Mated to The Dark Lord

29 29. The Wolf and The King

Maven was by his side moments later, he was busy with his balms and ointments. Shani was helping him with the ingredients, while Rain was pacing himself back and forth. His eyes kept on changing colors.

Shani looked at me watching the changes in Rain, then she explained me.

"His wolf is struggling from the inside, the red color eyes are his wolf's. He wants to resurface, but Rain is not letting him. He must've felt that it was his wolf's fault that Ranulf was hurt." She looked at him sadly.

"He could combust he kept on resisting his wolf...maybe I should..." She said as she walk towards Rain and hugged him, he was finally teary. Then moments later he was growling when he was finally turning, and let his wolf surfaced.

Maven kept working on Ranulf's wound, and not the very least affected by the very large wolf who gets onto his bed and snuggled up to his healthy side.

It kept on voicing its low pitch sound of sorrow, but Ranulf was not moving. The streaks of white on his wings were getting more visible as he lay still and looking terrifyingly pale.

"It is a very deep lash and the poison is already webbing along his veins. It'll take sometime but we will know in a couple of more hours if he will survive this or not." Maven said calmly while he was gathering his stuff to one corner of the King's seating area.

"I will get Muriel and Sabina to assist with the medication. But you will momentarily be our king in his absence, and my queen it is best that we continue the ritual which we had started before..." he paused while looking at Ranulf.

"Let the wolf give him strenght to push through..." Maven said as he circled the king's bed and scattered what Shani said was a healing sand forming a healing circle. She said it was to repel any bad spirits that may linger, and waited for him to die and took his soul for their own.

Sabina came into the room along with Muriel, both were looking at their King with great sadness. Maven filled them in with the details, then Sabina take the first turn in waiting on the King and gave Ranulf his medication.

Then Muriel ushered me out, telling me to momentarily sit on the throne and carry on with the kingdom's daily activities. I followed her and parted with Shani.

I was consulting with the demon warrior and one of Ranulf's general, when I saw the black haired wolf running trough the hallway.

"Damn it...guards! Open the dungeon! Let the wolf into the crawlers cell!" I quickly decended the throne and run as fast as I could, trying to catch up to the wolf.

I arrived just in time. The wolf had just finish slaughtered them all. His thick black fur was wet covered in blood, his teeth were red from it. But the wolf looked at me the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

Walking beside him, I decided to take him to the royal bath. The wolf did not resist, it's like he had lost his power and his willingness to survive.

Fuck this is not good.

I decided to tell Murriel to bathe him. Then let him rest beside Ranulf again, while I go find Shani and told her to be with the wolf.

"Can't you give him something for the sadness? I thought you sell those back on earth for were who lost their mates?"

"Only for the first one baby, this is so sad I can't believe that they would be put through this all over again." She said resting her back to me and let my arms circle her waist.

"Yes, well maybe this is where you can redeem your fault for not being there months ago?" I whispered in her ear, kissing her hair and rubbing her arm.

"Oh Arkael, I can't believe that it was just months ago. You promise me,  promise me not to ever put me through this." She said turning to me and looked me in the eyes.

"I won't my love, I promise." I pulled her in, before I kissed her hair.

She was about to walk to the king's  bedside when Ranulf started to move. He opened his eyes and greeted the wolf who was snuggling back to his side.

"You smells nice my little wolf." Ranulf said with his raspy voice. The wolf let out a low whining noise and nuzzled closer to him. Slowly his white streaks wings changes to a darker shade of grey color.

"Come, he will be just fine. Let's give them their privacy, the nymphs are here to assist them already." I said ushering her out of the King's chamber.

"Yeah, I should really get back to Maven. Still have a lot of demons to pull through the portal... I'm just glad that we don't have to physically go there and release them back to hell..."

I decided to take her to Maven's then come back for her in a couple of more hours. I need to discuss our issue with Maven.

She was busy with her concoctions, while Maven was sitting down with me on the other side of the room. We were quietly discussing, and not trying to bother Shani as she kept on working on her spells.

"How is she doing? Her energy level... is she good?" I asked him, worried that this ritual would drain her badly.

"My king, she's a fast leaner and a very gifted witch. She's right to be paired to you, with her power and her elders she needs a strong figure as you." Maven said looking at me.

"Right, so as long as I'm alive she's good?"


"Can you keep me alive, have you seen any thing in the future that may jeopardize me?" I asked knowing that he has the power to forsee the future.

"She's the one that will keep you alive my king. There will be several and one in the next couple of days. But you will survive this. She will keep you alive."

"What do you mean in the next couple of days?" My heart beats faster, when I asked him the inevitable.

"I will explain to you my king. But she can not be inform or else my vision would be altered by the consequences."

I nodded to his demand and let him explain the event that was about to unfold, I was tensed when Maven started talking about it. I was in disbelief that it could actually happen to me, but Maven was the best sorcerer in the kingdom.

His visions had been proved several times already when I was king and we were facing our doom, he had save us numerous times.

Damn...this going be hard.

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