The days turned to years at the kingdom, the sexperience had been a wild one. I had defended the kingdom several times already. Savaric was right, they were in constant war. It almost like there were scheduled chaos for this wars. King Eustace was keeping me close to his side, and provide me with all the entrainment available. He was making sure, that I stayed there for a long time.

My chamber had been the nymphs most frequent visit since I arrived at the kingdom, and they had successfully steer away even the succubus. Though they slipped in once in awhile and play with me. But Muriel and Sabina would have a fit when they saw me drained after my encounter with one of the succubus, and there were several of them at the kingdom.

As for the King, he was pleased with my work. I gathered his demon, his troops and made him won more battles than he ever had in the past. It was all strategy, since we were up against kingdoms that sent out their demons in brute force and kill everything on their path. The king was in awe when I helped him won our first battle against the south kingdom. While in reality I was out smarting them with a tactical planning.

From then on, his demons warrior were larger in forces since more decided to join his kingdom after their defeat.

It was not until two decades later that he was killed in a battle, he had no successor and I was ready to move on and bolt. While behind my back the nymphs and his other followers, voted me to become their next king.

"King Eustace had confided in us Arkael, we know about you and we needed you. It is stated in the book." Muriel was slithering her tail caressing my body, while Sabina handed over the book to me.

"Wait, this is the book that Dariel showed me at the camp when I first arrived." I stated as I touched the cover of the book.

"Yes, and now it's yours...please my king." Sabina said to me with the utmost respect. She didn't say how the book was in the kingdom's possession, but she just gave it to me.

"We need you to keep the kingdom at its best, we have even more enemies now that we had won more battles. And when you're gone they will surely come here, and all of us won't stand a chance, we will perish in an instant."

"I guess I could do it, on one term ..." I smirked at them. I had been missing my ex human companion. None of them would like to join me here, saying that there were too many rules for them.

"I want my mortal friends to reside within the kingdom walls. I missed talking to my ex human friends, I need to have my own tribe within the vicinity. It doesn't matter how many you manage to lure here, as long as at least there's one."

All the wars and the sex had been keeping me busy. But everytime I was alone, I kept on thinking about my previous life, and how much time I had left in my hand.

"Done!" Sabina said, kissing me on the lips as to seal the deal.

" that I'm your king, go... and fetch my boys." I pulled Muriel and took Sabina with my other hand, and kissed them both alternately. They were whimpering under my kisses, I could feel the higher surge of energy when I announced myself as king.


It felt like I was back to my old self, I was feeling the King's aura nestled back throughout my body.

"My king...." Both nymphs breathed out their words with heavy eyes. Their hands were on my chest, as they feel my power growing within me.

"Pleasure me....pleasure me as your new king." My words flowed effortlessly while my hands roamed the back of their body and touched their bare ass cheeks and gave them a hard squeeze and slapped them. Hard.

They both gasped at my new strength and aura, it was really intoxicating. It was the wildest sexy encounter we've ever had. My stamina was rising, they were exhausted while I was still high in lust.

"We will send the succubus and tell her our King is ready...." Sabina, who was still radiating her golden aura slowly get off from my bed and took Muriel with her. I sat up, still dazed with my evident power that grew within me.

"But I'm not done with my beautiful nymphs." I pulled them back and kissed them hard, they were panting in my arms.

"My king, you will drain us...while the succubus will bring you balance. She will provide you with greater pleasure and enhance your power." Muriel caressed my face with her blackened hand. They both gave me one last kiss, before leaving my chamber.

Moments later, Basilea the succubus stepped into my chamber. "Oh my...looking at Sabina's golden glow now I know why..." she was stripping herself naked and was kneeling between my legs in no time.

"My king...I am here to please you. You are to have me as your heart desire." She said seductively while her hands roamed my legs, touching me everywhere but not the one place that I wanted the most.

I growled and pinned her down to my bed, she moan louder as I thrust in her hard. She never needs foreplay, she was accepting me in her warmth. She adjusted herself as I pushed hard over and over again, she was gripping my back as she feeds off of my sexual pent up energy, she was instantly high on lust. Her legs wrapped my waist as she moves herself in perfect rhythm to my thrusts.

Her energy was syncing with mine as it intensified while our body blend to one another. "My king....oh..I'm going're so...oh fuckkk" She climaxed hard and clenched me, while I burst moments after her.

I was finally spent and relaxed, I slumped to her side and closed my eyes. I was never big on cuddling except with the nymphs, so I dismissed her moments later.

"Thank may go, I need time to myself."

"Of course my king..." she replied solemnly.

She got up from my bed and flaunts her nakedness, but my eyes roamed to the book as I start to open it.

I saw a picture of my cloaked self, then couple of pages afterwards there was a picture of a man and a woman, the writing said that they were to assist me when the time would come.

Until then...

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