Mated to The Dark Lord

21 21. Hell on Earth

I was too far gone to realize that I might've hurt her. I was gripping her too tight and she was shedding her tears because of me.


Her small figure shuddered as I finally let her go.


Deep down I know she was hurting, but it wasn't because of my hold to her.

"I want to go back, can we go back home now?" she snuggled closer to me and I could feel her tears on my chest.

"Shani...please tell me what's wrong. I can't read your"

She flinched as I said the last word.

Condom. Damn. But this was not our first. I was bare last time too.

"Shani, I'm so sorry love. I'll arrange things we will leave soonest. It will be okay...look at me..." I cupped her cheek and kiss her tears away.

"I'm so damn old, I might not be able to produce anymore."

I could hear her let out a small laugh, making me relax a little bit.

"So, I'm guessing the age gap is a non issue with you?"

She let another laughter while slapping my chest playfully. I was smiling at her and pulling her close to my chest.

"I'll take care if you, any twisted turns up ahead we will face it together. We can do this my love."

"I love you, but I'm scared...I'm not ready...the baby, the elders, I don't want them...hurting the baby...the future of the baby..."

I engulfed her to my chest and kissed her hair. "I'm going to call the nymphs to take care of you and calm you down. I will settle everything with Ranulf and Rain then we're getting ourselves out here."

Five minutes later I was out the door, and went straight to Ranulf's chamber knowing he said he'll be there after we parted.

I knocked on the door and was let inside by the nymphs, who were apparently there with a very flustered looking Rain.

That guy had seriously never been with female beings.

"Muriel, Sabina I will need both you to tend to Shani. We will be leaving here soonest, just calm her down while I finish everything with Ranulf and Rain." They nodded and left us to our privacy.

"Rain was just telling me his story about the crawlers who kidnapped his mate. So, you want to join our playtime in the dungeon?" Ranulf asked as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

Hmm...when did he get all friendly?

"I will watch, but then we're going back up. It's Shani, we have issues and need to solve it back on earth."

Ranulf nodded and usher Rain to the dungeon, while I followed him on this other side.

We reached the dingy cells moments later. It were still filled with unearthly beings. Some fainted, while others were being tortured. I could hear Ranulf softly trying to calm Rain, who was looking very tense and pale at that moment.

But I surely didn't expect to hear a very loud feral growl coming from Rain. He was gripping on to the steel bar of the dungeon, which shelter five crawlers that Ranulf and myself brought back earlier.

All of the five crawlers instinctively pull back to the wall, but then Rain hunched lower. His hands touched the ground as his bones start crackling, and his body ripped his clothes off.

And that was when he shifted, I've heard about werewolf before but I've never seen one let alone seeing it transforming to one. It was a sight to behold, the anger that he let out, the growl, the grunts were full of power.

Ranulf looked pleased at him, he was smirking at the crawlers and then he moved bravely in front of the very large muscular black haired wolf, and caressed his thick fur. His dark wings trailed the floor as he move forward to open the lock. Then he spread his wing and nudged the wolf inside the dungeon.

There were growling and roaring, wailing cries of pains, slashing of skins, limbs tearing, agonizing screams from the crawlers, moments later there was only silence. But the blood smeared on the walls were indications of what were left from the crawlers.

Suddenly the surroundings were busy again with the sounds of torture from the dungeon cells.

I was still looking at both of them when Rain slowly turned back to his human form. He looked tired, bloody and naked, Ranulf engulfed him in his wing as he pulled him into his chest. It was too intimate for me to watch, so I slowly retreated back to the main hall and decided to wait for him there.

It was half an hour later, when Ranulf joined me at the main hall.

"Rain will stay here, he wanted to kill them all. There is something in him that needs to heal, it is better he stays rather than slowly dying on earth. It's never a pretty sight when a were losses his mate."

We talked some more before he arranged our departure with the demon sorcerer. We were safely guided through the portal and back to Shani's backyard.

She didn't say much after we arrived. I was starting to get worried, her reason was not without an excuse she had the first hand experience of what her elders might do to the baby. Should there would be one.

That night she slept restlessly in my arms. Until she woke up and looking worried at me.

"It'll all be good Shani, I will be here for you. I'm not going anywhere my darling." I pushed her back and kissed her slowly. She finally relent and open herself for me.

I caress kissed the crook of her neck and said my loving words, she was moaning under me. "Marry love. Let us be together for real, until life forced us apart."

Again my words made her tensed. Goddamn it!

"Don't you get it?" she said as she try to pull away from me, but I wouldn't let her.

"What? Would you please stop making me questioned each words."

"I don't want to be parted from you..." she whispered her words, looking at me pleading.

"My love..." I kissed her deeply while feeling all the love that she has for me. I pulled her in closer, she was flat to my body and we molded into eachother.

She kissed me back with such ferocity that made me burn with more desire. She was on top of me, gone was the plea as she took off her shirt making her nipples perked under my gaze.

"You Arkael... forever, I know I'd die if you died on me." She stated her words roughly, while she lower her body down to my chest making me groaned.

"Shani..." I moaned her name, couldn't resist the hunger that I have for her.

She took my arm and put her hands on mine, while she let them rest between my head.

"Mine...forever. I fucking love you too much." Her hands squeezed mine hard, while she kissed me with equal intensity. I could feel her nipples on my chest, making me cursed under her my dick was throbbing for her. But I waited.

"Shani..." I was moaning her name, more like begging her as she started grinding her pelvis to mine.

Fuck! This is worse than hell!

But I needed her to let it lout.

Goddamn! Hell on Earth.

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