Lin Ge seemed to have seen this for a long time. He didn't lift his eyelids from the beginning to the end, and he didn't say a word to defend Qu Huashang, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with him.

"Since Yun Xiu's clothes don't contain oil and salt, try to force her to do so!"

"Does father have a good plan?"

"Xu is that nothing serious happened in Dongyue during this period, which makes Dongyue's people feel less crisis and think that rumors are just rumors! I heard that Zuo Fu died, and the white tiger of the left family is still in the ancestral hall of the left family. I want to find a way to release him. "

Qu Huachang immediately understood Qu Yuntian's meaning, "my father has a good plan. I'll go to the left house now."

"Wait a minute."

Just as Qu Huashang was about to leave, Qu Yuntian called her, "let the white tiger make trouble for a day, and then spread it out. Yunxiu clothes is the one who can reunite the four spirits. I'd like to see if she really wants to be the enemy of the world!"

"Yes, father." As soon as Qu Hua's clothes leave, Lin Ge will naturally leave with them.

When they left the gate of Qu's house, they saw a lush mountain forest. At that time, insects were singing and birds were singing all the time, but Qu Huashang didn't pay attention to the beautiful scenery.

The Qu family and the Lin family lived in a place called Zhongqu mountain in the west of the East moon empire. Because it is a small mountain, it has never attracted people's attention for so many years, and no one knows that there are two big families in the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, lingo said, "your father... I've been wondering if you were born."

"Shut up

Qu Huashang was hurt a lot at the moment, and she didn't have the strength to deal with lingo. However, this problem lingered in her heart for many years. Her father never seemed to be kind to her, let alone half of her father's responsibility.

From small to big... Qu Huashang's feet vacillated and he was unwilling to think about it any more. "It's not your turn to question whether I'm born or not!"

The next day, the history of Zuojia white tiger's injury was repeated again, and this time was more serious than that many years ago. Only a few hours later, the white tiger killed dozens of people. When Junfu learned about it, the blood was flowing down Zhuque street.

He originally only sent Chu Heng to investigate the reason why the white tiger of the left family hurt people, but unexpectedly Jun Jinyao followed him behind his back.

On Zhuque street, Chu Heng leads a team of bodyguards. As soon as they arrive, they meet the white tiger who rushes around like crazy. As soon as they see the living white tiger, they run over with red eyes.

Even if Chu Heng and others had been on guard for a long time, they couldn't resist the power of the four spirits, and they were killed and killed in a moment.

In the end, Chu Heng was the only one left to fight the enemy tenaciously. At the beginning, even Jun Fu died under the white tiger's claws once. Chu Heng alone could not defeat the white tiger.

Just when he has been scarred and may lose at any time, the white tiger attacks again and pours at Chu Heng.

In the electric light and flint, Jun Jinyao offers a spiritual power to block the huge body of the white tiger. While the white tiger moves slowly, she quickly pulls Chu Heng to a safe place.

"Who asked you to come?"

After being rescued by Jun Jinyao, Chu Heng scolds her without even saying thanks. Her voice is so loud that Jun Jinyao blinks twice, thinking that she is dazed. Maybe the person in front of her is not Chu Heng.

Aware of his gaffe, Chu Heng awkwardly looked away, "I..." he was just about to apologize, and the white tiger nearby suddenly roared.

Another round of fighting starts again. With Jun Jinyao's joining, Chu Heng is still at ease at first, but gradually he clearly feels the great disparity between himself and Bai Hu. He is thinking of taking Jun Jinyao out, and Jun Jinyao is patted by Bai Hu.

Before she could get up, the white tiger rushed over again.

Chu Heng wants to block Jun Jinyao's body without thinking, but it's still a step too late. He watches the white tiger clap on Jun Jinyao's chest.

The blood soon dyed her clothes red. Although she was seriously injured, Jun Jinyao tried her best to roll aside. While the white tiger was unprepared, she picked up the guard's sword and stabbed the white tiger. Although she didn't hit the key, she successfully drove it away.

When the danger is relieved, junjinyao finally staggers down. Before hitting the ground, chuheng quickly runs to catch her.

"Cloud... Cloud elder sister..." before the coma, Jun Jinyao subconsciously called out the cloud Xiuyi.

Chu Heng only thinks that she is to let him take her to zhulanglou to find Yunxiu clothes to heal. He can't help but pick her up and run towards zhulanglou.


Yunluo and ye Xingming are the first people to know that Chu Heng is here. They didn't want to talk to him, but they heard that Chu Heng came to zhulanglou because Jun Jinyao was seriously injured. If it was because of Jun Jinyao, they would have to think more about it.After much consideration, Yunluo puts them in. He waits in the front yard to ridicule Chu Heng. As a result, he forgets everything when he sees Jun Jinyao covered with blood.

Ye Xingming did not expect that Jun Jinyao would be so seriously injured. He said in a hurry, "come in, come in."

Ye Xingming has just arranged a room for Jun Jinyao. Yunluo goes to find Yunxiu's clothes. Even if they don't want to take care of Jun's family any more, they are as good as ever to the ninth Princess of Jun's family.

After entering the room, without looking at Chu Heng, Yun Xiu goes directly to Jun Jinyao's bedside. With only one eye, Yun Xiu frowns slightly.

"White tiger hurt?"

That year, Junfu was cured by her, so she recognized the paw mark of white tiger. Chu Heng smell speech immediately nod, "nine princess is really hurt by white tiger, she is in coma before calling you, I will bring her over." Just at this time, Jun Jinyao called "sister Yun".

"I see. You three should avoid first."

Yunluo and ye Xingming turn around and want to go out, but they see Chu Heng's dignified face and don't seem to want to leave. Yunluo says angrily, "if you can't believe my elder sister, you can take Jun Jinyao away. We won't stop him."

"Don't stop it

Ye Xingming also echoed. Chu Heng looks at them and doesn't know what they are thinking. After a while, they turn around and walk out. Yunluo and ye Xingming look at each other and walk out.

Outside the door, Yunluo casually asked, "when Zuoluo dies, does Zuoluo's white tiger really get out of control?"

Chuheng heard the irony in Yunluo dialect, but he explained patiently, "after all the left family members are put in prison, the left family will become empty house."

"I went to see the white tiger once. At that time, it was in the ancestral hall of the left family. I didn't dare to make decisions privately, so I told the emperor about it. But before the emperor thought about the way to deal with the white tiger, the white tiger ran out of control and escaped from the ancestral hall of the left family, injuring countless lives."

"Out of control again?"

"The white tiger is quite easy to get out of control."

Yunluo and ye Xingming, you say a word, I say a word, a pair of watching the excitement is not too big appearance, "how did I say at the beginning, can make that person headache, I think Zuoli after death finally did a good thing, make me very satisfied."

Just when ye Xingming wants to go on talking, Yun Xiuyi comes out. She says to Chu Heng, "she will wake up later. Go in and guard it!"

"So fast?" Yunluo complains that he hasn't said enough“ Ah? Sister, where are you going? "

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