Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 134 Not Going to be Easy

“You know I’m your older brother, right?” Axel growled into the floor. “A little respect would be nice!”

“Don’t act like a child, and I will treat you like an adult!” Ashleigh growled back.

“Caleb!” Galen shouted as he ran into the room.

“It’s fine,” Caleb said casually. “Ashleigh’s got it handled.”

Galen looked down to see Ashleigh holding her brother down forcefully.

“Let me go!” Axel grumbled.

“Are you going to behave?” Ashleigh asked.

“This isn’t funny, Ashleigh!”

“I’m not joking around!” she growled, twisting his arm up slightly.

He cried out. “Fine! I promise!”

Ashleigh let him go and got up off the floor.

“This really should encourage you to train more…” she offered him a hand up.

He took it but gave her a nasty look.

“You’re our top rank. This proves nothing about my skill,” Axel rolled his eyes.

“It literally proves that you’re lacking… did you not see what just happened?” she asked, giving him a hard time. “Should I demonstrate again?”

Caleb cleared his throat.

Ashleigh looked up, surprised to see him already in his chair and in front of them.

“Axel, why are you here?” Caleb asked..

Caleb’s look appeared friendly, but Ashleigh could see it was anything but.

“You kidnapped my sister!” Axel growled, taking a step towards Caleb.

Ashleigh moved to counter him but found he was moving backward already.

Galen hooked him by the collar and yanked him back towards the sofa.

“Axel, you’re making a fool out of yourself!” Ashleigh growled. “I came here on my own.”

“You need to come home!” he growled.

But to his credit, he sat still this time.

“I will when I’m good and ready,” Ashleigh replied, crossing her arms.

Caleb covered his smile with his hand. He found her childishness towards her brother quite adorable.

“It’s not a request, Ashleigh. It’s an order from your Alpha,” Axel said.

“Then why didn’t he come for me?” she asked.

“Because,” Axel said, glancing at Caleb, “some Alphas know their place is in their own territory. Not off sticking their noses in everyone else’s business.”

Galen let out a low warning growl.

Caleb smiled.
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“Some Alphas understand how to properly run a pack,” he replied. “And are therefore able to trust their wolves to keep things running smoothly while they attend their business outside.”

Caleb wheeled himself forward, keeping his eyes locked with Axel.

“And all Alphas, current or future, should understand that aid given or received should be met with gratitude.”

Axel glanced down as though noticing the wheelchair for the first time. His brows furrowed, and he looked up at Ashleigh. An unspoken question passed between them. Ashleigh lowered her eyes and nodded.

Axel clenched his jaw and let out a sigh. He took a deep breath before moving off the sofa onto one knee. Then, bringing his fist to his shoulder, he bowed his head.

“I am grateful, Alpha Caleb, for the aid you provided the people of Winter. And for the sacrifice, you have made.”

“There is no need for that,” Caleb replied, “I was selfishly motivated.”

Caleb reached out and took Ashleigh’s hand. Although she smiled, Axel growled.

Ashleigh gave Axel a nasty look.

“Ashleigh,” Caleb called. She turned back to him. “I think you should go with him.”

“But…” she began to protest.

“Just like we talked about,” he said, “it’s not time yet.”

Ashleigh didn’t want to leave him again; it hurt too much to be apart. But she also knew he was right.

“Galen,” Caleb said, “would you mind escorting Axel back to his car? Ashleigh will join him soon.”

“I can do that,” Galen smiled.

“And Galen,” Caleb added, “when you’re done, we can talk about how he managed to get into my room without warning.”

Galen swallowed as he saw the look in Caleb’s eyes.

‘Shit,’ he thought to himself, ‘guess I wasn’t the only one to interrupt their private time.’

“Luna Fiona showed me the way,” Axel commented nonchalantly.

“Galen…” Caleb said through gritted teeth.

“I’ll talk to her….” Galen sighed. “Come on, let’s go.”

Axel looked back at Ashleigh one more time. She nodded and told him she would be down soon.

“Fine,” he said. “But I’m not giving you much longer.”

“Yea, yea… just go,” Ashleigh said.

Once the door had closed behind them, Ashleigh turned and sat on Caleb’s lap. He laughed and hugged her close.

“So, I’m not allowed to run away, but you’ll chase me out?” she asked playfully.

“Only temporarily,” he smiled, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

“Fine,” she said. “But, I’m warning you, you are on a time limit.”

“Oh?” he asked.

“Yep,” she replied. “After the next full moon. Either you come to get me, or I’m showing up again.”

Caleb smiled.

“And I don’t want you to lie to your pack,” she added.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“I want to tell them the truth,” she said, “that it was my fault, that I made the wrong choice.”


“I know they won’t accept me right away. I know it will make it that much harder for me. But I need to earn my place in your life. These wolves, they aren’t just your pack. They don’t just see you as their leader. You are someone they value. They need to know and believe in the person you are mated to.”
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“It’s not going to be easy,” he warned.

“Nothing worth it ever is,” she laughed.

Caleb hugged her close, nuzzling his nose into her throat and inhaling her scent.

“I’m going to miss you,” he whispered.

His hot breath sent a ripple of anticipation through her. He smiled as he felt her heart quicken.

“I’m going to miss you too,” she replied in a husky voice that made him swallow.

“We still have a few minutes,” he said as his tongue gently brushed against the sensitive skin of her throat.

She let out a soft moan.

“Yes, we do,” she whispered, pulling away just enough to tilt her head and capture his lips with her own.

After another ten minutes of kissing and teasing, Ashleigh finally pulled herself away from Caleb and said goodbye. But, as she made her way down to the car, she ran into someone not entirely unexpected.

“Luna Fiona,” Ashleigh greeted her respectfully.

“Are you leaving already?” Fiona asked.

“Yes, as you know, my brother has come to find me.”

“Yes,” Fiona smiled, “I hope he found Caleb’s room without too much trouble.”

“Oh, I think you know exactly what he found,” Ashleigh smiled.

Fiona regarded Ashleigh carefully.

She smiled.

“You don’t fear me at all?” she asked. “Is it because of this?”

Fiona waved her walking stick.

“No, Luna Fiona, I fear you a great deal. Especially after our last encounter,” Ashleigh replied honestly.

Fiona raised her brow as though she were considering something.

“But I have already made my decision,” Ashleigh continued. “I will do whatever I need to to be the mate Caleb deserves. Even if that road goes straight through you.”

Fiona smiled again and nodded. She took a deep breath through her nose.

“You really are Corrine’s daughter,” she said. “Good, maybe there is hope for you.”

Fiona turned to walk away but stopped once again.

“Ashleigh,” she called.

“Yes?” Ashleigh said.

Fiona paused, considering her words.

“My sons are all I have left,” she said. “Galen told me to be nice.”

Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile, imagining this strong woman brought to heel by the simple requests of the men she considered her boys.

“I will give you a piece of advice, but don’t think this means I am on your side,” Fiona said.

“Of course not,” Ashleigh replied.

Fiona nodded.

“In Winter, you view everything individually. Competing for the highest, the best. Your worth is based on personal achievement,” she said. “But in Summer, we are all parts of a whole. No one of us can do it all. So instead, we all do it as one.”

Ashleigh wasn’t entirely sure what she was getting at.

“What I am saying,” Fiona clarified. “Is that if you want to be Caleb’s mate, then think only of him and how to keep him happy. But if you want to be their Luna… then think of them and what they need.”

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