Material Empire

Chapter 101: A fan of fire

Qi Keqin naturally took Li Linguang's words as a joke. In fact, several technicians from the factory heard similar statements, but they all took this kind of joke as a joke they did not understand because there was no One would think that an 18-year-old technical school graduate would be a key figure.

After visiting the laboratory, the grievances of the factory directors were halved. The Qingfeng Factory set up the laboratory so lavishly, and hired a professor from the Institute of Technology to teach the technology at the factory. This investment is beyond our expectations. They calculated in their hearts one after another, and felt that although the Qingfeng factory had earned a high price difference in the production of parts, it was also compatible with the previous investment. In contrast, although their own profits are lower, they have no upfront investment and do not have to bear the risk of R & D failure. Think of it this way, everyone is relieved.

"Lao Ning, we are all old friends. In terms of price, you still have to talk about style somehow ... or how about 50 cents?"

When the people gathered around Ning Zhongying again, the tone had softened a lot, and the proposed conditions had been reduced to a few cents or a level. This difference was originally intended by the Qingfeng Factory.

"You old guard, where's the arrogance just now? Aren't you going to sue me to the mayor of Chai?" Ning Zhongying pulled Wei Rongping's arm, which was rather unreasonable. .

Wei Rongping Lai Pi said, "How dare I sue? I obviously went to praise Mayor Chai. You found such a good project for us, and carried forward the style, and took on the most difficult part. How could we possibly sue you? "

Ning Zhongying said: "Obviously, let's go. Our factory has prepared a dinner for everyone. We will drink a few sincerely. Old man, I know how much you drink, and you make a bottle by yourself. Four special, I'll add five cents to you, how about it? "

"Okay, Temo, my old guard will be out of the way, so that people will take me back to Wanye." Wei Rongping patted his chest, looking like a sense of justice.

The small cafeteria of the Qingfeng factory can no longer accommodate so many guests, and Chen Rongkun ordered that five large round tables be set up in the large cafeteria where the employees eat, to welcome the leaders who came to bid. Because there are a lot of people, only the director of each factory is qualified to sit in, and the chief of staff can only be arranged to eat elsewhere.

At the banquet, the guests and the host were staggered, and they were so happy that they couldn't see that everyone was still half an hour ago. In fact, things such as bidding and collaboration are all public affairs. A saint once said that it was the most stupid thing to hurt private feelings for public affairs. The leaders in charge of various districts and counties and the directors of various enterprises are not stupid. Everyone is noisy, noisy, sitting at the wine table and holding one end of the cup, they are still friends of wine and meat.

The next thing becomes simple. The Qingfeng Plant timely gave a small profit to each enterprise, and each enterprise also accepted when it was good, signed a cooperation agreement with the Qingfeng Plant, and then went back to arrange the production happily. Although the big profits have been taken away by the Qingfeng Factory, the profits obtained by the companies themselves are still satisfactory. In this age of adjustment, it is good to be able to do business, let alone still have such profits Business.

In this tender, a total of 17 parts were released for production. Some parts were produced by several companies, which is equivalent to finding more rice for more than 20 companies at once. Those companies that did not receive the task were not discouraged. They signed a cooperation intention with the Qingfeng factory. As long as the Qingfeng factory solved the key process problems of other follow-up parts, it would give them non-critical processes to collaborate.

Xi Wei Rongping and his team left Qingfeng Factory with the signed agreement and were preparing to return to Wanye County. After passing the Pingyuan County Town, Wei Rongping greeted the driver Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, stop at the food store in front of me. I'll buy some special products from Pingyuan. They have the special characteristics of rice candy. Children at home like it of."

"Yes, let's all buy some. The director of the hospital doesn't say, we forgot." Qi Keqin and Pan Jinliang also agreed. After spending two days in Pingyuan, they really didn't have time to do private affairs.

Xie and his team got out of the car and walked into the food store, pointing to the shelves and letting the salesman weigh the goods. At this time, Wei Rongping suddenly felt that someone patted his back lightly and shouted, "Director Wei."

"Who?" Wei Rongping turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a slick face standing behind himself, looking at him with a smile.

"Oh, yes ... yes, is it Xiao Zhai?" Wei Rongping took a short while before recognizing that this person was Zhai Jianguo, the former office director of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. During several meetings in the past, Zhai Jianguo followed Wei Baolin and dealt with Wei Rongping. In terms of level, Zhai Jianguo is one level shorter than Wei Rongping, and Wei Rongping is able to remember his last name.

"The director of the factory has a good memory, even a small person like me can still remember the director of the factory." Zhai Jianguo said with a smile on his face.

"Where, where, who doesn't know Xiao Zhai, you are the left arm and right arm of the factory manager. By the way, this time we went to work at the Qingfeng factory. I also asked about the situation of the factory manager and you. I heard that you followed the factory manager. Going to the washing machine, that's a big cause. "Wei Rongping said perfunctoryly.

In fact, everyone is a circle of people, where Wei Rongping did not know that Wei Baolin was actually squeezed away. The preparatory committee for the washing machine project in Pingyuan County has been empty for several months, and Wei Baolin has actually become an unnamed commander. But Wei Rongping could not break through this layer of window paper. On the contrary, he also pretended not to understand the situation and complimented Zhai Jianguo.

"Oh, okay ..." Zhai Jianguo laughed. What is the status quo of the washing machine project? He knows the best. This is a bottomless pit. He followed Wei Baolin to squat under the pit, and he didn't have a chance to climb out in his life. If time can go backwards, he won't give Wei Baolin such an idea for converting a washing machine into a killing machine.

"Director Wei went to the Qingfeng Factory to participate in the bidding this time?" Zhai Jianguo changed the subject and asked Wei Rongping.

"Yeah, we took on a task of producing springs." Wei Rongping said.

"Shouldn't the profit be too ideal?" Zhai Jianguo asked again.

Ji Wei Rongping's heart was stunned, and he did not know what Zhai Jianguo's intention was. He replied vaguely: "Well, profit is not profitable ... it would be nice to have a business to do, and we are still very grateful to Qingfeng."

"Hehe, Director Wei is right to say so. However, if Qingfeng Factory is still in charge of Director Wei, it should not be so harsh on brother companies. Everyone is a national company. The reason to leave a bite of soup for others. "Zhai Jianguo said meaningfully.

For Ning Zhongying and others, Zhai Jianguo has far more grievances than Wei Baolin. Wei Baolin is a good man who once was Ning Zhongying's men, and he has some incense with Ning Zhongying. Zhai Jianguo was only an ordinary officer in the Ning Zhongying era, and due to some personality reasons, he was also despised by Ning Zhongying, so he did not always like Ning Zhongying.

This time, Ning Zhongying used the power of Chai Peide to squeeze Wei Baolin to the inexplicable washing machine project committee, and even Zhai Jianguo was beaten into the cold palace. Zhai Jianguo was always thinking about how Heihei Heifeng Factory and Ningzhong British things.

Zhai Jianguo also heard about the auto parts bidding this time. Although he had left the Qingfeng factory, he still had some oldness in the factory, and he heard them talk about the details in the tender. He knew that although Qingfeng Factory had finally settled its relations with various companies this time, it must be said that it would be impossible for every company to have no clutter in their hearts.

After knowing the situation, he pondered how to stir up the wind and light it up, so that Ning Zhongying would be embarrassed. He didn't dare to go to Qingfeng Factory to make a fuss, and the idea could only be buried in his heart.

Just now, he went to the grocery store to buy things, and he saw Wei Rongping and others also coming in to buy things. With such an opportunity, how could he not catch it quickly?

As Zhai Jianguo judged, although Wei Rongping served softly to Ning Zhongying, and even poured a few glasses at the banquet to show his sincerity of admitting mistakes, there was indeed a trance in his heart. At this time, Zhai Jianguo was challenged, and his heart was up again. However, after all, he knew that Zhai Jianguo was a wastewood with insufficient successes and losses, and he had no idea what he could say to Zhai Jiangming ~ ~ and smiled lightly and said, "Director Zhai is saying this Reason, but now that the Qingfeng Plant is the director of the Ning Plant, we can only follow the path outlined by the Ning Plant. "

"Yeah, yeah, I just talked casually. Actually, regarding this matter, our director Wei also had different opinions. I felt that Qingfeng Factory's doing so harmed its image and affected the company with the brothers. Relationship. However, since the factory director thinks it is acceptable, I don't think Director Wei can say anything. "Zhai Jianguo gave a hint.

"Oh ..." Wei Rongping nodded. At this time, Qi Keqin and they had already bought things and came to this side. Wei Rongping smiled at Zhai Jianguo and said, "Director Zhai, we have to rush back to Wan Ye, so we won't talk more with Director Zhai. Trouble Director Zhai went back and asked Director Wei to say hello. The old man welcomed him to guide his work. "

"I must bring the words." Zhai Jianguo agreed with a smile, he clearly saw that Wei Rongping's eyes cast at him had some subtle content.


本书 After 24 o'clock in the evening, this book is available. It is expected that the first chapter VIP will be released after zero o'clock. Students who have not slept can welcome the first order.

The new book is on the shelves, for monthly ticket support.

In addition, the Dream Cup tickets expired tonight. The Dream Cup competition is calculated by the top 10 monthly rankings. Orange is now the 11th ... Ah no, it has become 12th. The first 11 are great gods, but also ... well, the collection is equivalent to one tenth of the orange counterparts. Can you make oranges better than someone who shouldn't be on the list?

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