Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 504 With One Promise

Ashleigh sat on the bed. She chewed her nails as she waited for Caleb’s return.

The meeting with Axel had been cut short when word of a new group of survivors escorted by a team from Frostwolf came to the door. Corrine and Axel both hurried to ensure they were immediately guided to the safe zone.

Caleb had said that he needed to check in with Galen and Fiona and find out what was happening at home.

She could have insisted that he take the call with her present and that she be allowed to participate in the tactics and strategy being discussed. She was the Luna of Summer; she had every right to be a part of that conversation.

But she just kept hearing the words of the original Lunas, telling her that her place was not on the battlefield. That her mission needed to be her only focus.

Ashleigh sighed, laying back on the bed.

She hated this.

Hated knowing that she could be out there helping to save lives, defending her fellow wolves, whether from Winter or Summer. But instead, she was here, ignoring the battle and planning to continue to do so.

Knowing that it was the right thing to do, did not make it any easier.

The door opened. Ashleigh gasped and quickly sat forward.

Caleb walked in with his eyes turned downward. He was guarded. She couldn’t feel anything coming off of him that might tell her what he was thinking or how the conversation went.

“Well?” she asked. “Is it as bad as Axel made it sound?”

Caleb took a deep breath and crossed the room. He sat down on the bed still without looking at her.

“It’s worse,” he replied quietly.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “How could it be worse? Clara didn’t say anything….”

“Clara isn’t usually privy to the knowledge of our troop movements unless necessary,” he sighed.

“Caleb, what’s going on?” Ashleigh asked, touching his arm.

He took a deep breath before answering her.

“Galen is, as Axel said, leading a Summer attack south,” he said. “But it’s not exactly as Axel described.”

“What do you mean?”

“Summer, just like Winter, has spread itself too thin. We have soldiers in small numbers everywhere. But the reports Galen just got through telling me about… many of our soldiers are trapped. Whether by a significant attacking force or because they are the only ones available to defend a civilian settlement in a danger zone.

“Galen has sent a small group ahead to follow the fae Axel mentioned. But his move south primarily aims to recover our forces and rescue the civilians scattered across those lands.”

Ashleigh was shocked.

Summer was always the natural leading military force. Winter had the numbers, but it was common knowledge that Summer would always have the upper hand through training, strategy, and preparedness. So the idea that they could be pinned down, needing help… baffled her.
“Why hide this from Axel?” she asked. “It’s not like he wouldn’t understand.”

“It’s not about hiding it from him,” Caleb replied. “Galen still plans to do exactly as he said, take out the fae threatening the south. But letting our allies, even our closest ones, know that we are struggling is dangerous.”

“I don’t see how,” Ashleigh said. “Winter or someone else could support us. They could help us extract our men and gather our strength again.”

“Yes, and while they turn their backs to help us, the fae, the hybrid, Roman, will stab them from behind.”

Ashleigh swallowed; she understood his point.

Caleb sighed.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, touching her knee. “I was just caught off guard by all this. I haven’t had a chance to process it and calm my anger.”

“It’s ok,” she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder. “I understand.”

Caleb nodded.

“I have to join the fight,” he whispered. “No matter how much I want to stay by your side and see this thing through… I can’t ignore what is happening out there.”

“I know,” she smiled.

Caleb pulled away and looked at her.

“You know?” he asked.

Ashleigh nodded, still smiling. Caleb raised one of his brows.

“Why do you seem so relieved?” he asked. “Are you that happy to be rid of me?”

Ashleigh let out a gentle laugh and put her head back on his shoulder.

“I knew you were going as soon as Axel mentioned the reports from the scouts,” she said. “You brought Burning Ember into this alliance with one promise….”

Caleb nodded and smiled. He was touched that she remembered and knew him so well.

“To keep her people safe,” he replied.

Ashleigh nodded.

“Saving Burning Ember, that’s your mission. Destroying the ley line connections is mine,” she said. “We both have work to do.”

“Yes,” he said. “We do.”

Ashleigh took a deep breath and stood up, looking back at Caleb.

“And I have someone to recruit.”


After Myka was officially released from the hospital, he took to spending most of his time within the safety zone. He volunteered for whatever task was needed, but his favorite was spending time with the children and teenagers labeled as the ‘Survivors’.

They were a blending of the remaining Eclipse wolves and the last of the Blue Reef pack. When the children from the lab arrived, they struggled to adapt to the new environment and the people that looked at them with suspicion or pity. But eventually, these Survivors found them.

And in turn, Myka found them all.

It was Alice and Peter that first recommended the activity to him.

Alice claimed she was concerned for Sadie and Stefan, the two children with whom she had felt a kinship. But she felt that her attentions would seem intrusive or pushy. So, she asked Myka to look in on them for her.

Of course, Myka couldn’t help but notice that Stefan made regular visits to Alice after spending time with them.

‘Who is checking in on whom?’ he laughed to himself as he noted the way Stefan watched him with a careful eye. He moved onto the small deck that overlooked the playground and took a seat where he could still keep an eye on the children.

Peter had not been so subtle about his intentions as Alice had.

He told Myka that he didn’t have time to play with him all day and suggested that the children could provide him with entertainment and possibly teach him a thing or two.

Myka wanted to be annoyed, but Peter was right. He enjoyed every minute spent playing and joking with them. Some of the older kids, like Sadie and Amy, had even been interested in his stories. They enjoyed hearing about traveling and the things he had seen and done.

It was a nice feeling.

It was also a frightening one.

Myka loved Peter and longed to spend their lives together. But he had no idea how to do that. Peter had made it clear that he was a pack wolf, while Myka preferred his freedom.

He let out a sigh. He had never liked these moments of self-reflection. They always left a feeling of longing in him.

“Excuse me,” a voice called from beside him. “You’re Myka, right?”

Myka turned to see a woman that had been described to him in detail. Her appearance, skills, and relation to the essential people in or around his life.

“And you are Ashleigh if the rumors are to be believed,” he smiled.

“I am,” Ashleigh smiled, “as far as the rumors… I guess it depends on who’s telling them.”

Myka grinned and leaned forward.

“Afraid Alice is saying bad things about you?” he asked.

“I think you just told me she is.” Ashleigh laughed.

Myka chuckled and shook his head.

“Nah, she only shares personal details if there is a need to trade information. The real her isn’t much for gossip,” he replied with a shrug. “Most of the ‘bad stuff’ I heard from Bell.”

“That sounds right,” Ashleigh laughed.

“So,” Myka leaned back and gave her a knowing grin. “What is it that you think I can help you with?”

Ashleigh smiled and sat down in the chair beside him.

“Well, first, I should tell you a story about where you came from.”

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