her voice was still soft, "you sleep for a while." Voice down cloud Xiu clothes ten fingers fly, quickly in cloud Luo and green Yao around built a place of fantasy.

As soon as the mirage became a success, Yunluo and Qingyao disappeared in front of everyone as if they had evaporated.

LAN Feiyu and others are shocked. They have never seen a dreamland before, but they have never watched others build a dreamland so close.

Even before they knew what had happened, the Kung Fu dreamland was almost in the blink of an eye!

In a short period of time, the cultivation of Yunxiu clothes seems to have improved a lot. LAN Feiyu sighs in her heart that she doesn't see the wrong person, but she doesn't dare to take it lightly. She always stares at xiaoyaozi's every move to prevent him from attacking Yunxiu's clothes.

After confirming that no one can hurt Yunluo and Qingyao for the time being, yunxiuyi doesn't hide her anger any more. She throws tianxinjue into the air and covers it with the border.

Looking at xiaoyaozi coldly, "before I give you Tianxin Jue, should I calculate the account between you and the cloud family first?"

Gong Yan, who brutally killed countless lives of the Yun family last time, has been killed by Yun Xiuyi himself. This time, she will not easily spare xiaoyaozi.

Although there are not many people left in the cloud family in recent years, those who can survive the changes many years ago are excellent and self-motivated people. What's more, they are dedicated to the cloud family and try their best to assist Yunluo.

Yun Xiuyi vaguely remembers that when she returned to Yun's home four years after she disappeared, they were excited face by face. The joy of initiating the heart was not deceptive.

But such a group of people who regarded her as their family were all killed by xiaoyaozi!

Yun Xiuyi never thought that she was a sentimental person, and she never felt that she would be hindered by these feelings that she used to feel troublesome. But at this moment, she just felt hate filled her chest.

"What's up?" Xiaoyaozi disdains the way back, "you don't weigh how many jin you have."

When Yun Xiu's clothes were built into a dreamland, xiaoyaozi's face was not very good-looking. He guessed in his heart how far the little girl's cultivation had come?

Even with the power of one person, he built a dreamland! He didn't want Yun Xiuyi to leave Tianji Pavilion alive. Now seeing that she has this ability, he feels that keeping her will be a disaster in the future. The sooner you get rid of her, the less accidents will happen.

Xiaoyaozi remembers that she easily designed Yunxiu clothes in front of Jiuyin Temple last time, which made her almost die in Jiugong spirit gathering array. That event was only a few months away from now.

Even if she had the most talent, she could only break through the first level, and her strength was not enough.

After having a general estimate of the cultivation of Yunxiu's clothes, xiaoyaozi looks at the tianxinjue floating in the sky with a smile, with an expression of potential.

She must have built dreamland because she had learned the secret of heaven's heart! A little girl will have the power to build a dreamland when she learns the secret of heaven's heart. If she changes to him, will no one be his opponent in this world?

Yun Xiuyi is too lazy to talk nonsense with xiaoyaozi. He is ready to defeat him in the most embarrassing way. When he gets up, he calls out the spirit beast Zhuque.

With a long and dumb song, a red bird bathing in fire slowly floats out of the body of cloud Xiu's clothes and soars over nine days. The red bird spreads its wings up like a burning flame.

"Rosefinch? It's a rosefinch

"Isn't the rosefinch dead long ago? How can you become a spirit beast... "

These people in Tianji square almost didn't know that the spirit beast in Yunxiu's clothes was rosefinch. At the moment, they widened their eyes and were very excited.

For thousands of years, the four spirits have been guarding the holy existence of Dongyue empire. Even if the four spirits have frequent accidents in the past 20 years, it still does not affect Dongyue people's admiration and reverence for them.

And rosefinch is the head of the four gods, its position in the eyes of Dongyue people is self-evident, so at this moment, they look at Yunxiu clothes with different eyes.

Thousands of words are turned into surprise and exclamation, condensed in the heart, for a long time can not be calm!

At the moment of seeing rosefinch, xiaoyaozi's face completely sank down, and the original expression of potential in must also faintly wavered.

It's tianxinjue and Zhuque. How many secrets are hidden in this girl's body?

Worried that things would change, xiaoyaozi didn't want to delay any longer. He didn't move. The wind was gradually blowing around him, and then the clouds were rolling up in the sky.

Xiaoyaozi's strength Yun Xiuyi had already learned. From the beginning, she didn't dare to despise him. Now she saw that he recognized the truth and released all his spiritual power. Then there were bursts of exclamations in Tianji square.

"The third level spirit saint? I remember that Miss Yun is not many years older than us! ""It's frightening! Although I knew she was powerful before, I didn't know she was so powerful. Oh, my God! She was a disciple of Xuanshui class before

At this moment, they are very glad that they didn't make yunxiuyi too difficult, otherwise they really don't even know how to die.

Jianjia and situ Yan are also crowded in the group of disciples. Looking at Yunxiu's clothes, standing opposite xiaoyaozi, Jianjia keeps pulling his disciples' clothes.

No wonder younger martial brother Mo only has room for her. It turns out that she is not only good-looking, but also powerful.

When she thought that she was better than her at the beginning, she even felt that younger martial brother Mo's eyes were wrong or that she was bewitched by Yunxiu's clothes.

Not only the disciples who came to see the excitement were surprised by the high cultivation of Yunxiu's clothes, but also the hall leaders and elders behind xiaoyaozi. Among them, LAN Feiyu and Zhiyuan just set foot in Lingsheng.

"The third level spirit saint?"

Xiaoyaozi's muddy eyes turned and his face sneered, "you little girl have a deep mind." Xiaoyaozi believes that no one will be promoted several times in a few months, especially between the spirit and the Holy Spirit.

In other words, this little girl is already a holy spirit, but she has been hiding her strength, even risking herself!

"What about the third level Holy Spirit?"

With the release of xiaoyaozi's spiritual power little by little, there was a strong wind in Tianji square. Yun Xiuyi had expected that xiaoyaozi would return to the ruins through spiritual cultivation. No wonder he didn't even pay attention to Junfu.


After both sides of soul power are released, the surrounding air pressure suddenly drops down. I saw a golden light and a black light crisscross and collide with each other, each collision makes the square produce a strong space shock.

Some disciples with low accomplishments even fell on the ground, even LAN Feiyu and others could not help offering spiritual power to protect themselves.

I thought this battle would last for a long time, but after the second spiritual collision, the two lights immediately separated, and the black light suddenly dispersed.

Xiaoyaozi had a pale face, and a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out for several feet.

Did you lose?

They didn't even have time to see the rosefinch in the battle, and their superior cabinet leader lost? Xu did not know what kind of attitude and expression to face the result. There was a strange silence on Tianji square.

Cloud Xiu clothes slowly toward has been seriously injured xiaoyaozi walk, tone contemptuous and disdain, "I also when Tianji pavilion's Pavilion master how powerful."

She smiles, a circle of chill lingers around her body, and even her expression is covered with frost.

"How do you think the accounts between us should be settled? When you were in Daiyunshan, you didn't ask that you had destroyed all the people in your family, but now you have ruined my family. How can I use your life to comfort their spirits in heaven? It doesn't seem enough! "

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