Material Empire

Chapter 145: Qin Hai's grand idea

Qin Hai just smiled at the ridicule of the sunspot. In more than half a year, four factories have been opened successively. To others, it is indeed a bit greedy. But for Qin Hai, this is just the beginning. What he wants to build is a huge material empire, and his four small factories simply cannot support his grand vision.

As a materials scientist, Qin Hai knew that the materials industry could be described as a "golden beast". Any R & D of a material process requires hundreds or even tens of thousands of experiments, and the money spent is measured on the order of millions or millions. As for the equipment used in material processing, it is also prohibitively expensive. For example, a 40,000-ton die forging press for powder metallurgy can invest as much as 1 billion yuan.

More than half a year ago, Qin Hai rejected Chen Heqian's invitation to engage in research work at the Central Iron and Steel Institute and insisted on staying at the grassroots level to do industry. The basic idea was to make money and accumulate enough wealth to develop materials science and materials industry. The profits made by several companies, such as the Pingyuan Special Steel Plant, are only the first bucket of gold he has bought, and it is far from his intended goal.

After more than half a year of operation, Qin Hai's Pingyuan Special Steel Plant has now become a stable cash cow and can provide Qin Hai with a steady stream of funds. The development momentum of Qujiang Cement Plant is also good. Under the guidance of Qin Hai, a set of kiln equipment has been updated and production of more advanced special cement has begun. Beixi Special Steel Plant is in its infancy, but Qin Hai is confident that it will thrive. Once it can achieve the goal of producing 200,000 tons of steel per year, the annual profit will be calculated in tens of millions.

Cooperating with Sha Renyuan to set up an industrial ceramic factory in Quwu was a clever move for Qin Hai, but also part of his overall vision. Ceramics is a kind of material with high technical content and rich profits. Although under the current conditions, Qin Hai can only develop a few low-end industrial ceramic products, but with the expansion of the production scale, when funding permits, Qin Hai will definitely continue to improve the product quality of this ceramic factory and expand to special structural ceramics and functional ceramics.

As a simple example, most of the tools used in current metal machining are made of metal materials, and they are easy to soften when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, they need to be sprayed with cooling liquid to cool them during processing. However, if the tool is made of nitride ceramics, the hardness of the tool will not change when the tip temperature exceeds 1000 degrees, which greatly expands the use of the tool. Especially under the condition of high-speed cutting, ceramic tools have more superior surnames than metal tools.

Regarding these ideas, Qin Hai will not throw them out all at once. He still doesn't know if there are any people in Sha Renyuan's 13 families who are really useful. For an enterprise to develop, concepts and technologies are important, and good internal management is also essential. Qin Hai couldn't stay in Qu Wu for a long time to guard the factory. He could only provide guidance with some surnames in principle. The effective leadership of the factory became the key to the development and growth of the factory.

There is an urgent need for a large number of professional managers! Qin Hai thought with emotion.

However, a creature like a professional manager can't grow out by just spraying seeds and spraying fertilizer on the ground. The emergence of this group needs to be tempered by the market environment, and it needs to be screened like a wave of sand. There is no shortage of excellent corporate management talents in any era of China, but in such an era when the commodity economy is still in its infancy, many well-known managers in later generations are still repairing the earth with hoees in the fields, without even realizing that they still have a stormy day .

Under the general background of lack of talents, Qin Hai was psychologically prepared to continue to cast nets and continue to harvest in accordance with the principle of wide crops and thin harvests.

The next day, Qin Hai took the sunspot to the office of Sha Renyuan in Jianxing Coal Mine. Sha Renyuan has called a few people he likes. He is introducing Qin Hai one by one: this is Liu Shuo, this is Ming Yongbo, this is Huang Yanling ...

The "children" in Sha Renyuan's mouth are actually in their 30s to 40s. They are all workers in the mine, and some are still in the middle of the mine. In front of Sha Renyuan, they all yelled "Uncle Sha" in mouthfuls. In fact, some of them were only one or two years younger than Sha Renyuan.

"This is the Qin plant manager I talked to you about, Qin Hai. Don't look at him young, there is really something in his belly. Yesterday he told me that he wanted to set up an industrial ceramics factory in Quwu, so that our 13 children Everyone participates. Anyone who works in the factory can get paid, and the profits made are evenly divided among your 13. Are you interested? "Sha Renyuan asked everyone.

"Director Qin, what is industrial ceramics? We don't understand, how to do it?" Liu Shuo, with a beard in his face, asked Qin Hai.

Qin Hai introduced the concept of industrial ceramics to everyone, and then said, "Brothers and sisters, don't worry. I will list the production processes in detail. After the factory is completed, we can borrow some from other factories first. Skilled workers come over to guide, and everyone slowly learns. The technology of ceramic production is not complicated, I believe everyone will be able to master it soon. "

"Is the factory manager Qin responsible for the management of that plant?" Huang Yanling, who is already middle-aged, asked, she is now the deputy section chief of the personnel department of Jianxing Mine and is more sensitive to management issues.

Qin Haidao: "I'm afraid I don't have time, so I need to rely on you. Everyone remembers that I take 30% of the profit of this factory, and the remaining profits are yours. I hope you have a sense of master and go all out Run and manage this factory. "

"Liu Shuo, you are the boss. In the future, the management of the factory will be up to you. Whoever dares not to be obedient, you directly take a slap fan and say that it was uncle Sha." Sha Renyuan arrogantly ordered.

Sha Renyuan once introduced to Qin Hai. After the roof accident, he merged the 13 families into one family, and 20 children were sorted by age, and they were organized into the eldest to the twenty. In the past 30 years, these 20 children have really played like brothers and sisters, fighting together and having trouble helping each other. The relationship has continued to this day. Their next generation is now beginning to mature. Although the relationship between them is not as close as the previous generation, the consciousness of the family is still very strong.

"Since Uncle Sha trusts Director Qin, we haven't said anything. Director Qin, what to do about it, you just have to explain it. We don't know anything, but we have some strength to ensure that we can get things done "Several people said this to Qin Hai.

Qin Hai's age has always been a bruise, and Liu Shuo and others have not murmured in their hearts. But Sha Renyuan trusted Qin Hai extremely much, and these people had nothing to say. For so many years, they have become accustomed to Sha Renyuan, who is the head of their father and their backbone.

In the next ten days, Qin Hai and Liu Shuo and others carried out the site selection work of the ceramic factory and porcelain clay mine in Quwu. Sha Renyuan's influence in Quwu is really unspoken. Regarding land leasing, licenses, electricity, and other tedious matters, Sha Renyuan's presence can be easily solved. The ceramic factory was finally named as a collectively owned enterprise under the Jianxing Coal Mine. In that year, collective ownership was also considered a public ownership, which had a politically superior surname than a purely private enterprise.

Qin Haidian sued Yu Haitao and asked him to transfer over 300,000 yuan to fund land acquisition, plant construction and equipment purchase. The local land in Quwu is barren and there are countless wastelands, so the land acquisition cost for building a factory is almost zero. In terms of equipment, Sha Renyuan didn't know what channels they used to get some old equipment eliminated by other local ceramic factories, which also helped Qin Hai save a lot of money.

With Qin Hai's funds in place, Sha Renyuan also fulfilled his promise and allocated a target of 50,000 tons of coal to Qin Hai. Qin Hai transferred 20,000 tons to Liu Ziwen as promised. Liu Ziwen happily returned to Hechuan with the indicator and took Qin Hai's hand before leaving. He thanked him for a wagon, and threatened that if he had a chance, he must go. Go to His Majesty Qin Hai and serve him before and after the saddle.

The newly-built ceramic factory was named Quwu Brothers Ceramic Factory, which means that the 14 miners brothers trapped in the well by a roof accident that year. Sha Renyuan himself has never been married and has no children. The remaining 13 families who have spared their homes or had unsatisfactory work positions have been placed in the factory ~ ~ At the meeting, everyone called each other "big brother", "brother and sister", "sister-in-law" , "Five uncles", "eight sisters" and so on, so that the only outsider Qin Hai heard the scalp tingling.

The construction of a ceramic factory is not a day or two. The light earthmoving project will take several months. The installation and commissioning of the equipment is also calculated on a monthly basis. Qin Hai explained the relevant matters to Liu Shuo and others in detail, and through Sha Renyuan's relationship, he invited more than a dozen ceramic technical workers from other places to take charge of the preliminary production guidance. For the rest of the matter, he could not take care of it for a while.

In these days, Qin Hai has also established a deep friendship with the group of hard-working buyers in the guest room 203, in particular Xie Qijin and Wan Donghua are most interested in Qin Hai, because both of them belong to themselves Entrepreneurs pay great attention to all available resources. No one except Liu Ziwen knew the true identity of Qin Hai, but the talent and atmosphere that he inadvertently revealed on his body were enough to convince.

Qin Hai spent almost a month in Quwu, and finally it was time to leave. A telegram signed by Ning Zhongying of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory flew to his hand. In the telegram, Ning Zhongying told Qin Hai that because of the excellent achievements in the localization of auto parts in Beixi City, Pusang Automobile's localization office decided to hold an on-site meeting for experience exchange in Beixi. How must be present. (To be continued.)

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