Besides, women will cry. What's good about the trouble?

Pei Yijing just drinks tea and has no words.

Han Cheng took better care of him, but he didn't know whether his second brother heard the two coughs on his mobile phone.

If he didn't hear it, he was lucky. If he heard it, he thought it was time to move his position.


Lin Ruolan went out of the hospital and moved into Pei's house. He didn't eat much or sleep much these days. He lost a whole circle.

Mo Wan couldn't see it. She always said this comforting words to her to make her relax.

Yihuan is not at home these days. He says there is an emergency in the company and he has to travel during this period.

Mo Wan never bothers much about the company.

The other side.

Han Cheng came back from hunting and got a very rich harvest.

Roasted the pheasant, and then handed the most delicious part to Pei Yijing: "tell me what else you want to eat, but why do you think you must eat roast chicken today?"

"Roast chicken is always delicious, but I've never eaten freshly roasted chicken."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier? As long as you promise to be with me, I'll give you roast chicken every day. As long as you want to eat, I'll do it for you!"

Han Cheng smiled and felt very happy in his heart.

"You're so good. Why are you so crazy?" Pei Yijing put down the roast chicken in his hand.

"What's crazy? We live together. It's ok if you're not used to living in the cabin here. How about I let them build a villa here?"

Han Cheng has a very beautiful plan in his heart: "you still like planting flowers and plants. You can plant flowers and plants in front of the villa and have a wine cellar. You don't love photography. All the underground floors are left to you as a studio!"

Pei Yijing got up: "don't you think you are very paranoid in this relationship?"

"Why paranoia, because love wants to get, what paranoia is this? Say, I'll give you what you want!"

As long as he can be happy, he gives everything he wants, all to him!

"I said that everything can't develop according to what you mean. Don't you understand? You can't control me, Han Cheng..."

His voice was faint and warm, like the maple leaves across the air.

Han Cheng firmly said, "I can definitely control you. I believe in myself!"

"Then why do you think I can stand up now?" Pei Yijing turned and stared at him faintly.

At this time, Han Cheng noticed that he glared at him: "why can you stand up? I injected you with medicine, why can you stand up?"

"That's why it's impossible to imprison you..."

Pei Yijing's voice is gentle and indifferent, as if it were calm,

Han Cheng stared at him more ruthlessly: "what have you done behind me?"

"I didn't do anything, but the medicine you injected was replaced with glucose, that's all."

"I asked you how you did it. You don't have the strength to do those things. Who gave you the glucose, doctor?"

Han Cheng pressed one question after another and didn't let Pei Yijing breathe at all.

"Of course not. Naturally, it's the people around me. I said your method can't last long. Do you believe it now?"

"I don't believe it!"

Pei Yijing felt that there was no need to continue talking with him. He couldn't listen to anything, but whistled gently.

The sound of whistle fell, a burst of footsteps came, and then a large group of people appeared behind Han Cheng.

It's Pei Yihuan and a group of men in suits.

Han Cheng was not surprised to see the visitor, but took it for granted. When Pei Yijing's cough came from his mobile phone, he had a certain premonition in his heart.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Pei Yihuan's action was so fast.

"Now, the game is over..." Pei Yihuan's eyes fell on Han Cheng and said word by word.

Han Cheng's energy and spirit seemed to be drained in an instant, and the whole person didn't have any strength.

Pei Yijing stared at him: "the end of this matter has been expected in my heart, hasn't it?"

"Even so, as long as it's what I want, no one can take it!"

Han Cheng is still stubborn. Pei Yijing smiled faintly: "even so, you will never get what you want in your heart..."

"I believe that time is possible. As long as time is long enough, everything is possible..."

"I think you still don't understand one thing. Everything is possible. The only impossible thing is the people's heart. Otherwise, your mother has been with your father for 30 years. Your father still hates your mother as before. No matter how your mother tries to please him, what you get is cold eyes. Do you think 30 years is not long enough?"

Pei Yijing frowned gently, "how long is it?"

When he mentioned his parents, Han Cheng's look changed and became quiet. This sentence was like a knife firmly inserted into his heart.

The deadlock between his parents has always been a permanent pain in his heart. His mother always carefully follows his father to please his father, which can be described as doing her best.

But there was nothing in exchange. My father was still out drinking and drinking. He seldom came home in a year. My mother always cried.

The family is like dead people all year round. There will never be laughter, and some are just noise.

"Your parents haven't taught you a deep lesson. Don't you get any inspiration and feelings from them?"

Han Cheng had no words. His face was tightly stretched. Even his hands hanging on his side were clenched tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands burst up.

"So if you insist on doing it again, the outcome between us will be worse than your father and mother. Obviously, that's enough.

I hope you can think clearly. If you can think clearly, we can still be friends, but if you still can't understand, then certain measures must be taken for my own safety... "

The words were like a mirror here, and the voice fell. Pei Yijing followed Pei Yihuan and left, leaving Han Cheng alone.

"Why? Why? Why must it be like this! What's wrong with living here together? Why must it be like this?"

Han Cheng was like a wounded beast. He fell to the ground and shouted.

"I haven't tried yet. Why do I know I can't! Maybe the final result will be unexpected!"

But at the thought of his parents, he was lying on the ground, his eyes were dull and distracted, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that Pei Yijing finally came back safely, Lin Ruolan finally put down his heart.

Mo Wan also breathed a sigh of relief. The last crisis was finally lifted, and all of them can rest assured.

Lin Ruolan also heard those things from Mo Wan's mouth. She was not surprised because Han Cheng liked Yijing. She knew it very early.

The only thing she didn't expect was that Han Cheng would do such a thing out of control. She could even think of imprisoning Yijing. Why did he become so crazy and paranoid?

"It's always good that this matter can end safely. Since yijingdu doesn't exclude Ruolan, should some things be done?"

Mo asked with a smile.

Lin Ruolan smiled and his eyes fell on Pei Yijing.

Pei Yijing's expression was still as gentle as before. He raised his hand and gently rubbed her hair with indulgence and pity: "follow her."

"Don't! Why follow me? How can this sound so casual? Of course, marriage requires the consent of both parties. How do I feel that I have become a forced marriage?"

Lin Ruolan looked at him: "there are only two answers to this kind of thing, one is willing, the other is unwilling. Where is the third answer with her!"

Pei Yijing was trained one by one. He touched his nose and said, "OK."

Mo Wan smiled: "it's the first time to see our photographer Pei like this. As the saying goes, everything has its nemesis. If blue is the nemesis of Yijing."

Er Xuan was eating candied haws, which made her little face wrinkled into a mess: "who is my nemesis?"

"Of course it's Haotian. What you fear most is Haotian?" Mo Wan pinched her nose.

"Who is Haotian's nemesis?"

"This..." Mo Wan really didn't know how to answer this question.

Haotian is always reasonable and rarely contradicts people. Moreover, everything is done from beginning to end, so you can't find a place to be picky.

So she and Yihuan seldom teach Haotian. He is always like a little adult, so they are not his nemesis at all.

"Don't mommy know? Hum, I must find his nemesis. When he bullies me in the future, I can find his nemesis!"

"What you think is quite long-term. Since you decide to get married, you'd better hand it over to the wedding company. You're busy during this period."

Pei Yihuan picked up Xiao Qi: "also call Yifeng and ask him to come back from the United States."

Xiao Qi's round black eyes fell on the sugar gourd. His pink tongue kept licking his lips and looked at Er Xuan with tears.

"You can't eat this kind of food, so you'd better be quiet." Er Xuan said to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi was wronged. Bai Nen's two fat hands grabbed daddy's clothes: "bad... Bad..."

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