Master’s a Byoukidere and Needs Pampering!

Chapter 407: : Xu Fang, the second child is not born (one more)

Ming Hongwei changed his mouth: "Old lady, is your health better?"

Xu Jiuru has a very bad mental head, lying weakly and half-lying: "It's not a big problem, I'm bothered by Ming Dong."

"It's okay." Ming Hongwei said politely, "You have to take care of yourself. Jiang's family is now a mess, but you can't preside over the overall situation without you."

A pan of loose sand.

He can really say it.

Xu Jiuru doesn't go in circles anymore: "Ming Dong, you are a smart person. There is no need to pretend to be a fool with me."

Ming Hongwei looked innocent: "I don't understand what you mean."

Put it here to install it.

"That five percent of the shares is what Jiang Zhi asked you to ask for." Xu Jiuru impatiently played Tai Chi with him, spread the words and said, "Your Paterson equipment was also deliberately incorporated into my Jiang family, right? So it’s convenient for you to light the ignition fan here and let the warehouse smoke by the way."

The Jiang family played a good card, and there was a lot of Ming Hongwei’s credit in it. He betrayed the Lu family on the surface and brought all the customer resources to the Jiang family. Didn't he make the smoke?

Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, Ming Hongwei will not deny it, and admits generously: "You are right."

Starting from his son losing money in a bet on horses, it was a game. Of course, he was a pawn, and Jiang Zhi and Lu Jia were the players.

"I won't hold these accountable." Xu Jiuru called him not to settle the accounts, but to protect himself. "Dong Ming, please speak up, how can I spit out that five percent of the shares."

No more, no more, just five percent, Jiang Zhi is considered good, and this five percent is just about who is in charge of the Jiang clan.

Ming Hongwei also pretended to think before and after: "Mrs. Jiang, let me tell you the truth, I'm a part-time worker, and the CEO of Baide Machinery is not me at all."

The predecessor of Baide Medical was Wancong Medical, a listed pharmaceutical company that went bankrupt. Ten years ago, Wancong Medical was acquired by Ming Hongwei, which suddenly emerged from the business district, and was later renamed Baide Medical.

Xu Jiuru never thought that Ming Hongwei was only a professional manager. She had a bad feeling: "Who is your boss?"

Ming Hongwei said: "Our boss is named Lu."

There is only one family named Lu in the capital.

"Lu Sheng?"

Ming Hongwei shook his head: "It's the eldest son."

It was the Lu Xinglan who was rumored to only sleep.

So, don't believe too much in the rumors. The lion is always a lion. Even if he has been sleeping, don't think he is innocent and harmless. If he bites you, he will kill you.

Ming Hongwei gave a conscience sentence: "Our eldest son not only likes to sleep, but also likes to play with stocks and do business, and earn a little money to buy a good bed."

What Lu Xinglan is best at is annexation. He does not run a company, but only engages in enterprise annexation.

Ming Hongwei asked Lu Xinglan why he likes this business. Lu Xinglan replied at the time: "I want to make money to buy a bed." He loves to sleep and costs a bed.

Xu Jiuru was speechless, and it was the Lu family who was shouting to catch the thief. Well, the good grandsons Lin Qiunan taught are more sinister and cunning.

"Sell me the shares," Xu Jiuru went straight to the point, throwing bait, "As long as you return the shares, I will let you be the real master of Baide Equipment."

In the Jiang family, there are still many people surnamed Jiang, and Baide Instruments has been incorporated into the Jiang family. It is not difficult for her to change the master.

Ming Hongwei smiled and touched his beer belly: "Mrs. Jiang, you still have to be a conscience."

Lu Xinglan has the kindness of knowing and encountering him, he is easy to get, but Bole is hard to find.

Jiang Zhi and Zhou Xufang have moved back to the Qingshan Mansion. The security there is more thorough, and it is safer than living in the opposite side of Fang's ideal home.

I ate dinner at Lu's house. As soon as Zhou Xufang came back, she vomited in the bathroom. Her morning sickness reaction was not very serious, but it was strange that she vomited more severely in the morning and evening.

Jiang Zhi looked distressed, but couldn't suffer for her, so he could only be anxious.

He patted her on the back: "Do you still want to vomit?"


Zhou Xufang squatted on the toilet, not wanting to move, his mouth was so bitter.

Jiang Zhi took a glass of water and came over: "You rinse your mouth."

She didn't want to move, and let Jiang Zhi feed it. After rinsing a few times, the bitterness in her mouth disappeared.

Jiang Zhi wiped her mouth with his hands, not too dirty, and went to kiss after wiping.

Zhou Xufang hid back: "I just vomited and it was very dirty."

Jiang Zhi drew a towel and wiped her hands and face: "I don't think you are dirty."

He used to have a lot of troubles and was very delicate, especially like being clean and picky. After finding a girlfriend, he ate her leftovers and used her leftovers. He didn't feel like he was a ghost at all. Have fun.

"Your cleanliness addiction was cured by me." Zhou Xufang felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Jiang Zhi picked her up and sat on the toilet lid, holding her face in his hands: "I haven't kissed you wherever you are, so there is no cleanliness."


In the past, Jiang Zhi blushed when he held a small hand, but now he has failed to learn.

Zhou Xufang said to him: "Jiang Zhi, you are an old driver." Her steely three views were all "corroded" by him.

He didn't do this in front of others, he just said everything in front of her.

"It's all learned from you." Jiang Zhi's tone began to be squeamish, with an expression of "I'm innocent, it's all to blame for you for ruining me".

Zhou Xufang thought he was very bad. She was so innocent before, but she actually thought he was a good person with integrity and selflessness.

Zhou Xufang: "You are a hooligan."

Jiang Zhi: "Yeah."

"You are a hooligan."



Well, she is used to it, then she will recognize it.

Jiang Zhi, a tall man of eighteen meters tall, squatted in front of her, with his hands still on her knees, like a well-behaved Tibetan mastiff with only paws: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Zhou Xufang still feels vomiting a little bit, but she can endure the strong: "It's much better."

Jiang Zhi lowered his head, staring at her lower abdomen, reached out his hand, poked lightly, and said to the ear in her stomach: "Be good, don't toss your mother."

Zhou Xufang conditioned his stomach to stand up, and poked himself: "It's amazing."

Jiang Zhi looked up: "What?"

"There will be a kid calling me mom in the future."

In the future, there will be a child, like her, or Jiang Zhi, who has half of her genes and half of Jiang Zhi's genes. Zhou Xufang thinks it is amazing and strange.

Compared with the magic, Jiang Zhi was more worried: "It's still a little bit early, how old you are."

He originally planned to have children after the age of 30, mainly because the world of the two hasn't had enough. The thought that a small oil bottle would occupy Zhou Xufang's time and energy in the future made him feel a sense of crisis.

"My eldest mother told me several times that she and grandma both hope to keep their children in the Lu family." Of course, Jiang Zhi also hopes so, but he has to listen to Zhou Xufang, "Will the baby bring them? ?"

Zhou Xufang didn't even think about it: "I can bring it myself."

Jiang Zhi has seen the children of Qiao Nanchu's cousin's family, crying endlessly. He is selfish and doesn't want Zhou Xufang to be tired: "It will be very hard and I can't sleep at night."

Zhou Xufang shook his head, resolutely: "I want to try."


He couldn't hold her back: "It's up to you."

What can be done, he helped with it.

Jiang Zhi thought of another thing: "Xu Fang, do you want a second child in the future?"


The first child is still in his stomach. Zhou Xufang felt his stomach, but it was still flat: "I haven't thought about this problem."

Jiang Zhi said, "Now think about it."

She thought about it, then nodded.

She wants to have two babies, preferably one child and one daughter.

"I have no objection, but you have to wait for your blood transfusion problem to be resolved before you consider it, okay?" Jiang Zhi actually has no principles, just one thing, her safety comes first.

Zhou Xufang promised: "Good."

She thought of another thing, and whispered to Jiang Zhi: "What about the accident?" Isn't the rich **** in her stomach an accident?

Jiang Zhi frowned and thought for a while: "Should I use two?"


Zhou Xufang covered his mouth with two red clouds floating on his face: "Don't say it."

Jiang Zhi pecked at the palm of her hand, and moved his face toward her: "You said it first."

Zhou Xufang hum: "You are a little color embryo."

He laughed and said solemnly: "Xu Fang, can I go for ligation, huh?" He thought about this question carefully, "I want to go to surgery after birth."

Zhou Xufang categorically refused: "No."


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