Before seeing anyone, Gongyi ran Mo hears Jinli's cry. She sobs and asks, "childe, Jingzhu... Jingzhu, is what he says true?" When he came to Gongyi, Jinli's eyes had become a little rabbit.

"I don't want to learn any divination, I don't want to change my fate, I don't want to save anyone, I just want you to be good, I don't want you to lose your arms."

Looking at Jinli crying pitifully, Gongyi glances at Mo Xi Lou: look at what you've done.

The latter, however, has an innocent face. Without explanation, he takes Yun Xiu's hand and leaves the main hall. Naturally, nalanyun also leaves with him.

When only Gongyi ranmo and Jinli are left in the main hall, Jinli's cry becomes more clear and loud. Gongyi's headache is because he seldom meets a child who is gifted with foresight.

I didn't expect it was a little trouble.

"Do you believe what he said?"

Gongyi took out a plain white brocade handkerchief and handed it to Jinli, "you think carefully, you and I are not relatives. Why should I hurt my body in order to teach you divination? Why should I do this for you? "

In the face of Gongyi's repeated questions, Jinli's mood gradually calms down. Although the childe's words are very hurtful, they are reasonable.

You really have no reason to do this for her, but... Mingming has calmed down, but Jinli is more and more sad. It turns out that they are not relatives in your eyes, they are nothing!

This time, Jinli is no longer crying, but silently shed tears, straight call Gongyi also more at a loss.

Even though nalanyun and nalandot had been sent to the realm of divine change by nalanjin since childhood, they had never cried in public because of the family's teaching.

Gongyi has no experience in coaxing children for thousands of years. He sighed, and his tone was as gentle as ever. "You don't believe me?"

It's because I believe that I feel sad

Jinli looks at Gongyi dye ink, which is covered with water mist, through her hazy eyes. She only knew that she cared about his happiness, anger, sadness and happiness, but she never thought about the reason. This time, she suddenly realized that

So she likes childe!

Because of this recognition, Jinli cried even more sad. The young master always thought that she was a child. If he knew that she had such an idea, he would drive her out of the state of divine change, and never pay attention to her again, never see her again.

At the thought of never seeing the young master again, Jinli felt flustered. She took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears on her face with her sleeve.

"I'm... I'm fine..."

I wanted to talk to you, but I couldn't help choking. Jinli had to cover her mouth and run away crying. She couldn't let you know that she liked him. She didn't want to leave you.

Looking at the figure that disappeared in an instant in Jinli, Gongyi ranmo shook his head helplessly. Now the children's mind is really hard to guess.


East moon empire.

In fact, no one told Yunluo about his departure from the realm of divine change. Although Gongyi divined for him, he had no confidence at all. He was afraid that this time he would fall into the hands of xiaoyaozi again, and finally his elder sister saved him.

As soon as he arrived at tianque, the news that nalandot got from somewhere came after him. She regardless of blocking cloud Luo's way, "I don't let you go."

"Get out of the way."

Yunluo's tone was a little less tough and a little more powerless. "No one can persuade me about this matter. I must take revenge for the blood feud of the cloud family. Even if I die in the hands of xiaoyaozi, I must go."

He has lived for such a long time. Now his sister has become a parent and has a child. Aunt Qingyao can see it in her eyes. He has nothing to worry about in this world. Even if he died, he had to end the grudge, otherwise he could not bear the inner condemnation.

In front of Yunluo, without his usual playful smile, nalandot felt very strange.

"Blood feud is revenge, but why must we die? If you have an accident, sister Yun will be sad, and so will Madame Qingyao. "

Speaking of the end, nalando's eyes were slightly red, "I will be sad too..."

She pulled Yunluo's sleeve and advised carefully, "come back with me! First, you should cultivate yourself in the state of divine change. One day you will be xiaoyaozi's opponent and Junfu's opponent. Shall we take revenge? "


Xu is usually used to noisy, cloud Luo also feel in front of nalandot is very strange, "it will be OK." After a long silence, Yunluo comforted her and said, "Gongyi has divined for me. It will be OK.""The square and round mirrors of heaven and earth are gone. You can only get the result, but you can't know the detailed process. Even if you live in the end and the process is not good, I won't let you go."

Yunluo has never seen such a stubborn nalandot, and a strange feeling gradually rises in his heart.

"Even so, I still have to go. Xiaoyaozi is old enough. When I'm trained enough to be his opponent, I'm afraid he will die long ago."

As a matter of fact, Yunluo is very open about life and death after he is free from worries. "Every day I dream of the day when xiaoyaozi and his left family blood wash the cloud family. Only when I really stand in front of xiaoyaozi and fight with him can I get rid of the nightmare. Can you understand this kind of mood?"


Looking at the resolution in Yunluo's eyes, nalandot finally swallowed the words of persuasion, "I'll go with you."

"No way!"

Cloud Luo inexplicably angry, "that is our cloud family's revenge, what do you have to do with it?"? If something happens to you, how can I explain it to my sister and brother-in-law? How to explain to yun'er and your father? Do you want me to fall into guilt for you after I finally avenged the cloud family? "

"That's not what I mean." If Yunluo said this at ordinary times, nalando would have a quarrel with him, but now he had to take his mood into consideration, "I can only rest assured if I go with you."

"You can rest assured?"

Yunluo frowned slightly, because he was worried about nalandou's safety, and his tone was fierce. "Nalandou, when is the relationship between us so good? Let you worry, I worry to catch up with the East moon empire from the realm of divine change? "

"Oh Yunluo suddenly realized, "I remember, you used to like me. Yes? Want to make me feel good about you? "


Nalandot was almost pushed away by Yunluo. He left directly, but reason made her unable to walk.

She broke the jar and said, "yes! I just like you. What's the matter? From the first time I met you in the cloud home, I fell in love with you. Is it wrong to like someone? It's you! Yun'er always says that I'm not sensible. You are more mischievous than me now! "

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