Mated To An Enemy

685 Wouldn’t It Just Be Easier

When Alice woke, she was in the hospital. Axel was sitting beside her, and as soon as he saw that her eyes were open, he jumped up and ran to get the doctor.

After a comprehensive exam and an ultrasound, it was confirmed that everything was fine with the pregnancy. The twins were healthy and growing, and Alice returned with a clean bill of health.

Alice had a hard time accepting that everything was fine.

She had gone to the upstairs bathroom because there was only a shower in the downstairs bathroom. After turning on the water, she gathered her supplies on the counter and changed into her robe.

When she stood up and pulled her hair up into a short ponytail, there was a very sudden sharp pain low in her abdomen. One that had forced a quick breath and clenched jaw.

Her heart started racing, and then there was another sharp pain. Several more. She took a few steps forward, and her body suddenly became weak. A thick and heavy ache in her thigh stretched to her lower back.

She grabbed hold of the counter to steady herself, but the strength in her legs was all but gone. A lightning bolt pain coursed through her leg, and the sharp abdominal pain continued. She held hard to the counter and focused on moving past the pain. She knew that if she let go, she would fall.

Alice had no idea what was happening to her body, but she knew that any fall during pregnancy put the babies at risk. So, she refused to fall. No matter how long she had to hold herself steady, she would.

Drawing on the awful lessons of her past, Alice pulled away from the pain, detaching herself so thoroughly that she couldn’t even hear when Axel had knocked or had spoken. It wasn’t until he touched her that she was yanked back to herself.

Her strength was gone, and she was exhausted, but she would have held to that counter until her dying breath if she had to. But when she looked into his eyes and recognized him, she could let go, knowing he would never allow her to fall.

The doctor explained that Alice had felt sudden weakness and leg pain due to pressure on the nerves as the babies grew and took up more space. It was a common problem in pregnancy. So as long as they kept an eye on her and she was more careful about paying attention to her symptoms, there was no reason to think it would cause any problems for the twins.

“But what about the pain she felt at the start,” Axel asked. He was sitting at the edge of his chair. His voice filled with concern.

The doctor smiled and looked at Alice.

“I’m afraid,” she said, “there is no treatment for that.”

Axel’s face fell, and he looked back at Alice with concern.

Alice sat in bed, her hand naturally moving low on her abdomen.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“As you get further along in your pregnancy,” the doctor said, “you will feel it more often. And it is bound to get much worse, I’m sorry.”

“Worse?!” Axel shouted as he stood from his chair. “How can you say that with a smile on your face? Do you not realize how much pain she was in?”

“I’m sorry, my Alpha,” the doctor said, lowering her head and placing her fist to her heart. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I was only trying to lighten the mood.”

The doctor turned back to Alice.

“I know it is painful, but there is no cause for concern,” she said. “The pain you are feeling is completely normal. But because you carry two of them, it will be harder for you than most.”

“What is it?” Alice asked.

The doctor smiled.

“Your babies are moving.”


Axel insisted on taking Alice back home, staying by her side the entire way. She told him it wasn’t necessary, but she also didn’t mind his company. Even if they had things to talk about and work through, it didn’t change how she felt about him.

“We should get you in bed,” he said as he helped her into the house.

“She said to rest. She didn’t say bed rest,” Alice sighed. “The couch is fine for now.”

Axel huffed, but he led her to the couch and helped her to sit down.

He hurried to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water.

“She said you were also a little dehydrated,” he said, offering her the glass.

“I’m not thirsty,” she said.

Axel raised a brow and pushed the water toward her again.

Alice sighed and took it from him, taking a sip and setting it on the side table.

“Happy?” she asked.

“Ecstatic,” he smiled.

Alice smiled and looked away.

Axel sat down beside her. He turned and looked at her. A soft smile spread across his lips.

“What?” she said, noticing his smile.

“It’s only been two weeks, but they’ve grown so much,” he said softly.

Alice looked down at her belly. He was right. She had gone from bump to watermelon in seemingly no time at all. No wonder it hurt so much when they moved. There was hardly enough room for one, let alone two.

She reached down and ran her hand gently along her belly. She smiled, thinking of the images she had seen of them. They were curled toward each other as though they were sleeping peacefully.

Alice gasped softly as she felt a sharp pull down low.

“Alice!” Axel shouted, quickly turning to her.

“I’m okay,” she whispered between gritted teeth. “I’m okay.”

Alice squeezed her hands against her belly. It helped at least a little.

Then she felt it, the strange movement beneath her fingers. She gasped.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Axel asked with concern.

Alice reached over and grabbed his hand. She pulled on him and placed it against her belly.


“Wait,” she said.

The pain continued, but it didn’t surprise her anymore. She felt the deep tug and moved his hand again.

“Here!” she said as she held his hand in place.

Axel didn’t understand. He was about to ask when he felt the movement against his hand. He turned to her with wide eyes and a strange but good feeling in his chest.

“Is that…?”

Alice smiled and nodded.

“They’re moving,” she said.

Axel let out a soft chuckle as he felt his child move again.

“Oh!” Alice cried out, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth.

Axel looked up. He saw the pain on her face. He pulled his hand away.

“The doctor said that a warm bath can ease some of the pain,” he said. “Why don’t I go run it for you?”

Alice took a breath and opened her eyes. She looked up at Axel. She saw the worry and fear in his eyes.

“I thought you didn’t want me going up the stairs?” she smiled.

“I’ll carry you,” he replied immediately.

Alice felt the flush rushing to her cheeks. She turned away but nodded.

Axel was gone several minutes as he got up and ran a new bath for her. When he returned, he wasted no time and picked her up into his arms as though she weighed nothing. Alice buried her face in his shoulder so he couldn’t see the smile or the redness of her cheeks as he carried her like a princess up the stairs.

When they reached the bathroom, he sat her down and returned to the bedroom. When he was alone, he took a deep, shaky breath as the warmth spread over him. He was amazed at himself for being able to keep his feelings under control as he carried her.

As he was about to leave the room, she called to him.

“Axel,” she said. “Can you come here, please?”

Axel swallowed and took a deep breath to settle his heart.

“Is everything all right?” he asked as he stepped back into the bathroom.

His heart jumped into his throat as his eyes fell on her.

Alice sat on the tub's edge, wearing a towel barely covering her torso. She looked back at him and smiled.

“Everything is fine,” she said. “But I’m going to need a little help getting in.”

“Of course,” he said, swallowing the sudden abundance of saliva. “I should have thought of that.”

He took a step toward her, and she stood up.

“I’m going to need help getting out, too,” she said.

Axel felt as though the air had become thicker suddenly.

“That… is also true…” he whispered.

Alice stepped toward him. Axel's heart was racing in his chest.

“Wouldn’t it just be easier…” she said softly before her fingers reached the end of his belt and pulled it free from its clasp, “…if you joined me?”

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