Mated To An Enemy

757 A Lot To Lose At Once

Ashleigh’s eyes widened. She wanted to get up, but Bell was quick, already holding the needle in place. She smiled before beginning the first stitch and story.

“The war took a lot of lives,” she began, “entire packs were destroyed. The balance of our territories was completely shaken. Enemies we thought extinct reappeared and shattered everything we knew about ourselves and each other.”

Ashleigh took a deep breath and closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do but sit and listen to whatever Bell wanted her to.

“But from this war, we learned about our weaknesses. About the enemies that already lived among us. Those who planned and plotted the downfall of all the others. Those who committed atrocities right below our noses.

“The territories were seeped in blood and pain. A rot grew from the earth itself and spread among the wolves. Transforming them into vile creatures, killing and torturing everyone they encountered.”

Bell paused, setting down her tools. She readjusted the light before continuing.

“It was a losing battle. Outnumbered, outsmarted. The gates of Summer were overrun, communications were lost, and both Alpha and Beta were gone. Leaving the pack to fend for itself. There was no hope, no reason to believe that anyone could or would come. The Goddess herself could not send aid quickly enough to make a difference.

“The wolves were already prepared to die. Huddled in corners, holding their loved one tight and closing their eyes, begging the Goddess for the only thing they could. A quick death.

“But the Goddess did not send them a quick death. Instead, she sent a Warrior. One that could rip holes in the universe to travel vast distances just in time to save these doomed wolves.”

Bell smiled to herself as she continued the story.

“She defended the gates, pushing back the enemy with the power of the Goddess. She shone with a golden white light as she tore down the enemy soldiers and cleared a path to victory. As though that weren’t enough of a blessing, she performed an even greater miracle. The wolves of Summer knew it was impossible. Still, somehow, this Warrior was able to summon her lover, their Alpha, to her side in the middle of battle. Together, they tore down the remaining forces and secured Summer’s gates.”

At this, Ashleigh could not sit still. Hearing the ridiculous exaggeration of what had really happened, she tried to look at Bell.

“Hey!” Bell shouted, quickly pulling back her needle. Luckily, she wasn’t mid-stitch at the time.

Ashleigh glared up at Bell, and Bell glared right back.

“You promised to hold still,” Bell stated. She gave Ashleigh an irritated smile before adding, “Now, are you going to listen, or do I need to strap you down?”

Ashleigh took a deep breath through her nose and turned back into position.

“Good,” Bell nodded. She moved her hands back in line with the sutures. “Now, where was I? Oh, right, you just teleported Caleb to your side.”

Ashleigh rolled her eyes but didn’t move.

Bell cleared her throat and continued the stitch before she spoke again.

“Though the Warrior and the Alpha had fought hard to secure the pack, the enemies’ numbers were too great. Again, Summer faced the end. But it was then that the great Warrior performed another miracle.

“She led the wolves to the mountains, and while their Alpha was forced to turn back and fight the enemy to protect his people, the Warrior built them a golden bridge that extended into the universe and delivered them to safety far from the enemy.”

Bell paused as she finished off the stitches. Tying it off and setting down her needle. She continued as she prepared the bandage.

“The people of Summer found shelter with wolves they had once called enemy. They were given warmth and comfort as the Goddess’ chosen warrior and her Alpha lover continued to fight against the Ancient Evil that had tried to devour their lands.

“Trapped between the worlds, the Warrior and the Alpha fought to save their people. With the power bestowed on her by the Goddess, the Warrior defeated the Ancient Evil and returned home. Summer, as well as all the other wolves, were safe once more."

Bell carefully pressed the bandage over Ashleigh’s wound, gently taping it down.

“But the battle was not won without a heavy price. The Goddess and, alongside her, the Alpha, were caught between the worlds. Waiting for the day the Warrior could finally rescue them.”

Bell sat back. The procedure was done. She took a deep breath and watched Ashleigh, waiting for her reaction.

Ashleigh had long ago closed her eyes. Bell saw a tear that pushed through her sealed lids. Ashleigh sniffled and cleared her throat.

“Everything was exaggerated...” she whispered. “It’s just a story… a made-up story.”

Bell nodded.

“These wolves are desperate to believe in something,” Bell said. “So, they believe in you. In the woman that could tear holes in the universe, that could channel the power of the first Luna, that fought an ancient evil threatening to destroy us all and won.”

Ashleigh turned away.

“This pack lost their friends and family, their homes, their sense of security, their Goddess… their Alpha,” Bell said softly. “It’s a lot to lose at once.”

Bell lowered her eyes and took a deep breath.

“I can’t blame them for holding so tightly to the idea of you…” she said. “The things you’ve done, they were extraordinary, miraculous even. It makes sense to think that if anyone could bring back Caleb and everything else that was lost… it would be you.”

Ashleigh turned back to Bell with concern.

“Everything else?” she whispered. “What does that even— the Goddess is gone. There is no bringing her back. I never said I could…”

“No, you didn’t,” Bell smiled. “You didn’t say anything… at all.”

Ashleigh looked at Bell with a questioning gaze.

“But still they believe…” Bell whispered. “They believe so strongly that they are willing to allow this madness to grow and spread in their minds until nothing of them is left.”

Bell looked at Ashleigh. Their eyes met, and Ashleigh swallowed as she saw the sadness that looked back at her.

“What I mean,” Bell continued. “Is that it’s not just about you…”

Bell licked her lips, thinking of how she could best explain. She looked at Ashleigh, wondering if she would understand or not.

“You think that everyone has given up on Caleb. That you’re the only one who still believes he’ll come back. But these people…”

Bell paused and sighed before continuing.

“Caleb brought you into this pack. He made you his wife because he loved you,” she said. “But the pack made you their Luna… because they believed in you and all the stories about you.”

Ashleigh lowered her head.

“Why?” she asked.

Bell took a deep breath.

“Because they think they have nothing else…” she said. “Caleb was the last of the first, and you, no matter how direct or indirect, had a connection to the Goddess. You are the only part of the story that remains. Only you can give them the happy ending they are desperate for.”

Ashleigh swallowed and hugged herself.

“They’re just stories…” she said softly. “They’re not true, and I had nothing to do with them.”

Bell smiled sadly.

“You’re right,” Bell whispered. “Those stories were made up about you by people who watched from a distance and interpreted what they wanted.”

Ashleigh nodded her head.

Bell leaned forward, taking one of Ashleigh’s hands and squeezing it gently. Ashleigh lifted her gaze to meet Bell’s. She looked back at Ashleigh with eyes full of affection and warmth.

“Maybe,” Bell smiled softly, “it’s time for you to tell your story.”

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