Material Empire

Chapter 113: Resurrection

"You are old Joe!"

Fu Wenbin only recognized Qiao Changsheng at a glance. He stood up in excitement, threw the newspaper in his bamboo chair, and reached out to shake hands with Qiao Changsheng.レ; 思 ♥ ♣ 路 客 客. Maybe it ’s because he's up too fast, or it's because he's too emotional. He didn't wait to hold Qiao Changsheng's hand, and he coughed violently. Out.

"Director Fu, take your time." Qiao Changsheng clasped his hands and motioned to Fu Wenbin to remain calm.

"I'm okay, okay." Fu Wenbin finally managed to cough, and waved his hands, panting, "It's all old, the city let us do spring steel that year, and I took you a few in the workshop After a month, the root cause that fell down at that time ... alas, unfortunately, it was not achieved in the end. "

Speaking of which, he shook his head lonely, frustrated by his failure.

"Well, we didn't have any experience at that time. If we change to now, it will be no problem." Qiao Changsheng said, speaking of this, he stretched out Qin Hai and introduced to Fu Wenbin: "Director Fu, I will give you Introduce, this is Qin Hai. We call him Qin Gong, and now he teaches us to make steel in a steel factory. "

"What and what, the steel plant has resumed work?" Fu Wenbin's eyes stared at the boss. What happened to Qin Haiqi was not particularly concerned. He was only concerned about the major news that the steel plant was resumed. He has been staying at Qujiang Farm and has rarely had the opportunity to return to the county seat, so this news is completely new to him.

"Yeah, the steel mill has been back to work for several months." Qiao Changsheng said cheerfully, "Qin Gong took the business from the outside, and then took me, Lao Dai, and those old people in our original steelmaking workshop. Guys, they're all found back. Director Fu, thanks to the maintenance of the equipment we used that year, all the equipment can be used without any damage. "


I heard that the arrangement of that year really played a role, and Fu Wenbin's face showed cháo red sè. He turned his head and shouted to Kuroko: "Kuroko, you have to move the stool and let Uncle Qiao and this ..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Qin Hai, and for a moment forgot how Qiao Changsheng introduced Qin Hai just now.

Qin Hai bowed slightly to Fu Wenbin and introduced himself: "My name is Qin Hai, and I am a worker at the Qingfeng Factory. Just call me Xiao Qin."

"Oh, Xiao Qin ..." Fu Wenbin nodded. Qin Hai's age made him feel that he didn't have to be too polite to Qin Hai. He continued to instruct Kuroko: "Go get a stool, then go find your mother in the field, and let her buy some good food. Then say Master Qiao has come to our house, and I will have a few drinks with him."

"The doctor won't let you drink," Kuroko whispered.

"That's usually the time when your Uncle Qiao came, can I not drink it?" Fu Wenbin reprimanded his eyes.

Kuroko ran away swiftly. Such a young man who installed a black boss in the county seat was like a rabbit in front of his father. Fu Wenbin greeted Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai to sit down, and then asked Qiao Changsheng: "Old Qiao, tell me what is happening in the steel plant now, you just said ... is Xiao Qin's business?"

When it came to this, Fu Wenbin was able to digest the information that Qiao Changsheng had just said. He suddenly discovered that this young man named Qin Hai seemed to be an important horn.

Qiao Changsheng introduced the resumption of the iron and steel plant to Fu Wenbin in 1510. Some details that he could not understand were supplemented by Qin Hai. When I heard that Qin Hai had invited teachers and students from the Institute of Technology to help with steelmaking, Fu Wenbin said with emotion: "Well, Comrade Xiao Qin is still alive. Why didn't we think of this at first?"

Qin Hai laughed without saying a word. The students at the Institute of Technology were not able to invite anyone, and how to use them after they were brought in required a knowledgeable person, otherwise it would inevitably turn into a scene. However, since Fu Wenbin said so, he didn't need to refute, so just listen.

"The iron and steel plant can still be started, and my heart disease is considered to have been let go." Fu Wenbin breathed a long breath, showing some comforting gods.

"Director Fu, I heard Kuroko said that the operation of Qujiang Farm is not very good?" After talking about the iron and steel plant, Qiao Changsheng turned his words back to Fu Wenbin.

Hearing about Qujiang Farm, the joy on Fu Wenbin's face disappeared. He was silent for a while, shook his head, and said, "Well, it seems I am destined to be an incompetent leader. When I was in the iron and steel plant, I couldn't get the iron and steel plant right. When I arrived at Qujiang Farm, it was OK in the past few years. In recent years, it has become more and more depressed. Now the whole staff can barely eat and eat. Money is gone. "

It turned out that Qujiang Farm belongs to a system of semi-agricultural and semi-industrial work. The workers on the farm are paid, and at the same time, they can plant crops in the field to subsidize their households.

In the early years, farms were farmed according to national directives. Because there are some simple mechanized equipment, and the supply of fertilizers and pesticides is also stronger than in rural areas, the output of the farm is good, the wages of employees are guaranteed, and various benefits are provided. It was also very good, and once became a very enviable unit.

In recent years, the rural area has established a contract responsibility system, and the state's directive surname plan has been gradually reduced. The farm has to decide on its own planting structure to meet market demand. In this case, the disadvantages of the large collective are fully manifested. Workers lack active labor surnames and insufficient output from the farm, which results in the inability to pay wages in full. This in turn makes workers unwilling to work in the field, thereby forming The evil name cycle.

Nowadays, with some output of grain and vegetables on the farm, workers have no problem eating. However, because the agricultural products produced on the farm do not fit the market and have no sales, there is no cash income, and the workers have not received currency wages for a long time. In order to get rid of the predicament, Qujiang Farm also tried to engage in some industrial projects, and as a result, all came back, and also took in a lot of original investment.

"Director Fu, did I hear that you have already retired?" Qiao Changsheng asked.

Fu Wenbin said: "I should have retired long ago, but such a mess, no one in the county would like to pick it up, how can I retreat? If I stay in the house for a day, I can still hold people's hearts. If I retreat, no one will Effective leaders, maybe the employees will dismantle the tractors and sell iron tomorrow. "

"But your body ..." Qiao Changsheng looked at Fu Wenbin's thin face and said with some distress.

"Well, I can't die at half-past, but I'm breathing badly in the winter." Fu Wenbin said, "No way, I'm a toil, I recognize it."

"Qin Gong, do you think there is any good way for this situation in Qujiang Farm?" Qiao Changsheng set his sights on Qin Hai. In his mind, Qin Hai was a man with a solution, maybe he had some idea. Will be able to help his old factory director lift the trouble.

Seeing Qiao Changsheng's trust in Qin Hai, Fu Wenbin was also a little curious. He smiled and said to Qin Hai: "Young man, it seems that Master Qiao believes in you very much. Tell me what you have a good idea to do. It brings our farm back to life. "

When Fu Wenbin introduced the situation of Qujiang Farm to Qiao Changsheng, Qin Hai had been pondering the problem of this farm, which is also a kind of thinking of customary surname. Hearing Fu Wenbin's question on his head, he smiled and said, "The director Fu looks at me high. I'm just a technical school student who has just graduated not long ago. The director Fu can't find a good way. Can you find it? "

Fu Wenbin said: "You can't say that. Young people have a young people's perspective. For example, when I was the director of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, I went bankrupt and went bankrupt, and you can get it back to life. This is different. What ’s the point. It ’s okay, there are no outsiders here, just let go. ”

Qin Haidao: "Since Director Fu insists that I say it, then I will just say something about myself. If it is wrong, please ask Director Fu and Master Qiao to criticize and correct me."

"Well, you said, Director Fu is a person who likes to listen to the opinions below." Qiao Changsheng said.

Qin Haidao: "In my opinion, there is nothing more than a business and a farm. There are three ways to make money. The first is to work hard. What others are unwilling to do, you are willing to do it. Others eat You ca n’t suffer, you can eat, and you can make money. "

"You're right." Fu Wenbin nodded. "Now many township and village enterprises do this. When it comes to hard work, none of our state-owned factories and farms are their opponents."

"The second is to have a business mind and be able to discover business opportunities that others haven't discovered. For example, everyone is growing vegetables. If we grow off-season vegetables, we can sell them at high prices and make a lot of money. This One point, does Director Fu agree? "Qin Hai said again.

Fu Wenbin thought about it and said, "You are right ~ ~ in principle. Everyone wants to find new business opportunities. The question is, where is this business opportunity? You just raised the anti-season vegetables. For example, our farm also tried it last year, but the cost was too high and the market demand was too small. Residents of Pingyuan County are not willing to spend high prices on off-season vegetables. We couldn't afford it, so in the end that idea failed. "

"Then there is only the third one, which is to have core technology that others don't have, others cannot imitate, but you need your product, so you can easily make excess profits." Qin Hai said.

Fu Wenbin said with a smile: "What are you talking about that military shovel that you did in Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant? No one else can make this high-strength alloy steel. This technology is unique to your little Qin, so you earn It's money. "

"Exactly," Qin Hai nodded. So far, what he has done in the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant and the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Plant have used the unique advantages of technology, and the effect is very impressive.

"So, is there any unique technology for Xiao Qin that is suitable for our farm?" Fu Wenbin asked the most crucial question with interest.

"Yes ... But I can't provide these technologies for free." Qin Hai said generously.

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