Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 627 Good To Know

When Axel arrived at the hospital, he was treated for severe hypothermia. At the same time, the doctors fought to contain the infection in his leg. Treatment became complex because the ice was clearly a result of Axel using his power.

Peter theorized that Axel had turned his cold in on himself, hoping it would do exactly what it was doing: slow the infection. But, unfortunately, his body seemed to be on autopilot, continuing to freeze to stop the disease while killing Axel at the same time.

Not only the long-term effects of the cold on his body, but the actual prolonged use of his powers was draining him. As a result, life-saving measures had to be taken more than once to keep him from dying during treatment.

Alice had been through a thorough exam after finding Axel and returning to the hospital. She was cleared of medical concerns but confined to her room with orders to stay in bed.

Sitting alone in that room waiting for any news about Axel had almost driven her crazy. Luckily, when Myka found out he had Sadie moved to Alice's room so he could keep an eye on them both.

He told her about the gate, Ashleigh, and what she said about Caleb.

So much was happening at once that Alice wasn't sure what to do. She had finally found a family, her mate, his mother, and even his sister. But now, Axel was dying, Corrine was in critical condition, and Ashleigh had been rushed to the hospital.

Alice hugged her stomach. The exam showed that the babies were safe and growing. She had taken a risk to save Axel and didn't regret it, but now she was even more terrified of losing so much more.

Myka put his arm around her and held her close as he saw tears silently rolling down her cheek.

"They're going to be okay," he whispered.

"Who?" Alice asked with a bitter smile.

"All of them," he smiled back.

"You don't know that," she said.

"No one does," he replied. "But I have faith in Peter. He was the lead in Corrine's care and is currently working with Bell to save Axel. Together those two can save anyone."

Alice let out a gentle scoff.

"What about Ashleigh?" Alice asked.
"Are you kidding?" he asked. "She's too stubborn to die, just like you."

Alice laughed, wiping away the tears.

"That's true," she agreed. "And Corrine is one of the toughest people I've ever met and a devoted mother. She'd never let death take her when her children are in danger."

Myka nodded.

"And Axel wouldn't leave you," he said. "Or them."

Myka smiled, looking at Alice's stomach. He was happy for her and relieved. It had torn a hole in his heart when he learned the cost of saving his life. Alice had saved his life more times than he could count. But that was the only time that he wished she had chosen differently.

After he heard that she was pregnant, he fell to his knees in tears. Peter had held him for hours as Myka let out the guilt and grief weighing down on his heart.

"He might not have a choice," Alice replied sadly.

"Don't think like that," Myka said.

"You didn't see his leg, the infection," Alice sighed, looking away. "It was spreading so fast…. You had it for days, he couldn't have had it more than a few hours, but it looked much worse than yours."

Myka took a deep breath and hugged her again.

"I believe in Axel and in Peter and Bell. They will find a way to help him," he whispered. Kissing the top of her head. "You deserve your family more than anyone else in this world, Alice. He's going to make it."

They sat in silence for a long time until Sadie woke up. Then, they both put on smiles and brave faces for her. Chatting and laughing. Making jokes and talking about anything that could keep Alice distracted and Sadie smiling.

"Stefan doesn't think I know it's him, but I know he was the one that left me flowers on my window," Sadie said with a soft smile.

"Oh?" Myka asked, crossing his arms. "And why is he leaving you flowers?"

Alice raised an eyebrow at Myka with a soft laugh.

"He does it on the days he knows I'm feeling sad," Sadie replied. "I think he just wants to make me smile."

"Oh," Myka smiled. "That's very sweet of him."

"Stefan is a very sweet boy," Alice said. Thinking of the young boy she had brought back from Autumn, one of the only survivors of the Blue Reef pack.

Sadie nodded.

"He said I remind him of his sister," Sadie continued. "And when she was sad, she liked to look at the flowers that grew along the cliffs near their home in Blue Reef."

Alice lowered her gaze, pushing away the image that entered her mind of the girl's lifeless body.

"His sister is gone now," Sadie said, "but he asked me if I could be his new sister."

Alice looked at Sadie and then up at Myka. She could see by his expression that he had realized something. She hoped it was the same thing she had been trying to make Peter recognize for a while now.

"Sadie," Myka called softly, moving closer and kneeling to look her in the eye. "Is that why Stefan didn't want to stay with the family from Frostbite? Because he thought you would be separated?"

Sadie nodded sadly.

"I didn't want him to give up a family for me," she said. "I told him that we can't stay together. We aren't a real brother and sister. But he just got upset and told me that he wants to protect me like he couldn't protect her."

Alice took a deep breath. She had been worried for Stefan. He experienced a lot of trauma in Autumn. She had seen that he and Sadie got close and hoped it was good for them both. But now she worried that separating them might cause more damage.

"Do you see him as a brother?" Myka asked.

Sadie looked at him and then looked away.

"It doesn't matter," she said.

Myka reached out and touched her chin to turn back to him.

"It does to me," Myka smiled.

Sadie swallowed and then nodded.

"I never got close to any of the others in the lab," she said. "But Stefan is nice. He's funny. He's a good little brother."

"Okay," Myka smiled with a nod. "That's good to know."

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