Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 707 How Could I Not

Chapter 707  How Could I Not

The soft sounds of Caleb’s breathing and the beating of his heart were soothing to her ear. Ashleigh lay with her head on his chest, simply enjoying hearing him once more as he slept.

They had spent hours tangled up in each other. He wasn’t joking when he said that he would make sure neither of them could move before they were finished. While the ache in her body was genuine, it was also very comforting. Proof of the moment, proof of his return.

They had fallen asleep together, and though it was still dark out and it had been only an hour or so, Ashleigh woke with a concern that had been weighing heavily on her for the past couple of days.

She had seen how he looked at Fiona and Galen across the crowd of his vigil. He had already voiced his desire to go home.

It had been five days since his return, and no one else knew other than Liam and Maeve. At first, Ashleigh was too wrapped up in their reunion to even think of telling anyone. Then it was about catching him up on what had happened while he was gone.

There was still a lot to share with him, but if she was honest, she knew she had avoided telling anyone else. Whether it was because she wanted more time with him or if she wasn’t sure that they would believe her, she didn’t know. What she did know was that the idea of picking up the phone and calling home twisted her stomach in knots.

Ashleigh lifted herself onto her elbow and turned to look down at Caleb asleep in her bed. It was difficult to believe this was real, even after spending every hour together since his return. It still seemed too good to be true that he was here, that it wasn’t just another memory or dream.

But it was real. Caleb was back.

For Ashleigh, it was everything she had hoped and wished for every day of the last five years. Her life could finally begin again.

But for the others… they had moved on. Built new lives that no longer had a place waiting for Caleb’s return. The life he had known before stepping through the gate in Summer was gone.

Ashleigh swallowed, looking down at the peaceful expression on his sleeping face. She reached her hand out, gently stroking his jaw with her fingertip. How could she explain that to him? It was one thing to say that five years had passed, to show him the scars on her body and tell him the events that led to them.

Those were all concepts, ideas, or things that happened to someone else. But what about the things that would affect him? The pieces of his life that were changed or gone. How would he react when he learned why Ashleigh had come to Liam’s pack in the first place? Or about Fiona?

What would he do when she told him the truth about Galen?

Ashleigh closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. The weight in her chest was getting heavier. She let out a sigh.

“Even I am completely drained after all we did last night,” Caleb’s voice whispered up to her.

Ashleigh opened her eyes to see him looking at her with a sleepy gaze. He gave her a tired smile and reached his hand up to touch her cheek.

“Why are you awake?” he asked.

Ashleigh leaned into his palm, feeling his warming touch comfort her and soothe her nerves.

“Come back to bed,” he whispered.

“I will,” she smiled. “I’m just a little achy.”

Caleb’s eyes widened, and he moved to his elbows.
“Are you all right?” he asked with concern. “Was I too rough?”

Ashleigh smiled and shook her head. She touched his cheek reassuringly and leaned down to give him a soft kiss.

“No,” she whispered against his lips. “I’m all right. Nothing a warm bath won’t cure.”

“Are you sure?” he asked as she pulled away from him.

He looked up at her with his gentle but probing gaze. She knew he was worried.

“I promise,” she said. “You go back to sleep. I’m going to bathe and then go back to bed too.”

Caleb took a deep breath, she could see he wanted to argue, but the weariness of his body was hard to ignore. Reluctantly, he nodded and laid back in bed.

“Wake me,” he said, “if you want to talk or anything…”

Ashleigh smiled and nodded. She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. She ran herself a hot bath. As her body soaked in the warmth of the water, she relaxed, and her mind began to drift through her memories.


After the vigil, Ashleigh needed time alone and was unwilling to see anyone.

Corrine and Axel stayed in Summer for a few days, but in the end, they had to return home without another chance to speak with her.

Ashleigh had found a room to stay in, an unoccupied guest room. For a week, she stayed inside, not coming out for anything. Meals were delivered to her door, and she began to eat them by the second day.

When the week had passed, Ashleigh felt like she might finally be ready. She left her room and went to the place she had dreaded for six months.

She stood frozen outside the door. Several times she had reached her hand toward the handle, but not once had she been able to grab it.

It was frustrating.

It was just a door. Just a room.

If she genuinely believed that Caleb was still alive, why was it so hard to open the door? If she was sure he was coming back, why would it be difficult to enter the room?

Ashleigh clenched her jaw and drew a sharp, angry breath through her nose. She reached out once more, thrusting her hand forward to the handle. This time, she was able to grab hold of it. The cold metal pressed into the palm of her hand.

All she had to do now was turn it and open the door.

She swallowed. Her heart began to thud wildly in her chest. Her breath was short and quick, and her body felt weak.

The hot wetness of a tear running down her cheek surprised her.

“It’s good to see you, Ashleigh,” Galen said with a gentle nod.

“How did you know I was here?” she asked.

“Don’t force it,” a familiar voice called behind her.

Ashleigh’s entire body stilled.

“If you’re not ready, there is no point in forcing yourself to face it.”

She took in a shaky breath and released her hold on the door. As her hand returned to her side, she turned to face him.

He looked tired. The smile he always wore so brightly was dulled and weighted.

“It’s good to see you, Ashleigh,” Galen said with a gentle nod.

“How did you know I was here?” she asked.

“As soon as you came out of your room, I was told,” he said, “and it wasn’t hard to figure out where you would go once you started in this direction.”

Ashleigh took a deep breath. She wasn’t surprised that he kept someone watching her room. They all thought she was crazy now. It would have been ridiculous not to have someone watching.

“I wanted to thank you,” Galen said.

Ashleigh narrowed her eyes.

“Thank me?” she asked. “For what?”

Galen cleared his throat and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“For coming to the vigil,” he said. “I know it wasn’t easy.”

The sounds of crying, wailing, and mourning flooded Ashleigh’s mind at the mention of the vigil. She took a breath, pushing away the memory.

“It was to honor Caleb,” she sighed. “How could I not come?”

Galen nodded.

“I don’t think anyone would have blamed you if you didn’t,” he said. “But I know many were incredibly relieved to see you again.”

Ashleigh swallowed.

“I’m not ready to talk to her,” she said.

“I know,” he replied, “so does she. She said she will wait until you’re ready to seek her out.”

Ashleigh nodded, she waited another moment, but it didn’t seem like Galen had anything else to say. She turned to leave when something suddenly occurred to her. She paused.



She turned around to face him again.

“At the vigil…” she said. “Why didn’t you make an offering?”

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