Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 106 Not In the Best Condition

Bell arrived at Renee’s home to find a small group gathered outside.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she approached.

“Renee didn’t show up for her class today, and no one could get a hold of her, so we sent Trevor to check on her.”

The woman indicated a man that sat on the ground holding his arm to his chest and talking with Peter.

Bell was surprised to see him.

“Peter?” she called out.

Peter glanced up; he raised his hand, telling her to wait a moment. He finished talking to the man on the ground and then approached her, pulling her away from the group.

“Hey,” he began, “when was the last time you talked to Renee?”

“A few days ago… maybe two nights before the full moon,” Bell replied, “Why? What’s going on?”

Bell looked around at each person, but she didn’t see her friend.

“Where is she?” Bell asked.

“Inside, no one has been able to get her out. Trevor tried, but….” Peter trailed off, glancing back at the man still sitting on the ground.

“But, what?” Bell asked impatiently.

Peter looked back at her and clenched his jaw, displaying his distaste for being the one having to share the information he was holding..

“He stepped inside when she didn’t answer. He didn’t get very far,” Peter began. “He said it was dark, and before his eyes could adapt, she had already come after him.”

“Come after him?!” Bell cried out, shocked, “Renee? That’s not possible.”

“Well, whatever happened, I need to get him back to the hospital. I’m not sure what he was cut with, but the wounds need to be cleaned.”

Peter reached a hand to her shoulder and returned to the man. Bell glanced over.

‘Renee wouldn’t hurt anyone. This is a mistake,’ she thought to herself.

She moved towards the door, ignoring Peter’s look of warning.

“Renee?” Bell called as the door slowly creaked open.

There was no answer, and Bell could see that the living room was in complete disarray. Pictures and decorations were scattered all over the floor, deep tears in the fabric of the couch and walls. She took a step further but stopped almost immediately as a familiar scent assaulted her senses.

Blood. More than just a few drops.
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“Renee!” Bell shouted. Now more determined to find her friend. She shoved past the clutter on the floor, going deeper into the house. “Renee! Where are you!?”

Bell went up the stairs, the walls lined with deep gashes.

“Did she shift inside?” Bell asked herself aloud.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she listened carefully for even the slightest sound. She could hear a heartbeat. It was erratic. She followed it to Renee’s bedroom, finding even more destruction the closer she came.

As she opened the door, she was overwhelmed by the smell of blood, urine, fecal matter, and spoiled meat.

‘It’s only been a few days… how is this possible?’ she wondered in horror.

Bell brought the collar of her shirt up to cover her nose and mouth.

“Renee?” she called out again.

There was a sound from the closet, a shuffling.

Bell kicked away what she could only assume was the remains of a squirrel and moved to the closet door. She reached out slowly before pulling on the handle to open it.

It was dark, but Renee’s legs were sticking out from the corner of the closet. Bell could see all the cuts and gashes. Some looked dangerously inflamed. There was also deep bruising, as though she had taken a beating.

Bell swallowed down the panic and fear she was feeling. She tried to see into the darkness of the corner where Renee sat.

“Renee?” Bell called once more.

She was prepared for no answer, just like before. But she couldn’t have prepared herself for the ear-piercing screech out of the darkness and the crazed look in her friend’s eyes as she flew at Bell with a knife in hand.


“I know you don’t want to hear this– “

“Then don’t say it,” Caleb sighed with an irritated glance at Galen.

Leaning his head back in his chair, he brought his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose. His head ached. In the past almost three days, he had barely slept.

He hadn’t seen Ashleigh since their kiss in her room. Since Luna Corrine had found out that he and Ashleigh were mates.

After that, Ashleigh had disappeared. Luna Corrine refused to tell him where or when she would be back. The brother, Axel, had refused to acknowledge the mate bond and tried to push Caleb to go back to Summer.

But there was no chance in hell Caleb was leaving. Not without her, or at least not without talking to her.

Caleb wished he could return to that moment and refuse to leave the room. But, as it was now, he was without her and had no idea where she was.

Worse still, he couldn’t feel her presence.

Even from Summer, he had always been able to feel her, just on the edge of his senses. But now, there was nothing, as though their bond had been severed.

It left him empty.

The only thing that had kept his patience and sanity through these last few days was knowing that even though he couldn’t find Ashleigh, he knew exactly where the rat was. If he knew Granger couldn’t reach her, he couldn’t hurt her again.

Caleb could be patient.
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But that was the problem. Caleb hadn’t laid eyes on Granger in at least six hours.

Caleb let out a low growl.

He needed to know where she was. He needed to see her. He pushed himself from his chair with a force that sent it flying across the room and against the wall.

“Whoa!” Galen shouted, shocked by the suddenness of Caleb’s movements. He jumped up from his place on the bed to block the door. He held his palm out towards Caleb, blocking his path. “Whoa… hey, hi. What, uh, whatcha doing? Where are you going?”

“I need to see Luna Corrine,” Caleb said. “I need to know where she is.”

Caleb stepped forward; Galen held him back.

“Listen,” Galen began carefully, “I know…ok? I do, I understand. But you haven’t slept. You’re all riled up. Probably not in the best condition to see the in-laws. Let’s give them some more time. It’s big news. They just need time to process.”

Caleb closed his eyes. Clenching his jaw, he took a deep breath through his nose, blowing out slowly through his mouth.

“I’m not leaving,” he stated firmly.

“I wasn’t going to suggest it,” Galen smiled, “…again.”

“Tomorrow morning,” Caleb said. “I won’t wait any longer.”

He knew Caleb meant it; he had already waited months. Endured her absence and her dismissal. If anyone kept her from him any longer, Galen could not allow that to happen.

“I promise, my Alpha, we will know something by tomorrow morning. One way or another.”

Caleb nodded, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. Galen let out a sigh of relief. A chime from his phone drew his attention.

When he looked at the screen, he was surprised to see Peter’s name. The message he sent, however, made his heart stop.

[Bell was injured in an attack. She’s ok, but she will be here overnight.]

Caleb saw the look on Galen’s face. He was at his side in an instant.

“What is it? Did something happen at home?” he asked with concern.

“No…it’’s Bell,” Galen managed to say, “she was attacked… She’s in the hospital.”

Galen stared at the message. Unable to do anything else.


Galen looked up at Caleb, who reached a hand to Galen’s shoulder.

“Go to the hospital. See for yourself that she is ok.”

He nodded and immediately turned towards the door. As Galen opened it, he was surprised by someone standing on the other side. He looked back at Caleb.

“You have a guest. Behave,” Galen said quickly as he ran out the door towards the hospital.

Caleb looked around the door; there stood Luna Corrine. She gave him a slight nod and a cautious smile.

“Luna Corrine,” he greeted her. Doing his best to maintain his composure.

“Alpha Caleb,” she replied.

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