Mated to The Dark Lord

19 19. F*cking Hell

Shani's POV

"Ranulf, we should start our discussion...Shani we will continue this later. Sabina and Muriel will show you to our chamber." Arkael said.

I was about to object when Ranulf told me, that I could check on Rain.

"He's currently resting in my chamber. But we won't be needing both of you for the time being, we will try and settle this without putting both of you in danger." He said casually.

"It should be a simple task, I had identified the so called beast. I will let Rain deal with the demon, after we capture and secure him in our dungeon." He said pointing to Arkael and himself.

I was about to object again, knowing that Arkael was in his human form, when Ranulf continue on his words.

Damn he can surely ready mind.

"We have our own demon sorcerers, Arkael will be equip for the confrontation. I will take care of your mate Shani, as you will take care of my Rain for me. You will have all the ingredients that you'll need, just tell the nymphs and they will get it for you." He look at Sabina and Muriel as he mentioned the word nymphs.

I nodded knowing I would do better job at taking care of Rain. I was still confused about the King's attention towards my dear friend Rain, but I was not going to questioned him for the time being.

Muriel and Sabina both ushered me to the King's chamber, after Arkael kissed me one last time assuring me that everything would be just fine. And the sooner he get it over with, the sooner we would be going back above ground and go back home.

"He really loves you my queen, he's truly smitten by you. In the hundreds year I've known him that was the first time, I saw him with so much affection." Sabina said as she ushered me outside the main hall. She was taking me by surprise, when she called me her queen.

"And the same was shown from our King Ranulf, to your werewolf friend. Which is actually best for him, he had been very down lately and none had succeed in cheering him up." Muriel casually said as she walked on my other side.

Their closeness and their openness, made me feel embarrassed for being jealous at them moments before. Maybe this was their thing, cause they surely respected me although their sexual advances still made me cringe. But I try to hold my feelings down, and try not to get too overwhelmed.

"My queen, this is King Ranulf's chamber..." Muriel slid her tail to the door handle and clicked it open, while her hands push the large intricate carved brass door.

Sabina pulled a chair for me to sit, beside the very large bed.

"Please my queen."

"Sabina you don't have to, I could perfectly pull a chair for myself. But thank you." I thanked her, but soon was silent when I look at Rain.

He looked really pale, all the preparation, the summoning of the portal and the force field must've drained his energy.

"Could you get him cooked meat, any red meat preferably half grilled. The more bloody the better, and ehm...I don't know if you have any wine or alcohol down here. If not I could..."

"We will get everything that master Rain needs. Give us a little time." Both said at the same time. Again it surprised me a little, but I try to smile at them and thanked them again.

They leave me alone with Rain, as they go about getting what I asked for him.

They were back moments later, with everything. I was a bit shocked that they knew exactly that I wanted a very large steak for him. I was still questioning how they get exactly what I had in mind, when Rain opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Hey are you feeling?" I asked caressing his hair.

"Where am I?" He asked, trying to sit up and rest his back on the intricate designed headboard.

"Well...apparently you're in King Ranulf's bed." I winked at him playfully, he blushed instantly at the realization and tried to get up.

"Hey it's okay, he put you here himself. We don't want to appear rude, and you're helping him. Just think of it as his gesture for thanking you."

"But I caused this..." he facial expression was sad instantly.

"Sshh...just rest, you need your strength, you collapsed earlier. Here Muriel and Sabina brought you these." I introduced him to the nymphs. We talked as he eat his meat, his skin was returning to its beautiful color again.

The nymphs left us, giving us some privacy saying that they would be back later to show me to Arkael's chamber.

Rain finished his meal and his wine. He was looking much better, then he was starting to get sleepy.

"You should rest my dear Rain, I love you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you." I said caressing his short strands.

"It's not your fault, I was too sad to call you..." his voice started to get raspy as his sadness was bubbling up in him.

"Sshh...why don't you rest? Arkael and Ranulf is currently taking care of things. Let's get you rested so we can get out of this hell." I smiled, making him smile back at me.

He was finally asleep minutes later. I sighed as I rest and waited on him.

"Don...nooo please don't leave me..."

Rain was having a nightmare, it crushed my heart knowing that I wasn't there for him.

I know exactly how excruciating it is for them to lose their mate. I had several werewolves clients came to me for my potions. Some just need to forget, because most of the time they were too consumed with the memories of their mate. So, when one passed away the other ceased to exist in their own way. And in several cases the other would follow their loved one footsteps, and died from their tremendous sadness months later.

My tears falls for Rain as he was restless and talking in his sleep, then moments later the nymphs were back.

"My queen? Is something wrong?" Sabina asked looking at my tears.

"No, I'm sorry. Rain was mumbling in his sleep. His mate had passed and he's in great sadness, it made me sad knowing it."

Then Sabina smiled at me, then she put her hand on each side of Rain's temple. She was letting out her golden glow and seconds later Rain smile in his sleep. I thanked her and asked what she did.

"I altered his sadness to before his loss. I made him remember all the happy times he had with his mate. They were a very handsome couple by the way." She smiled and give me her hug, she pulled me in and let her beautiful golden aura flow to me. I could see Don and Rain together, they were happy and it made me smile and teary at the same time.

"Thank you...that was very kind of you."

Sabina nodded and wiped my tears from my cheeks, she cupped my face and kissed my lips. I was surprised, but her lips feels so soft and inviting at the same time.

Then I felt Muriel behind me, her dragon like skin graze my own, her tail slithered down my legs. She was kissing the back of my neck, while letting out her warm breath making me shudder.

"My beautiful queen..." Sabina whispered in between her kisses.

I should...this is not right. I'm with Arkael...

"Sabina, you need to...I can't do this, Arkael..." I was panting, while Sabina kept on trailing her kisses down to my neck, sucking and licking my skin as my body hummed in delight.

"Come on let us leave master Rain to rest. We will take you to King Arkael's chamber." Sabina let me go and pulled away from our kiss.

I was embarrassed as I feel that I still wanted her more, both of them.

Fucking hell...

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