44. Break One of Your Arms

Translator: Flying Lines

Tutor Leng Jun was dressed in a black robe and standing in the center. He didn’t need to intimidate other students by showing his anger. The terrible pressure of the soul-through realm was undoubtedly evident.

All the students standing by were avoiding his cold eyes which were as bestial as monsters.

When his cold and piercing eyes moved away from Zhao Ming, Zhao Ming felt like he was spared. He was finally relaxed and sweated heavily.

“Is this the master of the soul-through realm?” Zhao Ming couldn’t help but laugh bitterly. It seemed that the gap between the meridian-through realmand the soul-through realm was too big. Although he was only a little short of opening up the 8th meridian, which was not far from the soul-through realm, he still couldn’t help but think like this.

However, a slight difference was an abyssal gap.

Tutor Leng Jun turned his head and cast his indifferent gaze Qin Sheng on the other side , who instantly felt a pressure as heavy  as a mountain.

“Humph!” Qin Sheng snorted and gasped. His spine was trembling slightly and was almost pressed down.

Still, Qin Sheng was stubborn. He gritted its teeth and held on.

“Oh?” Tutor Leng Jun was surprised seeing that Qin Sheng was able to withstand his pressure.

He knew very well how unbearable the pressure he unleashed was for the low-level warrior in the meridian-through realm.

Even though Qin Sheng looked shaky and might be pressed down at any moment, he was clenching his teeth and finally  held on to the last moment.

Although tutor Leng Jun hated Qin Sheng to guts, he had to admire him. If Qin Sheng was not Qin Zhongtian’s son, he would even consider accepting Qing Sheng as a personal disciple and cultivate him well.

Unfortunately, with the grievances of the previous generation, tutor Leng Jun couldn’t treat Qin Sheng in the same way he treated other students.

Moreover, according to what Leng Jun knew, Qin Sheng was not a pushover. He had enraged the Zhao family’s heir during the assessment, and according to the Zhao family’s patriarch, this feud had reached the point of no turning back.

What Leng Juncould could tell was, this was not going to end until one party was done!

Therefore, even if Tutor Leng Jun could spare Qin Sheng, the Zhao family would definitely disagree.

The most important thing was that today Qin Sheng had shown the potential that was even intimidating than the heir of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family couldn’t allow this Qin Sheng to get stronger.

If this was the case, Tutor Leng Jun naturally would be happy to do the Zhao family a favor. He could help solve the grievances of the last generation, and also remain a good relationship with the Zhao family of Dayan City.

“Do you admit your guilt?” The cold voice rang out in Qin Sheng’s ears. Although tutor Leng Jun’s voice was not very loud, it contained the terrible aura of the soul-through realm, and Qin Sheng felt like a thunder had boomed in his ears.

His ears stung and he couldn’t help covering his ears, otherwise his eardrums would be hurt.

Qin Sheng gritted his teeth and raised his stubborn face. He frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, “I dare to ask your honor: why am I guilty?”


Tutor Leng Jun humphed coldly, and the entire elite classroom was resounding with thunderous echos which were rumbling continously.

“Look at them.” Tutor Leng Jun pointed to the three Zhao elites who were still lying on the ground and said, “You insidious brat. I allowed you fight each other with reservation, but you had dealed such injuries to them.”

Tutor Leng Jun approached like the terrifying monster which had hidden in the Devil Dragon Mine for years. He strode over and said condescending, “I will punish you to break one of your arms to make an example!”

“Haha…” Qin Sheng suddenly laughed.

“When I was beaten up, why didn’t you step forward and scold the mob?”

“When they wanted to kill me and using dirty moves, why didn’t you jump out?”

Qin Sheng did not show anger, instead he langhed. He did not try to avoid this Leng Jun. With his head raised high, he was determined to hold on to the end.

In fact, he was not surprised at all that tutor Leng Jun was helping the elites of the Zhao family. It was just unexpected that the mongrel Leng Jun was so insidious that he wanted Qin Sheng to break one of his arms as soon as he stepped in.

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