Let nalanyun take Qingyao, Wenyu and Yunluo to have a rest. Moxilou takes yunxiuyi to the palace where Gongyi dye ink.

Gongyi ranmo seems to have expected that a guest will come today. As soon as Jinli runs out, he will wait here. It may not be a guest in a few days.

"Is this the little girl you're hiding from me?"

Gongyi dye ink usually does not like to joke, this time is to see thousands of years later, moxilou finally took a little girl home, just can't help but tease a word, then he said to yunxiuyi, "can't go out to meet, impolite place don't blame."


Yunxiuyi looks at Gongyi dyeing ink. Maybe it's because he's a good friend of moxilou. When we first met, we had a good impression on him. While yunxiuyi looks at Gongyi dyeing ink, the other person is also looking at her.

As a matter of fact, Gongyi was already familiar with Yunxiu clothes. He could not be familiar with it any more. He not only heard about it from moxilou, but also from Nalan sisters. Finally God changed the realm of a new little girl, mouth unexpectedly or Xiuyi sister.

After saying hello, Gongyi dye ink naturally very concerned about the four spirits, "if you can come back so early, there should be nothing wrong with the world!"


After hearing Mo Xi Lou's reply, Gong Yi Ran Mo once again turned his eyes to Yun Xiu's clothes. "You are the first person who can change my hexagram. I don't have to worry about the bad luck of the hexagram with you in the future."

At this time, Jinli also said, "sister Xiuyi can change the future. I want to be the same as sister Xiuyi."

"You'd better exercise this ability first. Do you want to change the future For this little girl who doesn't want to make progress, Gongyi doesn't know what to say.

"I'll try." When it comes to foresight, Jinli naturally thinks of the limitless continent again, "sister Xiuyi, do you know what's going on in the limitless continent now? Brother Nanchu, are they OK now

"Gu Nanxu opened the nighttime bead. In a few days, he should go to the limitless continent. You don't have to worry. With nighttime bead, you can suppress the spirit pulse again."

"Really? That's great. "

Jinli's eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance. This matter has been blocked in her heart for a long time, and now she can finally rest assured. During this period of time, because she had something hidden in her heart, she didn't want to enjoy the scenery of the changing world. This time, she must have a good look.

"Jiuzhou is open?" Gongyi dye ink did not forget this thing, "now there is no master in the three realms of immortals, human beings and the underworld. If it goes on for a long time, I'm afraid it will be chaotic."

"Three thousand years ago, the Lord of heaven and earth sealed the three realms of immortal, human and hell with Yuan Shen, but this time I didn't find her yuan Shen."

Looking for the spirit? Yunxiuyi thought a little, and then he understood why Mo Xi Lou spent so long to deal with a Qu Yuntian that day. It turned out that he was looking for the God of heaven and earth.

"Can it be that her spirit has been scattered over the years?"

"No Mo Xi floor very affirmative reply way, "if scatter nine continents already open, perhaps is I neglect, her yuan Shen should still be somewhere."

At this time, the eyebrow of cloud Xiu clothes suddenly brightened. Although it was very short, the light was very dazzling. Cloud Xiu clothes I can't see, don't know what happened, Mo Xi floor and Gongyi dye ink but slightly a Leng.

After returning to God, Gongyi ran Mo said to himself, "this little girl in your family is really not simple. Since the world is peaceful for the time being, should you also give someone a place?"

"She didn't want to give me a place."

If before cloud Xiu clothes must despise Mo Xi Lou for a while, but this time she took the initiative to answer a way, "I come back with you is not to give you the honor?"

Mo Xi Lou was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and then he grinned. If it wasn't for Gongyi dye Mo, I'm afraid we'd be happy to have a hug and kiss, "then we'll have the wedding in a few days, just in the state of God change."


Looking at Mo Xi Lou like a young man in love, Gong Yi Ran Mo was surprised and wanted to laugh. At last, he could only sigh. After so many years, he finally found a partner for himself. Otherwise, he thought he really wanted to spend his life with him!


The wedding of yunxiuyi and moxilou was soon put on the agenda. This time, yunluocao was still in charge of the wedding, while Wenyu was helping him. When they got busy, they naturally forgot the unhappy things.

Within a few days, the invitation was sent to different places: Gu Nanxu and nalanjin in the limitless continent; jimochuan, Tang Yishuang, Zhongli, Ningzhi and suzixiang in the eastern moon empire; beigongjue, Fu Qinghuan and nangongchen in the wasteland.

There are few people in the realm of divine change, because everyone is busy preparing for the wedding, including wedding dress, jewelry, decoration, wedding banquet and so on.Just when everyone was very busy, yunxiuyi was as indifferent as ever. She kept herself in the room these days. Jinli once went to find her and found that she was playing with two pale eyes.

What Yun Xiuyi was busy with during this period was the two eyes she had gouged out from Gong Yan. Because Gong Yan had used them for many years, she was removing the turbid Qi from them.

The last time she wore a red wedding dress, Qingyao regretted that she couldn't see her. This time, she wanted to cure her eyes before the wedding.

Qingyao has always known that her daughter's medical skills seem to be good. Although she doesn't know where she learned it, she was still in a trance for a long time after yunxiuyi said that she would let her see the light again.

She has been blind for decades, and she really didn't think that one day she could see again, "Xiuyi, if you can't see it, you can't see it. I'm used to it."

Worried that Yunxiu clothes would be under pressure, Qingyao refused her offer.

But then she heard Yun Xiuyi say, "don't you want to see me in my wedding dress? Believe me, I can make you see it again. "

See her daughter in her wedding dress? With this sentence, Qingyao is moved. She wants to see Yunxiu's wedding dress. Even if it's not a wedding dress, it's good to see her. She doesn't even know what her daughter looks like.

After agreeing to yunxiuyi's proposal, Qingyao still doesn't forget to comfort her in advance, "if you fail, it doesn't matter, you don't have pressure."


After removing the turbid air from her eyes, Yunxiu clothes put it into Qingyao's eyes. First, she restored the nerves around her eyes with "floating embers", and then restored the vitality of her eyes and nerves with spiritual power. She confirmed that there was no problem.

Yun Xiuyi then covered his eyes with gauze. The eyeball and nerves had to be raised in the eyes of Qing Yao for a few days, so it was not easy to see light for the time being.

Qingyao's eyes have been empty for decades. Although she can't see them now, just the feeling of turning her eyes can make her excited. She thinks that even if she still can't see them, she is complete.

In the future, you don't have to worry about Xinyue's fear when she sees her. If Xiuyi has another child, she can also help take care of her.

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