Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 359 No Casualties

Wyatt and his father, and his father’s father before them had all used the same system for the northern and southern territories of Winter.

They had divided the duties between the Alpha and the Beta. The southern wolves recognized the Alpha as their pack leader, but it was the Beta that actually handled their concerns and problems on a day-to-day basis.

Axel did not agree with this system.

Saul was a great man and would lead the southern territories well, but Axel wanted a more united Winter. Especially as they prepared for war.

He knew that he would not be able to oversee all of Winter, even if he did agree to all the upgraded communications and monitoring systems that Galen had tried to pitch him over the last several weeks.

But what he could do was utilize more than just Saul as a territorial leader.

Throughout Winter there was the north and south, but with the landscape being what it was, even within the two halves, there were smaller communities. Each of these had its own natural leaders.

Axel gathered those leaders and offered them official rank as Betas. Saul would still be considered his right-hand man and the primary contact for the south, but each Beta would represent their community in meetings held every two weeks.

When Wyatt had heard the plan, he was, at first, concerned about the change in structure and leadership. But once he had seen the way that Axel handled himself, the way that his betas reported to him, Wyatt understood that his methods were a thing of the past, and Axel was taking Winter into the future.

His son had become a strong and worthy Alpha in a short time, and he looked forward to the future he would bring for Winter.

“We’ve gotten word of at least two ambushes near Burning Ember and Broken Crag,” Saul reported to Axel. “No casualties, just a few injuries.”

“Did Jonas have an opinion on the reason?” Axel asked.

Saul looked at the report and sighed.

“I’d rather not read it,” he replied. “Suffice it to say, he believes they are random and underwhelming.”

Axel chuckled.

“A lot of colorful language in the report?”

Saul raised his brow and gave a quick nod.

“He always has had a way with words,” Wyatt commented as he entered the room.

Axel smiled as his father patted his shoulder.

“My Alpha has summoned me, and I have come,” Wyatt smiled proudly.

“Come on, Dad,” Axel laughed. “Knock it off.”
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Mateas and Devon entered behind Wyatt.

“Scouts reporting,” Mateas called, bringing his fist to his heart and tipping his head to Axel, Devon and Wyatt did the same and then lined up behind Mateas.

Axel grinned and stepped close to Mateas.

“How weird is it that you outrank your former Alpha?” he asked.

“It is bizarre, sir,” Mateas replied honestly.

They all shared a laugh before returning to the reason the scouts had been called in the first place.

“We have been receiving reports of small ambushes and attacks all over. Most of these have been identified as Autumn raiding parties, most have also produced no casualties,” Axel began. “Our concern is here.”

Axel pointed to the map, in the area around Burning Ember.

“Burning Ember currently has twenty of our warriors and just as many from Summer. We are not worried about the pack itself as their Alpha has assured us they are safe,” Axel continued. “Our concern is that these ambushes might be distractions to pull attention from the obsidian grounds.”

“Recently, Burning Ember has begun mass producing obsidian weapons for the war. We do not know if Autumn has already learned of this, but we assume they have,” Saul said.

“We don’t want to send any of the warriors, because we don’t want to draw attention or leave the pack vulnerable to an attack.” Axel continued. “So, we need a small quiet team to sneak around and find out if there are any wolves trying to sneak off with the obsidian. Is this something this team can do for Winter?”

“Yes, my Alpha!” the three men called in unison.

Axel smiled and nodded.

“We know you are down two of your scouts, I’m told one has been injured, and the other is still on leave,” Saul said.

“Yes,” Mateas replied. “Arthur got a little over-excited with the throwing daggers, threw one right into his foot yesterday.”

Devon sighed.

“And Penelope is leaving Broken Crag to return home this morning,” Mateas said with a slight smile.

Wyatt noticed the smile and managed to hold back his own.

“I will join your team for this mission,” Saul said. “There is a great potential for danger. However, we don’t wish to handicap you.”

“Saul and I have long fought together,” Wyatt said. “If it’s alright with you, Mateas, we can partner up.”

“That’s perfect,” Mateas replied.

“I have already spoken with Penelope,” Axel said, “she will meet you on the road.”

Mateas nodded gratefully.

“Thank you all for your hard work,” Axel said. “Head out in the morning, and once you have completed your mission, report to the Alpha of Burning Embers, that way we will know right away if there is a problem.

“Yes, my Alpha!”
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“I miss you.”

“I miss you, too.” Caleb smiled as he held the phone to his ear.

“How much longer until you’re all done?” Ashleigh asked.

Caleb sighed and sat down on the tree stump he had been pacing in front of when she called.

“A few more days at least,” he said. “I had to call mom and have her send more supplies. The terrain here has proven to be more stubborn than we originally thought so we need to adjust our placement.”

Ashleigh sighed.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I just wish you were here,” she whispered.

“What happened?” Caleb asked. He licked his lips, and chanced another comment. “I noticed it’s a little difficult to feel you on the other end of our connection.”

“Yea…” Ashleigh replied.

He could hear that she was upset and something weighed on her.

“I haven’t told you everything that has been going on with me for a while,” she said.

“I know,” he replied softly.

Ashleigh smiled. That, he could feel.

“Of course, you do.”

“Ashleigh, I love you. I am always here, anytime you’re ready to talk to me.”

“Well…” she whispered, her voice shaking ever so slightly. “I chatted with my great such and such grandmother today.”


For the first time in what seemed like a very long time, Ashleigh was honest about all that she was holding in. She told Caleb about the voices, Lily, her arguments with Axel and about losing control. Even about summoning Lian.

“Ash…” he whispered when she was all done.

“Yea…” she sighed. “It’s a lot.”

.ᴄOᴍ Caleb would need time to understand everything she had said, but the part that stuck out to him was the last.

“So, your Luna… she growled at you?” he asked.

“She did,” Ashleigh sighed. “Lily said didn’t recognize me, and then asked if I even recognize myself.”

Caleb swallowed his nerves and then took a deep breath before asking.

“Do you?”

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