16. Yin Evil Corpse Bug

Translator: Flying Lines

The underground black market was divided into three parts: The outer Valley, the inner valley, and the forbidden area.

The so-called outer valley was where those stalls were set just now. There were all kinds of people with all kinds of purposes. And the criteria for entry were also low. As for the inner valley, one must pay a certain amount of crystals to enter.

The most mysterious forbidden area was only open to the core members of the black market, and ordinary warriors were impossible to approach.

“The entry fee is 100 crystals. Pay it and you can enter the inner valley.” The guard of the underground black market spoke expressionlessly.

Qin Sheng paid 100 crystals, and the guards naturally let him go inside.

As soon as he walked into the inner valley, Qin Sheng heard resounding roars full of battle spirit, which was followed by a strong smell of blood.

“I heard that there are auction houses, cultivation grounds, and martial arts platform in this inner valley.” Qin Sheng raised his head and took a look. The most important thing for him now was to find a cultivation room, and then took a good look at the meridians in his body to find out what caused it withering.

The inner valley was not big. After passing by the martial arts platform, Qin Sheng soon found the cultivation ground under the guidance of the black market guard.

The so-called cultivation ground was on a three-story rock building, heavily guarded and its security guaranteed .

Qin Sheng came to the front desk and said, “Please book a cultivation room for me.”

The receptionist of the cultivation ground was a woman with a hot figure. She looked at Qin Sheng with a pair of sparkling eyes, revealing a respectful expression, and said, “Sorry, sir. There is only one Cyan Dragon training room left.”

Qin Sheng frowned when he heard the words.

As far as he knew, the underground black market cultivation rooms were divided into four levels: Divine Turtle, White Tiger, Rosefinch, and Cyan Dragon. The higher the level, the denser the concentration of meta force in the cultivation room, and the the faster the speed of cultivation!

But the money spent was also different.

For example, the lowest Divine Turtle cultivation room only needed 100 crystals per day, while the most advanced Cyan Dragon training room needed 1,000 crystals per day.

Even masters of the soul-through realm would not be willing to use such a luxurious cultivation room.

The woman at the front desk also seemed to know Qin Sheng’s meta force wave was even weaker than hers. How could the warrior of the meridian-through realm have enough crystals to check into the Cyan Dragon training room. Although she didn’t hold any expectations, she didn’t dare to show it on her expression.

“The hidden trouble of the meridians can’t be dragged out any longer. I must find out the cause of the withering as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future!” When Qin Sheng thought of this, he said, “Then check me into this Cyan Dragon training room.”

The woman at the front desk gawked, her expression full of shock, this Cyan Dragon training room couldn’t be rented out even once a month.

“I heard that the wasteland has changed recently. Many aristocratic young masters from outside the city have come to seek treasure and adventure. Is he also a young master of big families?” The woman at the front desk secretly thought, and at the same time made up her mind to serve this teenage boy.

Once she made the young master happy and get his support, perhaps she would no longer have to be a receptionist in the black market and go to a better platform.

Qin Sheng frowned and said, “Is there a problem?”

The receptionist quickly gathered herself, revealing a smile that she thought was attractive to the man and said, “No problem. I’ll arrange for you right away.”

“My Lord, please follow me.”

The receptionist tried to flatter Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng followed with an indifferent expression.

After entering the cultivation room, Qin Sheng felt the extremely rich meta forcecoming towards him.

“My Lord, this is the Cyan Dragon training room. If you need anything, just tell me and I’ll arrange for you.”

The Cyan Dragon training room was about 100 square meters. Besides the cultivation platform, there was also a small practice platform. Plus such rich meta force, cultivating here would be 10 times as fast as the outside world .

However, 1000 crystals a day was like burning money. Even masters of the soul-through realm couldn’t afford it!

Qin Sheng looked around, nodded satisfactorily and said, “You’ve done your job and can go out.”

The receptionist didn’t leave, instead she fell into Qin Sheng’s chest and said softly, “My lord, this little woman can provide any service. Cultivation is so boring. Why don’t you take a rest and have some fun?”

The receptionist actually took the initiative to seduce Qin Sheng, and her hands wandered on Qin Sheng’s body.

“Fuck off!” Qin Sheng pushed the receptionist away.

Qin Sheng had met extremely beautiful women such as  Xia Bingning, so how could he be seduced by this vulgar receptionist? Plus, Qin Sheng was not interested in doing anything else other than cultivation right now.

The receptionist was embarrassed and still unwilling to give up.

“Hmm, if you don’t leave immediately, I’ll directly report to your manager.” Qin Sheng said in a deep voice.

The receptionist was finally afraid. Although the job of the black market front desk was not as good as being the lover of young masters, it was still much better than those jobs outside, and she didn’t want to lose this job.

“OK, I’m leaving now…”

The receptionist said in fear, then left the Cyan Dragon training room.

“Humph! Who do you think you are? What do you have to be so arrogant?”

As soon as the door was closed, Zhou Jing cursed Qin Sheng for a few times.

“Ouch. Which hillbilly has offended you?” A bright laugh came, and a man in a yellow cultivation suit walked over. His hand was naturally placed around Zhou Jing’s waist and gently stroked.

Zhou Jing glanced at the man unhappily and patted away the man’s filthy hand. She was still angry.

“What’s wrong?” The yellow-robed man asked seriously.

Zhou Yan suddenly said, “I’ve found a big fish. Do you want to have fish soup?”

Thinking that she had just been humiliated just now, Zhou Jing wanted to let Qin Sheng bleed.

“Tell me more information?” The yellow-robed man’s eyes shone. He was a branch director of the Hidden Dragon Gang, and it was not the first time that he worked with Zhou Jing to rob someone.

Zhou Yan pulled the yellow-robeb man aside and then talked about the situation.

“He dared to humiliate Sis Zhou Jing, who was the best in the world. He was simply courting death. I’m in.”

“Happy cooperation!”

Then the two of them clapped hands, smiling with killing intents.

In the cultivation room, Qin Sheng didn’t know that the crisis was approaching and he had become the goal of the Hidden Dragon Gang.

However, even if he knew it, he would only sneer. He wouldn’t even put these little fries in his mind.

“It’s just a human-level meridian. How could it collapsed to this degree?” Qin Sheng sat with his legs folded and used the internal vision method to ‘see’ the human-level meridian.

Qin Sheng ran the martial arts and absorbed a large amount of meta force.

“Hum ~”

The meridian quivered slightly. The meta force absorbed was running in this withered human-level meridian, but soon disappeared completely. His meridian was like a piece of dry sponge with its water drained out.

“Hmm? Something’s wrong!”

Suddenly, Qin Sheng found a dark shadow in the depths of the human-level meridian.

“What is this?”

Qin Sheng shouted in a low voice, ran Body Refinement of Gods and Demons, and his soul power also enveloped the human-level meridian.

The black shadow was imprisoned. Qin Sheng saw what it was, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

“It’s a Yin evil corpse bug.”

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