"No, Rusu, you don't know what responsibility is..." Pei Yijing said directly: "she can't swim. If you want to take her, she is your responsibility. Her safety is related to you."

"Do you think what will happen to her is all my relationship?" Liu Rusu shook his head slowly, which is unbelievable.

"If you hadn't taken her to the sea and left her, that might not have happened..."

"Is this a good intention to do bad things?" Liu Rusu shrugged his shoulders casually. "Isn't she safe now?"

"What do you think will happen if the second brother doesn't take those measures in time and I don't notice her in time?" Pei Yijing frowned slowly and looked at her.

"The key is that nothing has happened now, and the assumption you said is not tenable!" Liu Rusu really doesn't understand why he has been holding on to this unimportant problem!

Pei Yijing's eyes are deeper. She still doesn't understand what responsibility is

"Well, you don't think what you said afterwards is unreasonable. You should apologize to her instead of blaming..."

However, one thing that contrasts with responsibility is that Mo Wan just woke up. Some are unreasonable and some are unkind, which makes him unable to care.

"I didn't blame her!" Liu Rusu stared at her. "I'm telling the truth. If there's a next time, I'll never take her swimming again, or I'll kill people!"

"Ru su..." Pei Yijing's faint voice finally became heavier: "what you need now is to feel sorry, not to use such words. You are a little aggressive..."

Talk, smell, love, heaven and eyes. "Just inadvertently said something like that, you feel aggressive..." Liu Rusu's beautiful face was also full of anger, and didn't think about it. "Do you have a good impression of her?"

Pei Yijing's face was calm and honest. He nodded without denying it.

But this even more annoyed Liu Rusu, who was in a rage. She was angry and said, "so I just said something that's no big deal. Do you blame me for her, or do you already like her?"

He has always been gentle and considerate to her. This is the first time she has treated her like this for a woman!

"No..." he still said frankly, "she is my friend and I like you."

Liu Rusu's heart beat, and the anger in his heart dissipated bit by bit in his confession.

"But..." Pei Yijing said faintly, "you let me down today. You should come forward and give her a comforting hug instead of saying such aggressive words..."

The anger in her heart is boiling. Liu Rusu stubbornly tolerates it. She deeply loves him in her heart and can't stand his alienation and disappointment. She always speaks like this. She doesn't think that sentence is unreasonable at all, but since he says she's wrong, what if she admits it once?

The body directly sat on Pei Yijing's side. She took his arm in a coquettish way: "I admit my mistake. Don't be angry again, OK?"

"Ru Su, I'm not educating and criticizing you, but at that time, a sorry is the most basic courtesy, which makes people feel warm and excited. Do you understand?" his voice faded again.

"I know, I know, I already understand." Liu Rusu casually perfunctorily, and then stared at him tightly: "do you really don't like her?"

"She is just my friend, and she has helped me." Pei Yijing said faintly. Aside from her identity as his second sister-in-law, in his heart, he really only regarded her as a friend, that's all.

Because she has helped her so much on the set, and she is a good girl. Although the smile on her cheeks is brilliant, seeing her thin figure always makes people feel some unspeakable vulnerability, which makes people want to care more and care more.

But that concern and care is not like and love. She is just his friend. He just wants to help her, that's it!

Like and care, he has always been very clear!

"So it is." Liu Rusu nodded. "I see. When I have breakfast tomorrow, I will say sorry to her."

Hearing the speech, Pei Yijing smiled faintly and put his hand around her.

Liu Rusu also raised a charming smile on her cheek. She bent over and directly sealed his thin lips. The smile on her face couldn't help being more charming.

She likes him out of control because of his enthusiasm. He looks like a mess. His tenderness like water is mixed with his enthusiasm like fire.

After kissing for a long time, they finally separated. Pei Yijing stroked the hair scattered on her cheek and face: "go take a bath and go to sea tomorrow."

"OK." Liu Rusu bent over and kissed his thin lips for a moment before walking towards the bathroom.

Sitting in the hot water sprinkled with rose petals, Liu Rusu still felt uncomfortable when he thought of Pei Yijing's concern for Mo Wan.

However, she absolutely believes that Yijing loves only her!

The next morning.

When Mo Wan slowly opened his eyes, the sky outside the window was already bright.

The rising sun rises in the East, and the golden light shines on the clear lake, rendering the lake light yellow.

Without getting up, she lay on the bed quietly, fascinated by the beautiful scenery outside the window.

It's beautiful! It's really beautiful! She has never seen such a beautiful scene. It's so attractive!

"Wow!" she exclaimed, and had a vision in her heart: "how nice it would be if she could live here every day!"

Looking out the window at the charming scenery that has lost her soul, she raised a bright smile and shouted excitedly.

"Make money! Make money! Make a lot of money! Then buy a big villa here, sleep on the balcony and bask in the sun every day, and raise another cat to bask in the sun on my legs..."

As if she thought of something again, she frowned: "Ouch! You can't keep a cat. Cats can pull around. It's better to keep birds. Well, just keep birds and buy another coffee machine..."

When she was still imagining in bed, the door of the bathroom was pushed open. Pei Yihuan came out and stared coldly at Mo Wan: "if you have enough daydreams, roll down!"

The sudden voice frightened Mo's body. Even her heart almost didn't jump out of her chest. She gasped. She stared at him: "how can you eavesdrop on other people's whispers!"

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