Material Empire

Chapter 137: The relationship between drinking and purchasing

Quwu City, Linxi Province, an important coal producing place in northern China known as Coal City.

Qin Hai and Kuroko who took the train for three days and three nights walked out of the train station carrying their handbags, and looked at this dark-stained city with emotions.

"The traffic conditions are really terrible. When will the high-speed rail be repaired!" Qin Hai issued a non-marginal comment. He really missed the era when the high-speed rail was in all directions.

"My mother, China is too big. How did the Long March come over?" Kuroko was so excited about his first trip away, watching the loess, flat-topped houses, The little donkeys passing by felt very fresh and their eyes were not enough.

"Sunspot, hungry or not, find a place to eat." Qin Hai greeted.

"Okay, Boss, you have to invite me for a good meal. These three days, I cleaned my head, and when did I suffer such a crime?" Heizi complained.

Qin Hai patted his head and reprimanded: "What is the net steamed bread? When I passed the Central Plains, didn't I buy you a roast chicken?"

"That's the roast chicken? Why do I think it's not as big as a crow?" Kuroko retorted retort.

"You can be content, go, there is a restaurant over there, let's go and see." Qin Hai gave a finger and walked with the sunspot.

Qin Hai and Kuroko went to Linxi to discuss the purchase of coal. After a period of preparation, Beixi Special Steel Plant has begun production. In the early days, the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant could provide them with some excess molten iron, but Xu Yang made it clear that the special steel mills produced unscheduled steel and could not always use the planned raw materials. If the special steel plant cannot solve the problem of the source of raw materials, let alone 200,000 tons of steel a year, or 20,000 tons are air towers, there is no possibility.

Steelmaking requires molten iron, and smelting molten iron requires various raw materials such as iron ore, coal, and limestone. Among them, iron ore and coal are the most tense materials. The ore and coal available to the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant each year are limited. To increase production, we can only solve it by ourselves.

Yang Yihe, Chai Peide and others were not emperor jade emperors and did not have the ability to turn stones into gold. So they pushed Qin Hai to this position. Also fancy his market operation ability. Qin Hai knew that it was his duty to engage in supplies, so after the workshop affairs were on track, he took the sunspot Fu Zhihao on his journey.

Qin Hai's team was still too weak. The purchase of Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant was taken by Ning Mo. After more than half a year of beatings, Ning Mo has matured and can stand on his own. Qin Hai could not bring Ning Mo out, because the production of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant must also be maintained. Qin Hai can only choose the sunspot to be his follower.

Kuroko and Ning Mo have a similarity in that they are both cadres and children. different places. However, the benefits of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, where Ning Zhongying is located, are decent, and Ning Mo has not fallen to the point of going out of society. The economic situation of Qujiang Farm, where Fu Wenbin is located, is not good, so he can only take a group of young brothers such as Zhao Hui and Luan Xiaolong to Pingyuan County to kill middle school students and earn a meal.

Last year, because of Wang Xiaodong's affairs, the sunspots and Qin Hai didn't know each other. Subsequently. Qin Hai recruited Heizi and others into the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant as auxiliary workers. On the premise of respecting their personalities, he put forward various strict requirements on them, but it made Heizi and others refresh their hearts and made a lot of progress. Heizi's brain is active, he knows some doorways, and can play some special roles at critical times. So Qin Hai took him with him and went to Linxi to make coal.

"Two bosses, what do you want to eat? It's just off the train, or should you give me two big bowls of noodles, and then come to Hufen to relieve your fatigue. What do you think?"

As soon as Qin Hai and Heizi walked into the small restaurant, a enthusiastic waiter greeted them, and the business expertly recommended them to them. The waiter was full of Lin Xi's accent. Of the three sentences that he said, Qin Hai couldn't understand two sentences, but the title of "boss" seemed brittle. Let Qin Hai feel a sense of contradiction.

"Why, you are also called bosses here fashionablely?" Qin Hai asked the waiter with a smile.

The title of the boss is gradually promoted from south to north. In South Guangdong, it is natural for people to be called bosses. Because Anhe Province is located in the south, it is now used in many places. However, in Qin Hai's impression, most of the north, especially the inland provinces like Linxi, should not be so open. If the waiter called him "comrade", he would feel more reasonable.

After hearing Qin Hai's question, the waiter smiled wryly and said, "Boss, you don't know. Now there are more and more southerners in our place. Everyone calls it like this. Look at those tables. They are all big bosses in the south. They are rich. They have to kill chickens and eat fish. There is no fish in our place. "

Qin Hai looked around, and it turned out that the small restaurant was crowded, and several tables of guests were there staggering, saying something aloud in the southern bird language that Qin Hai couldn't understand. The gold ornaments on everyone's body shone and shook Qin Hai's eyes.

"They are the boss, we work part-time. So, just as you said, come with two bowls of ramen, two or two fenjiu, and cut a plate of cooked meat." Qin Hai explained the waiter, and then pulled the sunspot by the door. Sat down at a small table by the side.

"Boss, these people also come to get coal. I heard them talk about coal." Heizi whispered and reported to Qin Haihui.

"Can you understand what they are talking about?" Qin Hai was curious. He could hear those people speaking Hong Kong Island dialects, but he didn't know exactly what they said.

Kuroko laughed: "Although I haven't been to Hong Kong Island, I can see the recorded photos. I can understand 70% to 80% of what they say. They are talking about how to settle the mine managers of several large state-owned mines and find a way To coal. "

During the talk, someone came in again, this is a **** man with a beard and a stubble, like an old buyer. Since the other tables were already full, the waiter brought the **** man to Qin Hai's table and let him sit down opposite Qin Hai.

"Noodles, a pot of wine, and two garlics." Heihe Han commanded the waiter in simple language, so that people knew that he was frequent in this area.

"Is this the first time to come to Quwu?" After sending away the waiter, Heihan set his sights on Qin Hai and his party.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Big brother really has good eyesight, my younger brother is indeed the first time to Quwu."

"Ha ha, what good eyesight, just by looking at this little wine in front of you, you know that you haven't done purchasing, this wine is not enough to feed the cat." Heihan said.

"Does this purchase have anything to do with drinking?" Qin Haiming asked, and he is not a chick. Of course, he knows how prosperous the Chinese wine table culture is, but the other party can tell from their drinking volume that they are visiting Qu Wu for the first time. This made him feel a little curious.

"Meet me, I'm the purchaser of Chayang Steel Works in Dongyuan Province. My name is Li Shangming." Hei Dahan introduced himself boldly, and it really looked like a buyer's temperament.

Qin Haidao: "I am the buyer of Beixi Special Steel Plant in Anhe Province. My name is Qin Hai and this is my colleague Fu Zhihao."

"Oh, Xiao Qin, Xiao Fu, are all very young, haven't you reached 30?" Li Shangming asked.

"No," Qin Hai replied, and Pingshui met, so it was impossible for him to rush to tell others that he was only 19 years old. After a few days in the train, he and Kuroko were both unkempt and looked a few years older than their real age.

Li Shangming said: "It's too young, your factory manager is really relieved. You dare to send you two young people to engage in coal, and two young people who can't drink. By the way, you asked me just now to drink What does it have to do with purchasing, here is a lot of knowledge ... "

He just said that the waiter brought up the wine and noodles he wanted. Qin Hai thought about it and told the waiter: "Excuse me, give us another pot of wine, and come for two good dishes, quickly."

As soon as Li Shangming listened to Qin Hai's words, he knew that the other party was about to entertain, and he couldn't help but blush, and didn't know where to start. Qin Hai arched his hand to Li Shangming and said, "The younger brother hasn't done any purchasing yet. I also asked Brother Li to give me some advice and call two side dishes, and I will be the younger brother's teacher."

"How is this appropriate, you young and young ..." Li Shangming supported me, and finally did not say such bold words as he paid for. It seems that this gentleman is also shy in his pockets and easily dares not to treat guests arrogantly.

"Let me tell you, there is a big relationship between drinking and purchasing." Perhaps because of the short mouth of the man, Li Shangming got up and began to pass on the experience to Qin Hai: "You must all know it, now all over the country Lack of coal, coal is needed for power generation, coal for steelmaking, and coal for burning cement ~ ~ and ordinary people's homes, now they don't burn firewood, they are all burning briquettes. Good guys, you count How much coal do you have to burn this year? "

"We already have some experience." Qin Hai nodded. In fact, there are also many coal mines in Anhe Province, and the output is justified. But this time Qin Hai approached several coal mines in the province, and the other side said that coal supply was extremely tight and could not meet Qin Hai's demand, otherwise Qin Hai would not have to travel to Linxi.

Li Shangming went on to say: "Quwu is a well-known coal city in the country. There are many coals, and the coal quality is good. It is rich in coking coal for steelmaking. No, people from all over the country have come here to purchase coal. You will know a few more days, and here you can hear the dialects of any province. "

"But what does this have to do with drinking?" Kuroko couldn't help but interrupt, and he found the strange uncle in front of him so ridiculous that he didn't know where to go without paying attention.

"Yes, let me talk to you about drinking." Li Shangming also found himself off topic, he said: "Quwu City can provide coal. There are 6 large state-owned mines, and some small township coal kilns. We Let ’s not talk about it. The heads of the six large mines are all masters of wine. If you want to talk to them about coal, you must drink first. When you are happy, you can start talking.

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