Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 547 I Know You Will Be Safe

"What does that mean?" Axel asked with concern. "Confused about what?"

"When we were told how long Alice had been unconscious, I ordered new scans of her brain," Bell said. "I was afraid that something had gone wrong and that her lesions had spread or worsened."

"You didn't tell me that…." Axel growled, standing from his chair.

"I don't tell my patients' families my worst fears unless I have evidence to support telling them," Bell replied with a soft attitude.

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Alice pulled at his hand, instructing him to sit back down. Axel clenched his jaw but sat back down.

"What did you find?" Alice asked. Bracing herself for the worst.

"It's not what I found, but what I didn't find…." Bell replied. "The lesions."

"What?" Alice asked right away. "What do you mean?"

"The lesions in your brain are gone," Bell smiled. "I have no idea how it's possible, but I checked the scans twice. I had three other people look at them. I want to run another scan just to be sure, but it looks like… your brain is healed."

"Healed…" Axel whispered, looking at Alice and then quickly back at Bell. "You said it would take years if it happened at all."

"Yes, and it should have," Bell replied.

"Then… how?" Alice asked.

"I don't know," Bell replied honestly. She took a deep breath. "That's not all."

Alice sat up in bed.

"What else is there?" she asked.

"The infection," Bell started.

Alice felt that tight grip on her heart. Again her hand moved instinctively to cover her stomach.

"We ran the bloodwork. I checked and double-checked," Bell continued. "It is still present in your system."

Alice swallowed and lowered her eyes. Hugging her stomach tightly. Axel leaned his head to hers, trying to offer her comfort.

"But it's still dormant."

Alice and Axel lifted their heads, looking at Bell with utter confusion.
Alice furrowed her brows.

"I don't understand," she replied.

"I don't either," Bell replied. "Based on the numbers I'm seeing, and when the most likely date of conception was, you are far enough along that the infection should have reactivated itself."

"Does that mean…" Alice began but hesitated to finish her sentence.

Bell understood.

"I'm going to be very honest with you, Alice," she said. "I don't know what it means."

Bell looked at Alice with sincere affection.

"I want to tell you that it will stay this way, that the infection won't have any reaction to your pregnancy, but I can't."

Alice swallowed. Her eyes were already stinging from the tears that were gathering in them. Her heart ached with a hope that she dared not voice.

"I think the first thing we need to do is look at the development, see if there's anything else we need to be concerned about."

Alice chewed her lower lip. She would get to see the baby.

But did she want to? There was no guarantee that the infection would not trigger at any moment. Her heart ached at either possibility.

She looked at Axel, and she could see that he was concerned.

Alice took a deep breath.

"Look for whatever you need to," she said. "But I don't want to see."

Bell was surprised.

"Are you sure?" she asked carefully.

Alice nodded and looked at Axel. He lifted his eyes to hers, searching for what she needed. But, instead, she touched his cheek and gave him a sad smile.

"We're not ready," she whispered.

Axel gave her a shaky smile and kissed her hand, giving a gentle nod, admitting that he felt the same way.

"Okay," Bell said softly. "I'll keep the monitor facing me."

Ten minutes later, Bell applied some warm gel to Alice's abdomen and ensured the monitor was turned away.

"I'll keep the sound off," she said.

Axel nodded and focused his attention on Alice.

They both turned to each other, and he leaned forward to touch their heads together. Then, they both closed their eyes as Bell finished the exam.

It took several minutes, but soon enough, the scan was done. Bell left the room to return the equipment, though Axel noted it seemed quite some time for her to return. He watched the door carefully.

"She's reacting," Alice whispered.

"What?" Axel asked, still watching the door.

"She's taking a while to come back because she's reacting to what she saw," Alice smiled sadly. "Whether she's happy or sad, worried, or excited…. She can't show us. So, she's taking a moment to let it out."

Axel lowered his eyes to the ground. He took a deep breath and licked his lips.

"What about you?" he asked. "How are yo–"

"All right," Bell said as she opened the door and entered the room again. "That's all done. From what I can see, there is no cause for alarm at the moment."

Bell was calm and steady as she spoke, showing little emotion. Alice was right. She had taken the time to shake off her reactions.

"I do think it is important, because of the risks we are all aware of, that Alice be monitored regularly," she continued. "By that, I mean, Alice, you should stay in the Safe Zone. But, preferably, I would like to keep you in a long-term room here in the hospital where we can keep track of your progress."

"You want me to stay in the hospital for the next three months?" Alice asked in disbelief.

"I am also willing to accept staying in the Safe Zone, at my house," Bell replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "That way, I can check on you outside the hospital."

Alice sighed and looked at Axel.

He seemed even more lost in thought than she felt.

"Axel," she called to him.

He looked up, surprised, and then he smiled.

"I think it's a good idea," he said. "The reports we've been getting, it sounds like forces are gathering again. Which means we could see war coming to Winter any day now. I would feel much better with you in the Safe Zone."

"Axel…" Alice started to argue.

Axel shook his head and smiled.

"I believe we made an agreement," he said, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "All of your life and death decisions are mine now."

Alice scoffed.

"I want you where I know you will be safe," Axel said sweetly.

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