Material Empire

Chapter 153: Join forces

When Wei Rongping set off for Pingyuan County, his mood was very complicated. The incident against Qingfeng Factory was already on the line and had to be sent out. After missing this opportunity, it would be difficult to find another opportunity for Qingfeng Factory to yield. However, this on-site meeting is, after all, an important meeting attended by superior leaders. If you disrupt yourself at this meeting, it is equivalent to embarrassing all leaders. What do these leaders think of themselves?

To give him a little peace of mind, he didn't want to face the Qingfeng Factory alone, as a football commentator of later generations said: He is not alone! The companies involved in the auto parts collaboration have passed each other's anger and agreed to advance and retreat. Although Wei Rongping couldn't believe that all the plant managers would keep their promises, as long as 70% to 80% of the companies joined forces, it would be enough for leaders. We don't think we can find the target after the fall.

"Lao Pan, do you think Ning Zhongying would bow?" On the way from Wanye to Pingyuan, Wei Rongping asked the sales manager Pan Jinliang at least 10 times about this question.

"Director Wei, I don't think it's a question of whether Director Ning bows his head, but whether people from Pujiang force Director Ning to bow his head. Think about it, if we interrupt Xiang Qingfeng, The supply of the factory means that the Qingfeng factory cannot supply to the Pujiang side. How big is this impact? And all this is just because the profit distribution between the Qingfeng factory and the cooperative factory is unfair. Think about it. With so many leaders in the province and the ministry, will you just sit back and watch? "Pan Jinliang seriously analyzed to Wei Rongping.

"I'm afraid this Lao Ning will make a set by himself. The spring we produced can be produced by themselves." Wei Rongping said worriously.

Pan Jinliang said: "It depends on whether other factories are acting in concert with us. If everyone interrupts the supply, even if the Qingfeng factory is covered with iron, how many nails can be made?"

"You're right, the key is everyone's disagreement." Wei Rongping said, "After we arrive at Pingyuan, we explore the wind of other factories, see what they mean, and then make a decision."

People who share the same ideas with Wei Rongping are obviously not a minority. The directors of various companies came to the Qingfeng factory, and after a few words of hurry with Ning Zhongying and others, they avoided it for a reason. They inadvertently sought a secluded place and began plotting.

"Lao Wei, how are you going? I think it's up to you to make your statement first."

"I'm ready early, just as we have agreed. By the way, Lao Qu, didn't you retreat?"

"What are you talking about? When did I get rid of the old quarrel, but the old Cui of Gan Hardware has always been cunning, won't he sell us all this time?"

"If I sold everyone, I would be this ..."

Cui Guodong, the director of Ganqiao Hardware Tools Factory, uttered a face of Wang Ba with his hands in an anxious expression, and swore an oath.

After reconfirming the offensive and defensive alliance, the factory directors were at ease, one by one, stepped to the on-site meeting place on the large lawn, and each took their seats under the instructions of the guide, waiting for the leadership to come. After everyone sat down, they looked around habitually, but found that there were still many unfamiliar faces on the venue. Some of them knew that they were not natives of Anhe, but foreigners from the north, south, and west.

At 9:30 in the morning, several small cars drove into the Qingfeng factory and parked beside the large lawn. The door was opened, several officials got out of their cars, greeted each other, and accompanied by Yang Xinyu and Ning Zhongying who were already waiting, walked towards the rostrum.

"It's Governor Yang!"

"Who is that man next to Governor Yang?"

"I heard that it came down from the Ministry of Machinery. It was a deputy minister. It seems to be called Su Whatying ..." A source informed that he began to tell the people nearby.

There has been much discussion among the leaders, and the leaders have already reached the podium. This podium was completely refurbished, and it no longer looked like it had been welded with an iron frame and it was rattling as soon as it left. Anhe Province Deputy Governor Yang Yihe and Deputy Minister of Machinery Su Chengying, as the highest-level leaders present at the meeting, took two positions in the middle of the podium. Next to them, they are arranged in ranks and ranks, and Chai Peide, Yang Xinyu, and other provincial and ministry officials are arranged.

Ning Zhongying sits at the position next to the rostrum and chair the meeting.

"Everyone please be quiet, hosted by the Pusang Automobile Localization Work Office and hosted by the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory in Pingyuan County, Anhe Province, the localization work experience of Pusang Automotive Parts localization will begin now!" Announced to the microphone.

There is naturally applause and thunder from the bottom. Even Wei Rongping, Cui Guodong, and others who made up their minds to spoil the situation will not show any personality at this time. You know, Chai Peide sat on the podium and stared at their every move. Yet.

The next step is the pre-arranged process. First, the speeches of the leaders, then Yang Xinyu introduced the importance of localization work, Ning Zhongying introduced the Qingfeng factory's experience in localization, and Guo Ming introduced Pingyuan County. Support for localization work.

Although the employees of Beixi companies participating in the meeting also participated in the localization work, they did not know much about some of the details. After hearing these introductions, they understood a lot of things. As for the foreigners who came from afar to attend the on-site meeting, all of them felt refreshing and stared at the speakers on the stage, anxious to swallow all the information they introduced into their stomachs.

"Below, I would like the representatives of the cooperative enterprises to introduce their experience in participating in the localization of parts and accessories. First of all, I would like to invite Comrade Wei Rongping, the director of the Wanye Machinery Factory." Ning Zhongying shouted Wei Rongping's name with confidence, and also told Taiwan Wei Rongping made a gesture of invitation.

Wei Rongping stood up with a few pages of lecture notes and walked to the rostrum in a hurry. He stepped onto the stage along the next ladder, came to the floor, and nodded to the host Ning Zhongying. Ning Zhongying whispered: "Lao Wei, what should be said and what should not be said, you can think about it."

"Thank Lao Ning for reminding," Wei Rongping replied.

"Then you start." Ning Zhongying said.

Wei Rongping lifted the microphone with his hand, let it face his mouth, and began to read the manuscript: "Respected Minister Su, Governor Yang, respected Director Yang, Mayor Chai ... Hello, everyone, I am Mano Wei Rongping, the director of the Machinery Plant, is very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in such an important meeting. Now I would like to introduce to you some of the experiences of Wanye Machinery Plant in the production of Pusang auto parts ...

Next, naturally, it was a commendation and self-commendation. It introduced the brilliant deeds of Wanye Machinery Factory how to overcome difficulties and ensure the completion of production tasks. Yang Yihe, Su Chengying and others all listened with great interest, nodded frequently, and expressed satisfaction with the situation introduced by Wei Rongping.

"... I introduced some of the experiences we have summarized in the production. Next, I would like to talk about the difficulties we face. I hope that the leaders of the ministry and the province can provide us with policy support and help us overcome difficulties. After finishing the previous official article, Wei Rongping finally talked about the key issues.

"If you have any difficulties, just say it boldly. Minister Su and I came here today to solve the problem for everyone." Yang Yihe encouraged loudly.

"Thank you, Governor Yang, and Minister Su. The main difficulty we encountered in the process of localization of parts for Wanye Machinery Factory is that the price of production cooperation is too low and the profit is minimal, which seriously hurts the production enthusiasm of the workers and masses, and also makes me There is a huge gap in the capital of the plant, making it difficult to update and overhaul equipment, leaving great hidden dangers for the stable production in the later period. "Wei Rongping complained impassively.

"Director Wei, what do you mean by the great hidden dangers?" Yang Xinyu, sitting in his position, asked Wei Rongping unhurriedly.

"It is that our factory may have equipment failure at any time, which will cause production to be impossible." Wei Rongping said.

"What does that mean?" Yang Xinyu continued asking, as if he didn't understand.

Wei Rongping said: "This means that the rough products we supply to the Qingfeng plant may not arrive in time, which may have a certain adverse effect on the production of the Qingfeng plant."

"Lao Wei, how can you say that?" Ning Zhongying stared, "If your blanks do not arrive in time, we will not be able to conduct post-heat treatment, which will directly affect the supply to Pujiang Automobile Factory. Things. Why don't you say this earlier? "

Ning Zhongying's expression was exaggerated, as if she were really ashamed and angry. Only Qin Hai and Yang Xinyu knew that he was pretending to be inferior to others so that Wei Rong and others could feel more proud.

"Lao Ning, I have told you this many times. Which one of you did not sternly refuse to increase the cost for us? We are poor factories, not as rich as your Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. Equipment failure, in our million Aircraft is a common thing, and I just give you a reminder in advance. "Wei Rongping said.

Yang Xinyu said: "Director Wei, can you stop this kind of supply stoppage ~ ~?"

Wei Rong Paperback thought for a while, and then replied, "If we can get some extra working capital, we can overhaul the equipment. I think we can overcome the production difficulties and guarantee the quantity and quality of supply. However, this is the need to invite the Qingfeng Factory to celebrate the festival and give some profits to our collaborative factories. "

"Is this what everyone thinks?" Yang Xinyu turned his head and asked the representatives of the companies below.

"Yes, our equipment is in disrepair for years, and it may malfunction at any time."

"We want to increase the price of collaboration, at least we can't drink soup every day. We must see some meat residue, right?"

"Director Yang, it is not that we deliberately do not guarantee the supply. The cost is too low to motivate the workers."


Everyone in the audience, you said it one by one. Some of the directors who are not very unassuming have to speak out, because everyone has negotiated and acted together. If a company does not speak, it will be isolated by everyone in the future. Already. rs ()

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