Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 220 A Big Softie

Caleb roared as he pressed his shoulder into Jonas’ hip; wrapping his arms around his thighs, he lifted him off the ground and threw him back over his shoulder.

Jonas landed on the stone circle with a heavy thud.

His wolves howled out.

Caleb heaved heavy breaths. He was exhausted, and his skin felt as though it were in shreds from the burning rub of the chainmail.

Jonas got to his feet.

“AAAGGHHHH!” he screamed out, thumping his fists against his chest before running at full speed toward Caleb.

Caleb barely managed to get his hands up to block the onslaught of quick punches Jonas was throwing a mile a minute.

He tried for his head, his chest, and his stomach. Unfortunately, Caleb was barely able to block half the shots. Jonas finally struck him in the side, forcing Caleb to drop to one knee.

Jonas used his shin to kick Caleb across the chest with a force that sent him to the ground on his back.

Caleb coughed and spit out the blood in his mouth. He managed to roll away before Jonas could jump on top of him.

He hurried to his feet, moving out of range.

Jonas watched Caleb slowly circling him. Both men were drenched in sweat and covered in angry red burns from the chainmail.

Caleb was feeling the effects of the cave. His strength was already worn away by the silver all around him. The chainmail itself was heavy. The burns ached and limited his movements.

The man in front of him was panting, covered in just as many blisters as Caleb. Yet, somehow he still seemed to have the energy to fight.

“Embrace it,” Jonas said between breaths. “Accept the pain and let it guide you to the strength you have inside.”.

“Shut up!” Caleb growled, once more charging at Jonas at full speed.

Jonas smiled and ran at Caleb.

Their bodies crashed into each other. They punched and kicked, each trying to grab hold of the other. Caleb hesitated when his hand landed on the chainmail. That hesitation allowed Jonas to grab Caleb’s leg and pull it out from under him, pinning Caleb to the stone below.

Jonas quickly got on top of him, slamming his fists down against Caleb’s chest, hard and fast. Caleb brought his arms up to block the hits, but his strength was all but gone.

He pulled his arms back, exposing his body and allowing Jonas to hit him multiple times. Then, just as he had been trained, he blocked out the pain and focused on his task. Finally, he gathered his strength and held his hands together in a heavy fist to bring the blow down on Jonas’s head.

Jonas staggered and fell to the side.

Caleb got up quickly. He turned and kicked Jonas hard and fast along his sides.

Jonas kicked his legs, causing Caleb to take a step back.

Jonas managed to get up on all fours just as Caleb brought his knee crashing against the side of his opponent’s head.

He fell to the side. His body hit the ground with an echoed thud and a splat.
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Caleb stood taking deep, huffing breaths of air, watching as Jonas didn’t move. He took a step forward. It was a mistake.

Jonas swept his leg. Caleb watched in horror as the stone floor below rushed to meet his face. His vision went white, and he groaned as the fiery pain spread through his head, neck, and down into his body.

Caleb’s vision was swirling, and his limbs were refusing his commands. He was barely able to think straight.

He got to his knees. The world around him teetered. The last thing he saw was Jonas’ knee coming straight to his face.


Caleb woke in a room he didn’t recognize.

The ceiling above him was beige, the walls a slightly darker beige. There was a dresser to the right and a counter with a sink to the left. Just past the sink was an open door.

It was a hospital room. He was in a hospital bed. As he looked down, he realized, with a bit of irritation, that he was even in a hospital gown.

He tried to move, hissing as the pain in his chest burned with even the slightest movement.

“Careful,” came a soft voice from the door.

Caleb glanced over to see a woman walking into the room. She was tall and curvy with black and red hair tied back in three braids that turned into a ponytail. She wore jeans and a t-shirt with some band name he didn’t recognize.

“You still have a few hours before you’ve reached sitting up strength,” she smiled.

She held a laptop in her hand, which she set down on the counter, and then pulled over a stool to sit down and begin typing.

“Who are you?” Caleb asked. His throat ached, and he wondered if there was bruising on it as well.

The girl turned back to him and stood with a big smile.

“So sorry, totally forgot you have been asleep this whole time,” she laughed. “I’ve been talking up a storm with you, but of course, you don’t remember any of it. I’m Nessa.”

“Are you a nurse?” he asked.

Nessa laughed.

“Uh… no. I know a few basic things, like when your chest has been beaten and burned, moving around is not highly recommended,” she smiled. “But, no, I’m a computer geek. I don’t like to touch people, their insides or outsides. Just computers.”

“Why are you here?”

“Oh, well, Alpha Axel didn’t want you to be left alone, but he had some calls to make. And since it was my dad that got you here, I figured I could sit with you for a bit.”

“Jonas is your father?” Caleb asked.

Nessa nodded.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-two,” Nessa replied.

Caleb furrowed his brow, he had met Jonas’ mate, Liara, she was no more than thirty.

“Oh, I see those wheels spinning,” Nessa laughed. “Liara isn’t my mom, I’m a Blood Moon baby.”

It happened often, the Blood Moon was a time when senses were heightened, which meant pleasure was heightened. Many times, wolves from different packs would enjoy each other. The children conceived under the Blood Moon were usually raised by the mother, but occasionally the father would be the one to raise them.

“My bio mom was not a fan of the whole baby thing, so she brought me here to dad. He was thrilled to have a little girl, big softie that he is.”
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“I’m sorry, did you just describe Jonas as a big softie?” Caleb asked, with an eyebrow raised.

Nessa nodded.

“Let’s agree to disagree on that.”

Nessa laughed.

“Well, I mean, I’m not going around and challenging him to duel in silver and iron, so I guess we have different perspectives here.”

“Hey,” Caleb said. “He challenged me.”

“My mistake,” she chuckled.

“Glad you’re getting along,” Axel said as he entered the room. “How are you doing, Caleb?”

“Alive,” Caleb replied.

Axel nodded.

“I’m going to head out and give you guys some space to chat.”

Nessa grabbed her computer and left the room, closing the door behind her.

“I lost,” Caleb said suddenly.

“Yea,” Axel replied. “But it was a hell of a fight.”

“I lost.”

“Yes, and it was not as satisfying as I expected it to be,” Axel smiled.

Caleb huffed and looked away.

“Have you never lost?” Axel asked.

“A few sparring matches with Ashleigh… otherwise, not in several years.”

“Wow…” Axel replied, taking a seat on the stool Nessa had been using. “You two really do have a lot of similarities.”

Caleb looked back toward Axel.

“What happened, after I lost,” he asked.

“They removed the chainmail and rushed you here,” Axel said. “I came with you. Jonas and his wolves stayed in the cave. I heard a group howl not long after we reached the entrance. I assume it was a victory celebration.”

“How long has it been?” Caleb asked.

“Four hours,” Axel replied. “Jonas is in his own room a few doors down. He was brought in about twenty minutes after you.”

Caleb sighed. His body ached; it would take the better part of the day to heal the wounds Jonas had inflicted on him. His only consolation was that Jonas was also laid up with injuries.

A knock at the door drew their attention.

Axel answered.

Caleb groaned as the door was pulled back, and he saw Jonas sitting in a wheelchair. His face was severely bruised, and he also wore a hospital gown. But the wide grin on his face just irritated the hell out of Caleb.

“Hey there, Summer,” Jonas smiled.

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