"Give me water!" he cried suddenly.

Mo Wan was startled, and even his body shook. Pei Yishuang in his arms wrinkled his small face, but he didn't wake up.

Pei Yihuan's heavy body sank into the wide and soft sofa, and his handsome look was more agitated: "water!"

It's late at night. Is he going to wake everyone up?

Although my heart is full of resentment against him, the servant is already asleep. Can't I wake the servant up for a glass of water?

Mo Wan was helpless, walked back to the sofa, carefully put Pei Yishuang, and then handed over a glass of water: "here."

The smell of wine on his body was so strong that it almost suffocated people.

His eyes were still closed, he was pulling his shirt with one hand, while he drank up the water, and the cup was still raised to her eyes: "more!"

Don't stare at him!

He is such a rogue and reckless after being drunk! She took the crystal cup from his hand. She stood still, just suppressing a voice mixed with a little anger: "there is water in your room. Go back to your room and drink!"

Pei Yishuang's small body on the sofa has wriggled. If the noise continues, he will wake up!

"I'll drink here. If I can't do it, go away!"

Don't bite your teeth. I really want to pat the cup on his face!

At this time, Aunt Chen walked into the living room and saw Mo Wan respectfully say, "Miss mo."

"Aunt Chen, why haven't you slept yet?"

"When I heard the second young master's voice, I knew he was drunk, so I cooked some sobering soup. Later, please ask Miss Mo to feed the second young master for me."

Mo Wan was stunned: "Aunt Chen, I --"

"It's really troublesome for Miss mo. the third young master has returned home. I have to rush to his apartment to help clean up later. Although the second young master is usually cold and frightening, the second young master is very good after getting drunk!"

She wanted to say something more to refuse, but Aunt Chen put the sobering soup into her hand and hurried away.

From beginning to end, she didn't even have room to refuse!

The room is large and extremely luxurious, with a mature smell unique to men.

Only a weak bedside lamp was still on, enveloping the whole room in dim yellow.

Pei Yihuan is lying on the bed. His white shirt is half open and half exposed. He is wild and uninhibited. His nose is high and his thin lips are close in a straight line. There is a kind of sexy penetration!

I still have a deep hatred for him in my heart. Don't pull cold cheeks, slap him on the shoulder with one hand, and say, "turn around!"

His handsome eyebrows moved, his arms suddenly lifted, and he fell on his chest unprepared.

Even through the material of the shirt, she can clearly feel his powerful chest muscles and the lines that are enough to expand the blood vessels of all women.


Her heart beat fast and almost jumped out of her chest.

When her wrist moved, she wanted to get up from his chest, but as soon as she moved, Pei Yihuan felt it. With a vain turn of her body, she pressed Mo Wan under her body.

His eyes widened, don't pull your hands, subconsciously put them against his burning chest and shouted, "get out of the way! Wake up!"

What the hell is going on?

Is this what Aunt Chen says is very good?

At this time, Pei Yihuan was completely addicted to his thoughts. Where could he hear her?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a cluster of flame beat in his blurred eyes. One hand clasped Mo Wan's jaw, bent over, and immediately contained Mo Wan's tender red lips.

Mo Wan was completely frightened for a moment. He was stunned and forgot his reaction.

The temperature from her fingers almost scalded her delicate skin. Every touch of him seemed to take an electric current, jumping through her limbs and bones, making her whole person soft.

At the same time, Pei Yihuan's big hand moved down.

The body suddenly cooled, Mo recovered his mind, turned pale, struggled desperately and twisted: "what are you doing! Let go! Let go of me quickly!"

Her struggle and resistance seemed to annoy Pei Yihuan, who had little patience at all.

A thin layer of sweat came out of his forehead.

Really, Mo Wan is a little scared.

He began to push hard away from his chest.

"Go away, you go away, you bastard, go away!"

At any time, there is a desire to conquer in men's hearts.


The dazzling sun shines through the window screen. On the luxurious and spacious European bed, the sun falls on Mo Wan's face. Bai Xi has no time, reflecting a light softness.

After a long time, the long eyelashes blinked, Mo's eyebrows wrinkled together, and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the only feeling was pain. The whole body was like being run over by a truck. She was weak and weak. Her mind began to clear slowly. The scene of last night began to be replayed in front of her eyes. Her hand dropped on her side gradually tightened, and her teeth bit the lip flap.

Her mind was full of confusion, and her heart was more flustered and overwhelmed. She hugged the quilt tightly and curled up in the corner.

What to do? What to do? Things shouldn't be so chaotic.

Mo Wan's heart is heavy, even her head hurts, a burst of tight pain, how does she face everything next!

A sound sounded, the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and Pei Yihuan, who was only surrounded by a bath towel around his waist, came out. His eyes fell on Mo Wan. His thin lips aroused a touch of ridicule: "your ambition looks very big, and it's not a good thing for women to be too greedy."

"What do you mean?" Mo Wan raised his head and stared at him.

When he sat down on the sofa, he picked up a glass of red wine. His voice was rambling: "I got the old man's money, but I'm not satisfied with the pursuit of soft body." Mo listened, the fire in his body burned violently, and a burst of angry sneer: "animals will bite back as expected."

Hearing the speech, Pei Yihuan slightly raised his eyes and pulled a cold smile from the corners of his mouth: "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand?" Mo Wan said with a sneer, "if you didn't force me, why do you think I would appear on your bed at this time?"

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