Material Empire

Chapter 120: In the name of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office

When Wang Yiqiao attacked Liu Zunian, Qin Hai walked in front of Kawashima Ichiro, smiled slightly at him, and asked in Japanese: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Kawashima Ichiro?"

Hearing this fluent Japanese phrase, Kawashima Ichiro's heart stunned, he immediately judged, this person must be the young Chinese man Kishita Bunte specifically explained to him: Qin Hai. .

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Qin Haijun, right?" Kawashima Ichiro asked.

Qin Hai smiled: "So we don't need to introduce ourselves to each other."

"I think so." Kawashima replied.

"I have a doubt, and would like to ask Mr. Kawashima to answer it, may I?" Qin Hai said.

Kawashima shook his head without hesitation and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I don't think I have the obligation to answer any of your questions."

"That was the case." Qin Hai nodded. "Since Mr. Kawashima is unwilling to explain, then you probably don't want to pull away the **** from these dozen cars."

For Kawashima's reaction, Qin Hai made several plans in advance. If Ichiro Kawashima is willing to debate with him, he will gradually tear off the other party's camouflage during the debate, so that the other party ’s intentions are obvious. But if Kawashima Ichiro chooses to evade, Qin Hai has no choice but to forcefully detain the **** and wait for more advanced people to deal with it.

"Little Qin, what did I say?" Ning Zhongying came forward and asked Qin Hai.

Qin Haidao: "He didn't dare answer my question. It seems that there is a ghost in his heart."

Liu Zunian, who was standing next to them, was arrested. He pointed to Qin Hai and said to Wang Yiqiao, "Director Wang, you just heard that, I dare not answer Xiao Qin's words. Doesn't this explain the problem?"

"What's the problem?" Wang Yiqiao finally turned his head to Qin Hai. The conversation between Qin Hai and Ichiro Kawashima just now made Wang Yiqiao realize that Qin Hai was not a simple person.

Qin Hai was about to explain the **** to Wang Yiqiao. Suddenly Ichiro Kawashima muttered a few words to Liu Xuping, and then Liu Xuping cast a venomous look on Qin Hai.

"Why, Xiao Liu, what did Mr. Kawashima say?" Zeng Yongtao noticed something unusual. He stepped forward and asked Liu Xuping.

Liu Xuping put his head to Zeng Yongtao's ear and whispered something. Zeng Yongtao's face sank when he brushed the ground, his eyes stared at Qin Hai, and he seemed to want to kill Qin Hai with his eyes.

Qin Hai certainly knew what was going on. When Ichiro Kawashima talked to Liu Xuping just now, he did not avoid Qin Hai. He could even say that he intentionally raised his voice so that Qin Hai could hear it. What he told Liu Xuping was: Qin Hai once made an unreasonable request to Kishida Bunfu and was rejected by Kishida Bunfu. He suspected that Qin Hai came to Beixi this time to deliberately make trouble, hoping that the Foreign Affairs Office could handle it impartially.

Foreign guests made a request, and Zeng Yongtao naturally would not ignore it. He stepped forward, took a meaningful look at Qin Hai, then walked in front of Liu Zunian, and asked, "Director Liu, what's wrong?"

Liu Zunian pulled Zeng Yongtao aside and whispered, "The director Zeng did have a little problem. The two comrades in Pingyuan County just came to me and said such a situation ..."

Liu Zunian's explanation of Qin Hai's situation was only a half-knowledge. When he recounted to Zeng Yongtao, he naturally shrank even more. Zeng Yongtao only got one piece of information from Liu Zunian's narrative, that Qin Hai was alarmist and demanded that the wagons pulling the **** be left.

"Director Liu, you should verify this decision before making a decision." Zeng Yongtao said with dissatisfaction, "Mr. Kawashima is an old friend of the Chinese people and has done a lot of public welfare in other provinces. One thing is well known. How can you doubt Mr. Kawashima's motive with a few young words? "

"Director Zeng, I also feel that Mr. Kawashima ... something strange, in case Qin Hai said that the situation is true, our precious resources were taken away by others for free, isn't this causing damage to the country?" Liu Zunian argued arrogantly. The greater purpose of his argument was to prove that he was not nonsense, and still had some ideas.

Zeng Yongtao said disdainfully, "Director Liu, are you slags treasures? You haven't figured it out for more than a decade. Why did foreign guests come, and you suddenly paid attention to it? Before this, this Qin Hai told you Is this something? "

"This is not ..." said Liu Zunian.

"He says these slags are treasures, is there any evidence?"

"This ... doesn't seem to be."

Zeng Yongtao said: "That's it. Obviously, he didn't come at the slag, he came at the foreign guests. I'm not afraid to tell you, just now the foreign guests said that the last time a Japanese merchant named Kishida Bunfu arrived in Ping When Yuan went to inspect, Qin Hai put forward some unreasonable personal demands to him, which were rejected by Kishida Kunifu, which also caused extremely bad diplomatic influence. How can you easily believe what such a person said? "

"Is this happening? I don't really understand this situation." Liu Zunian immediately hesitated, and the foreign guests were scrupulous, and I am afraid this cannot be faked. If Qin Hai really made an unreasonable request to foreign guests, then this time jumping out of the intention of preventing foreign guests from transporting **** is very interesting.

After settling Liu Zunian in a few words, Zeng Yongtao returned to Qin Hai again. He gave a cold glance at Qin Hai and said, "Are you Comrade Qin Hai? We already understand your situation, now you please immediately Leave here and return to Pingyuan, waiting to be processed. "

"What to do?" Qin Hai asked with a grin. What he has never done is naturally not afraid of others' trouble. Zeng Yongtao felt that he was a director, and he should have absolute authority in front of a small worker. However, Qin Hai was an unbelief, and he did not take this director at all. Therefore, Zeng Yongtao had nothing to do with Qin Hai. Deterrence.

"Tackling your unreasonable request to foreign businessmen," Zeng Yongtao said in a loud voice.

"Do you have evidence?" Qin Haidao.

"The foreign guests just said that." Zeng Yongtao said.

Qin Hai laughed, "Director Zeng, the foreign guest said that I broke the law, and I broke the law? Is the foreign guest your dear or grandfather, do you obey?"

"Comrade Qin Hai, you are too presumptuous! I will definitely reflect your situation to your leader!" Zeng Yongtao exasperated and shouted.

Ning Zhongying listened to the conversation between the two, but understood the cause and effect. I heard Zeng Yongtao said that he would report the situation to Qin Hai ’s leaders. Ning Zhongying took a step forward and said coldly, “Director Zeng, I ’m Qin Hai ’s leader. What can you do now?

"When Comrade Qin Hai received Mr. Kishida Bunfu, he made an unreasonable personal request to Mr. Kishida Bangfu. In the name of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, I ask you to seriously deal with Comrade Qin Hai's wrongdoing!" Zeng Yongtao Yizheng Resignedly to Ning Zhongying.

Ning Zhongying smiled coldly and said, "Qin Hai was entrusted by Pingyuan County Axe to receive Kishida Bunfu, and all the processes of his contact with Kishida Bunfu have evidence. You said that he proposed to Kishida Bunfu unreasonably. Do you have any other evidence besides this little devil's personal claim? "

"Director Ning, please pay attention to your wording!" Zeng Yongtao shouted. Ning Zhongying's remarks made him impeccable. He was speechless for a while, and had to grab the handle in Ning Zhongying's words and say something. .

Ning Zhongying's temper has also risen. He has always been a strong person. Although he is also good at getting around the source in the officialdom and shopping malls, when it is critical, it is time to be tough. He opened his eyes and said to Zeng Yongtao, "Which of my words is wrong? I have been calling the Japanese ghost for 30 years. Is there any rule saying that I cannot continue to call it?"

"You ... you ..." Zeng Yongtao was so angry that he was a cadre of an organization. If he wanted to play tricks, he was really not the opponent of these cadres and workers in the factory. As for saying something different and throwing punches against each other, he couldn't even imagine such a thing. Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying seemed to be such fierce people. It was no problem to single him out and Liu Xuping. .

"Director Zeng, I can see that they are here to make troubles." Wang Yiqiao came forward and said to Zeng Yongtao, "Let ’s not be affected by them. The locomotive has already started. We directly let the workers hang on the wagon and put Just remove the slag. "

"Director Liu, you can't let them trailer!" Qin Hai anxiously, turned to Liu Zunian.

Liu Zunian looked at the rumors of everyone, he didn't know who was right and who was wrong ~ ~ He began to regret that he had flowed this muddy water, and knew that it was so troublesome, he simply hid in the Economic Commission and did not show his head Already. When he heard Qin Hai begging him for help, he took a step back and said vaguely: "This ... we have already said what we should have said, and the rest of the matter, please ask the director Wang to judge them."

"Director Liu, aren't you afraid that you will become an eternal sinner in Beixi?" Qin Haibing asked.

"This thing ... what awkward, I remembered that there was another important meeting this afternoon, which will make you forget everything. So, Director Ning, Xiao Qin, you talk to Director Wang and I will go first One step. "Liu Zunian said upside down, without waiting for everyone to stay, he ran away. Thanks to his age, and with a huge beer belly, he was able to run at a speed of 100 meters in eleven seconds.

"Director Wang, are you obstinate not to listen to our counsel?" Qin Hai had to turn his head to Wang Yiqiao again, making his last effort.

"Director Ning, Comrade Qin Hai, if you have any issues, you can report them to the city. Please do not affect our work. Otherwise, I will have to let the security personnel come to solve the problem." Wang Yiqiao threatened with a black face.

"Little Qin, let's go." Ning Zhongying said simply to Qin Hai. (To be continued.)

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