Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 521 White Knights Entering The Dragon’s Cave

“So those are our options,� Ashleigh sighed.

She had waited to share the bad news with Alice and Myka until they had made camp for the night. Now they were only a few hours away from breaching the border of Spring. It was time for a decision on the direction they would take.

Myka was sitting on the ground. He had been cutting the vegetables for dinner when Ashleigh decided to break the news. He slumped back against one of the makeshift log chairs.

“Rock, meet hard place,� he mumbled.

“Maybe we should call Axel and see if he can send anyone to back us up,� Ashleigh commented.

Alice shook her head.

“There is no one. The warriors that remain in Winter are the only defense it has. Plus, it would take them another five days just to reach us, assuming they could follow the directions and avoid detection. And from what you said, we can’t wait that long.�

Ashleigh knew that Alice was right. Whichever path they chose, they needed to go now. They all sat quietly as they thought about their options.

Myka returned to cutting the vegetables. He wondered if there was a quicker way to get between their two destinations. But it was difficult to predict that when they didn’t have an exact location for the way gate to begin with.

Ashleigh was leaning toward going straight for the mound. The location of the way gate was in question, but they knew where the mound was. It was dangerous, but it was also a chance. If they could destroy the mound, the Queen would be weakened. Perhaps, even vulnerable.

They could end the war.

“Lily said that the Dark Queen would know when we destroyed the way gate, right?� Alice asked.

Ashleigh looked up from her own thoughts and nodded.

“But that doesn’t necessarily mean she would know that we reached it....� Alice said, narrowing her eyes as she continued to formulate a plan in her mind.

“Okay... but we would still need to destroy it....� Ashleigh replied, observing Alice carefully for any indication of what she was thinking.

“True, but do we need to destroy it before we reach the mound?� Alice asked.

Ashleigh furrowed her brows with confusion when suddenly her eyes widened in understanding.

“We don’t have to destroy it right away...� she whispered.

Alice smiled and nodded.

Myka looked up at the two women.

“I hear hopeful voices, and Alice is smiling. Not the creepy or scary one, the good one,� he said excitedly. “Did you figure it out?�

“We are going to the way gate first,� Alice began. “We will set the charges on a remote detonator and activate it at the same time that we set off the charges at the mound.�

Ashleigh nodded.

“But we have no idea how long it will take to reach the mound after the way gate. And didn’t you say that we have to assume our enemy will know once we cross the border?� he said, turning to Alice. “Doesn’t that mean she will know when we reach the gate even if we don’t blow it up?�

“Not if none of her scouts are able to report back,� Alice said, looking at Ashleigh with a raised brow and a grin.

Ashleigh returned the grin.

“Sounds like we’ve got a hunt in the works,� Ashleigh replied.

Alice nodded and looked at Myka.

“And you will spend the rest of the night learning everything there is to know about setting explosives.�
Myka’s eyes widened, and then he took a deep breath, closing his eyes with a sigh of resignation.

“All right,� he said, looking up at Alice. “But if we make it out of this, you explain to Peter how I ended up with the explosives.�

Alice chuckled and nodded. “Deal.�

As Alice and Myka had been negotiating, Ashleigh’s mind had its own focus.

“Lily said that the destruction of the Moonguard mound weakened the Dark Queen,� Ashleigh suddenly announced. “Maybe, if we destroy both of them simultaneously, we can take her down too.�

“Whoa...� Myka said, rising from his place on the ground, looking between them with concern. “Look, I knew there was a chance that we would run into trouble on this mission. But it sounds like you want to make killing her a part of it....�

“I do,� Ashleigh replied. “Myka, this would be an amazing opportunity. She will have time to heal and get stronger if she gets away. But if we attack her when she is weakest, we can end the war!�

Myka swallowed.

“Ashleigh,� Alice called to her. “I understand where you’re coming from, and I admit, the idea is tempting.�

Ashleigh furrowed her brows.

“But, that is not the mission,� Alice continued, “we are here to destroy the connections between our world and the ley lines.�

“Yes, so that the Dark Queen can’t use them to destroy us all!� Ashleigh growled. “If we just take her out now, then we don’t have to worry about the way gate between Summer and Winter. The war will be over, and our people will be safe.�

Alice glanced at Myka. She could see the tightness in his jaw and the short breaths he was taking.

“Ashleigh,� she tried again. “Holden was afraid of her. This man that didn’t care about betraying Alphas and entire packs was afraid of this creature. I don’t think it would be wise to underestimate her.�

Ashleigh sighed.

“I’m not underestimating her,� she said. “All I am saying is that if the opportunity presents itself, I will not hesitate to do my part to end all of this.�

Feeling irritated, Ashleigh turned to leave.

“Just remember Ashleigh,� Alice called out to her. “An animal is at its most dangerous when it is wounded.�

Ashleigh paused for a moment, feeling a chill in the air at the words. But shaking it off, she continued on her way to her tent.

Myka sat back down on the ground quietly. Alice turned and watched him for a silent moment before sitting down on the log beside his.

“Are you okay?� she asked.

“Perfect,� Myka smiled over his shoulder.

Alice reached out and flicked his ear.

“Ouch!� he cried, leaning away from her and grabbing his stinging lobe. “Rude!�

“It’s rude to lie,� she replied with a shrug.

Myka rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Fine, I’m... getting by.�

“Tell me,� she said.

“It’s dumb,� he replied quietly.

“Isn’t most of what comes out of your mouth?� she smiled.

Myka scoffed with great offense but also let out a light chuckle. Then, he took a deep breath.

“I feel... strange,� he began. “I guess I knew there was a chance we might run into her here, but I don’t think I really expected to.�

“The Dark Queen?� Alice asked.

Myka nodded.

“Are you scared?� Alice asked. “I know you haven’t had a lot of experience fighting, but you have been trained well. After that, natural reflexes and self-preservation will kick in.�

Myka shook his head.

“I’m not scared, not like that,� he said.

“Then how?�

Myka shrugged, feeling unsure of how to even communicate his thoughts.

“Ever since Ashleigh told me all the dirty details about Irina...I don’t know. I feel strange.�

Alice nodded. She reached her hand to his shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze.

“She’s not Irina,� Alice said gently.

“I know,� Myka smiled. “It’s not like I knew her anyway, so it shouldn’t matter even if it was her.�

Alice nodded.

“But...� Myka continued. “When Ashleigh mentioned that we should kill her... I just got this heavy feeling in my stomach and panic in my chest.�

Myka took another deep breath.

“I know that she has to die. This war won’t end until she does... I just didn’t think I would have to play such a direct role in her death.�

Alice shook her head.

“You don’t,� she said.

Myka shook his head.

“Ashleigh’s right,� he said. “If we get the chance, we need to take it.�

“I agree,� Alice said. “As long as we are careful and know it is the best option, yes, we should take the risk. Ashleigh and I.�

Myka looked back at her, his brows furrowed.

“Myka, if you feel a connection, at all, to this creature, then you can’t be a part of that battle,� Alice said.

“I didn’t say Iâ€"“

“I am not saying you care for her,� Alice interrupted. “But I was raised by her closest ally. I know how these people work. She will know at a glance that you feel something, anything, about her, and she will use it to distract you.�

Myka swallowed but listened to every word she said.

“Our heads need to be clear and focused,� she continued. “You cannot face her.�

“So, what am I supposed to do if she’s there? Run away while you and Ashleigh fight for your lives? I can’t do that, Alice. I won’t,� Myka said.

“I don’t think it is a good idea for any of us to go into this thinking we are white knights entering the dragon’s cave,� Alice sighed. “And I’m not telling you to run away, Myka. But if worse comes to worst, we need to do this carefully. So I am telling you to keep yourself from becoming a distraction for Ashleigh or me.�

Myka lowered his eyes, and she squeezed his shoulder again.

“You abhor violence, Myka. I know this,� Alice smiled. “You will defend and protect, but you don’t attack.�

Myka looked back up at her.

“When facing a monster, you must be willing to be one yourself. You are no monster,� Alice said with a warm smile. “But Ashleigh and I...�

Alice’s warm smile slowly grew into a wicked grin.

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