Material Empire

Chapter 139: 1 civil servant

This analogy by Su Yabo made Qin Hai and Sunspot who were new to this trip feel inexplicable. Su Yabo was obviously very satisfied with the effect he had created. He sat on the edge of the bed, took off the cigarette Qin Hai had just given him from his ears, took a comfortable sip, and then began to tell them Qin Hai. Up:

Several people who live in this room number 203 are buyers who come to make coal from all over the country, and without exception, they have not found a relationship for a while and are busy pulling relationships. Su Yabo, from Hongyuan Province, is a salesman in a tertiary company called "Red Sea Industry" under the provincial Material Bureau. It has been here for half a month.

Prior to Qu Wu, the company manager Chen Hongcheng wrote seven or eight letters to Su Yabo, each of which was handed to the relevant personnel in the major coal mines. Those people were Chen Hongcheng's old relationship. After Su Yabo arrived, he sent the letters one by one, but it was useless. Some people pretend to be deaf and dumb after receiving the letter. Although some people are polite to Su Yabo on the surface, when it comes to the question of real surnames, he hums, he and Gu are right.

Su Yabo did not get the expected results after distributing the letter, so he sent a telegram to Chen Hongcheng asking for the next step. Chen Hongcheng's telegram told him to stick to it, saying that he was actively looking for other relationships and made him wait patiently. So he stayed down, waiting for new instructions from the company. Others are racking their brains to draw relationships with the people on the mine. Only he is waiting for the company to help him find the relationship, so he can lie in the room every day to read novels.

It is also very interesting to talk about the Red Sea Industrial Company where Su Yabo is located. The central government proposed to engage in a commodity economy and called on various departments to innovate business models. Chen Hongcheng was originally a director of the Hongyuan Provincial Material Bureau. He belonged to a very active minded group. He resigned from the post of director and set up an anchor The three property companies under the Material Bureau hope to buy up and sell some of the tightest supplies to get rich.

Chen Hongcheng's connections are very rich, and he has acquaintances in the country's material system. Through these acquaintance relationships, he successfully made dozens of transactions and made millions of profits. Recently, coal supply in Hongyuan Province was tight and coal prices on the black market kept rising. Chen Hongcheng smelled a good business opportunity, so he sent Su Yabo to Quwu, and he managed to get hundreds of thousands of tons of coal to be shipped back to Hong Kong. Originally made a fortune.

When Chen Hongcheng worked in the material system in the past, he had some contacts with cadres in several large state-owned mines in Quwu, so he prepared seven or eight letters for Su Yabo and asked him to find these old relationships. Everyone knows that time has passed, and coal has become tight, and the old relationship can no longer be trusted. Su Yabo bumped into a wall everywhere, in his own words, had sacrificed more than a dozen times.

"Are you also a cadre of the Material Bureau?" Qin Hai asked curiously.

"Isn't it?" Su Yabo said with a puffy mouth. "I was also fascinated. I was seduced by Chief Chen's nonsense. I took a leave of absence from the unit and worked as a salesman at Red Sea. You see, now I can only live in a guest house for 2 cents a night, and I haven't paid for business trips. What a deal. "

"Then what are you trying to figure out?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

Su Yabo sighed and said, "Well, people live a lifetime, they have to be vigorous. In the institution, what will be the next 50 years, I know now. Those old directors in our unit, and those who retired. The old comrades are my role models. Their today is my tomorrow. I don't want to be like them in the future, so Director Chen said to me that as soon as my teeth bite my heart, I followed him into the sea. "

Qin Hai asked, "Why, now you regret it?"

"That's not true," Su Yabo said. "It's true that Director Chen is really good to a few of us. He pays twice as much in the government. He also sends out various things during the New Year's holidays, and more than the government. .This time I arranged to go to Qu Wu to do things, he paved the way, if I do it, I can get a commission when I go back. If not, he will not blame me. A few of us followed the director The people who went to the sea chatting in private said that it was the director who was supporting us now, and we have not made any profit for the director. "

Qin Hai laughed secretly. At the beginning of countless companies, basically the bosses made money to feed their employees. Not to mention that it is now the mid-1980s. In the new century, this is still the case for many companies. The real core resource of the company where Su Yabo works is the manager's relationship with Chen Hongcheng. They are only responsible for running errands. It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Hongcheng feeds them.

As for the future development of civil servants such as Chen Hongcheng and Su Yabo, Qin Hai also knows very well. As the earliest group of people going to sea, as long as they can persist, when the market economy develops in the 1990s, they will accomplish a great cause, and some people can even establish large companies that are rich in rival countries. Of course, now they still belong to people who are called "crab-eating", and they are at a stage where both opportunities and risks coexist.

"Well, it ’s okay for your cadres. Even the enterprises that run the sea have so many resources available. We in our company are suffering. There is no way to do something." Qin Hai complimented Su Yabo, since everyone Living in the same room, you have to get in touch.

Su Yabo heard Qin Hai's compliment, and a smile appeared on his face. He patted Qin Hai's shoulder, and said, "Which organization is an enterprise, and now we are also in the enterprise. It is just a private enterprise and may be more flexible than you. Everyone meets is fate. What is the difficulty here? Speaking out, maybe I can help you some more. "

The two were laughing and laughing, and people in the same room came back one after another. Su Yabo introduced Qin Hai one by one:

Zhang Wei, a steel factory in Sangding Province, is a small man who laughs all the time. He is very friendly with everyone. He is called a brother, but his brothers have not sold him coal until now. Don't look at Zhang Wei's mouth screaming so sweetly at the coal mine. The words of scolding his mother back in the room are equally unbearable.

Li Xiaopeng, a surname of a power plant in Songshi Province, who fights with anyone who does n’t give him coal, has so far argued with people in five coal mines, and when did he offend people in the sixth coal mine, He can go home.

Liu Ziwen, a cement factory in Hechuan Province, was a desperate person. The director ordered him not to go back if he could not get the coal. Now he is tired of the planning manager of Shengli Coal Mine, and he is called the father.

Wan Huadong, a private steel mill in Hongyuan Province, is said to be the owner of the steel mill. However, there are more than 300 small private steel mills in Hongyuan Province in one area. The scale is different. The youngest boss has no employees except his wife, children, and sister-in-law. Wan Hua Donggui is the boss, but he has to live with them in a small guest house for 2 cents a day.

The most mysterious is Xie Qijin, who is from Wuyang Province and never refuses to disclose his profession to others. However, according to Su Yabo's analysis, he is likely to be a professional. Others are making coal for the unit, and Xie Qijin is making coal for reselling. As for how much he can make between hands, it is beyond Su Yabo's imagination and he cannot guess.

People in this house have been living together for a long time and are very familiar with each other. Everyone met and greeted each other by asking "Are you on an appointment?" Just as ordinary people ask each other "Did you eat?"

"Yo, there's a newcomer, where's it?" Everyone spoke like Qin Hai and Kuroko.

"We are from Anhe," Qin Hai replied.

"Do you also come to coal?" This is often the second question of these people, and basically does not require Qin Hai to answer them. As Su Yabo said, in a place like Qu Wu, except for people who engage in coal, Who else will come?

"My younger brother first arrived and didn't understand the rules. In the future, I have to rely on your brothers for help and guidance. Tonight, my younger brother will be the owner. Would you please have a few drinks?"

After everyone returned, Qin Hai sent an invitation to everyone. He found that purchasing is an interesting science. From these buyers, we can see the miniature of the entire Chinese economy. He intends to stay in Quwu for a few days and study the current market carefully.

Everyone was mistaken when they heard Qin Hai's invitation. Although their relationship is good, there are not many opportunities to eat together, because everyone's family is dragging their mouths and not having enough money at hand. Occasionally someone meets to propose a meal ~ ~ must also be AA system, each with a share of money. It's true that someone like Qin Hai who threatened to be a guest of the East is really different.

"Little brother, save it. It's not easy to make two money. You really have a will. It's enough to give you two cigarettes." Li Xiaopeng advised Qin Hai as the elder brother.

"Yeah, yeah, we've all smoked your peonies. Don't drink anything, just forget it." Zhang Wei echoed.

The grandfather Xie Qijin had already lay down. Hearing Qin Hai's words, he sat up, looked at Qin Hai, and said, "It's a rare little brother who has this intention. Let's all go and have a drink together. Let ’s talk about Dong. Do n’t let the young and young person pay for it alone. He and I are half of us. How about everyone eating white food? ”

Xie Qijin said this, everyone is not good to refuse. As a buyer, the person who is more active and communicative is usually no one to ask for a treat. After half-pushing and half-pushing, he threw down the things in his hand, and gathered out Qin Hai and Kuroko to leave the room, and went downstairs towards a nearby restaurant.

According to the normal level of interaction, everyone went into a few waves in twos and threes. Only Liu Ziwen faced bitterly. He followed everyone behind, but his pace was not slow at all. (To be continued.)

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