18. Extra Body

Translator: Flying Lines

The long and sharp barbs on its forehead gleamed with cold light. The Yin evil corpse bug raised its head high,  and slammed into Qin Sheng’s palm fiercely.

The dark golden barb was extremely sharp, glowing with a frightening cold light, and even a master of Soul-through Realm could easily be pierced.

Moreover, the dark golden barbs contained terrible poison, and the Yin evil corpse bug was indeed not an ordinary thing. With high intelligence, it even showed a triumphant expression.

Maybe the Yin evil corpse bug felt that Qin Sheng was so stupid as to dare to catch it with his bare hands. It would either stab him to death or poison him to death!

Qin Sheng squinted his eyes,  locking onto the smug Yin evil corpse bug. A faint sacred bronze light flashed across his big hand.


Qin Sheng grabbed the Yin evil corpse bug with one hand. The black liquid corroded his hand, and a burst of smelly black smoke appeared.


The Yin evil corpse bug struggled desperately, but Qin Sheng’s hands were like iron tongs, holding it tightly.

The Yin evil corpse bug stared incredibly. It could not think of it anyway. Its dark golden barb could only scratch a white mark on Qin Sheng’s hand…

This shallow white mark disappeared as long as it was wiped lightly. It was not able to leave a wound, let alone pierce Qin Sheng’s palm.

Qin Sheng snorted coldly. What he displayed was the “Dragon-imprisoning Hand” in the body refining of the gods and demons. Once it was practiced to the extreme, even the terrifying creatures such as dragons could be imprisoned, let alone this Yin evil corpse bug

who was far from mature.

If it was an ordinary warrior, the cultivation process would be very difficult, even to achieve the entry-level “Dragon-imprisoning Hand at the bronze layer” would take three to five years. But Qin Sheng had digested the memory of the Pill Emperor Wanjie and only took a few hours to get started after resting in the wasteland for a few hours.

The Dragon-imprisoning Hand was divided into five layers, which were bronze, silver, gold, diamond and star. Once you got into the first layer, the  monsters at Soul-through level could be imprisoned.

Of course, although this Dragon-imprisoning Hand was so messed-up, its lasting time was very limited. With Qin Sheng’s elemental power, it could only last for a few breaths at most.

Such a short time seemed very limited, but it was enough for Qin Sheng.

“Huh, after having a good life in my body, do you mean to get away with it?” Qin Sheng stared at the desperately struggling Yin evil corpse bug at close range, making up his mind that he would never free this disgusting bug.

The barbs of the Yin evil corpse bug rolled around in Qin Sheng’s big hand. If he were an ordinary arteries-through realm martial artist, he would have been stabbed to a pulp long ago. But for the Dragon-imprisoning Hand that had reached the bronze layer, it was like tickling.

It was just that this tickle seemed a little scary, emitting a sparkle of fire. Thus we could know about how sharp the barbs on this evil corpse bug were!


Qin Sheng read the spell silently, and the soul power of his whole body was transferred to his eyebrows.

The evil corpse bug also seemed to hear Qin Sheng’s curse,  screamed harshly and struggled desperately as if it had seen a ghost,


A translucent soul power shot out from between Qin Sheng’s eyebrows and plunged into the body of the Yin evil corpse bug.


The Yin evil corpse bug struggled a few times, and then limply crumbled on Qin Sheng’s palm.

“Done!” said Qin Sheng, overjoyed and excited.

What he used was the “Soul-splitting Technique” on the Divine Soul Path. Simply put, it split a small part out of Qin Sheng’s Divine Soul and implanted it into the body of the Yin evil corpse bug.

And this Yin evil corpse bug was refined into his extra body by Qin Sheng!

An extra body would make things easier in the future, especially if the enemy was not aware of it. A sneaky attack could cause unbelievable changes in the battle.

One-tenth of the divine soul split, Qin Sheng’s face was pale, his head swelled and hurt, and he wanted to sleep a lot.

Despite this, Qin Sheng was still very happy. After all, one more body was, in a sense, equal to one more life!

Who would dislike more lives?

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