Material Empire

Chapter 171: Have overseas relations

16 million!

Several of Honggang were shocked by Qin Hai's ravings. Today they have worn their tongues and even threatened to find other suppliers. Osso has only agreed to reduce the price by 2 million. Others have made it clear that ordinary power electric furnaces are indeed a bit outdated in Europe, but they are still sufficiently advanced in China. Although ultra-high power electric furnaces are better, can your Chinese grid conditions be supported?

All in all, Osso's confidence lies in the fact that if Red Steel is sure to buy their equipment, Europe is certainly not the only company that produces electric furnaces, but can the Chinese have so much time to choose?

In the face of Osso's insistence, Jiang Huanwen and others have only a feeling of weakness. It's easy to find another supplier, but it's actually too much trouble. Their visa is only for Spain. If you want to find suppliers from Germany and Italy, you will inevitably have to toss it again. Can the embassy agree? Can the Foreign Trade Department agree? Besides, what if they go there and find that the price is higher?

With so many concerns, Jiang Huanwen can only prepare to accept Osor's price. Anyway, they still cut the 2 million difference. If there is no 11 million Qin Hai said as a reference, the 2 million difference is enough to make them happy.

Jiang Huanwen asked Yao Guojie and Zhu Shouhe to invite Qin Hai. The original idea was to tell Qin Hai the result, and then see if Qin Hai could reduce the price a little bit, and save some calculations. He never expected that after listening to their narratives, Qin Hai directly released a rant of only 8 million each, which was a full 10 million less than what they talked about.

"Qin Gong, tell me, how can you do that?" Zhu Shou and Gu couldn't be held hostage, can't wait to ask Qin Hai. He is engaged in technology anyway, and is used to going straight. Jiang Huanwen is inconvenient to say things like this.

Qin Hai smiled. Instead of answering Zhu Shouhe's words, he stared at Jiang Huanwen and said, "The director Jiang has not answered me yet, can I accept this condition?"

"Buy two. Even one for you, this is not very easy to explain in the province. If you can really talk about the price, such as 18 million, or 16 million, I can give you personally from the factory. Send a bonus, ... ten thousand yuan, what! "Jiang Huanwen gritted his teeth and made a reward that he seemed to belong to astronomical figures.

"Director Jiang is too stingy, right?" Qin Hai smiled disdainfully. "I said, I can help you bring the price to 16 million units. It's equivalent to 8 million, which is better than buying one The price is 12 million lower, and the other one is exactly equivalent to what you earn, and you can still get 4 million extra. You can give me 10,000 yuan for such a big difference. And it ’s still RMB.

It's awkward. If I want to, I can borrow 16 million from what channel, buy both devices, and sell one of them to you for 16 million. Would you like it? "

"This ..." Jiang Huanwen felt some toothache.

Yes. If Qin Hai sold himself a set of equipment for 16 million yuan, would he want to? Yeah, obviously became the head of the injustice, and bought out two units of equipment, so Qin Hai earned one for nothing. If not. Instead of buying 20 million from Osor, wouldn't it be more stupid?

"Qin Gong, I want to ask, are you really sure you can win both devices with 16 million?" Jiang Huanwen asked.

Qin Hai pretended to be buffy and said, "What's so difficult?"

"Do you believe it?" Jiang Huanwen had to ask his subordinates to verify.

Several genera face each other. I don't know if I should nod or shake my head. From their common sense, I feel that Qin Hai is definitely bragging, because he can't talk about the price, why can Qin Hai talk about it? However, they can't figure out what it means for Qin Hai to blow such a cow. Can they talk about it and finally see the results? Is it just for them to play?

"Okay! I promise you!" Jiang Huanwen patted the table and finally made up his mind. He also wanted to understand. The province promised to buy him 22 million yuan for a set of equipment. If he could buy back two sets for 16 million yuan, what would the province say? The two sets of equipment are definitely redundant for Red Steel, so it is reasonable to loan out one set to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. In the future, there will definitely be countless things that need to be peeled, but in terms of saving more than 10 million US dollars, it is worthwhile to pull more.

Of such a big matter, of course, Jiang Huanwen cannot decide for himself. He took Qin Hai first to find the Chief of the Metallurgical Department, and called Chen Hongcheng. Several people came to Zhu Xiaofeng's room, and Jiang Huanwen reported to Zhu Xiaofeng and the director about the purchase of two sets of equipment at the same time.

"One set is 20 million and two sets are 16 million. What is this selling method?" Zhu Xiaofeng asked with amazement.

"The set of 20 million was talked by the director of the factory Jiang; the two sets of 16 million need to use our relationship with the Red Sea Company." Qin Hai explained leisurely.

"Do you have a cooperative relationship between this Red Sea company and this technology company?" Zhu Xiaofeng asked Chen Hongcheng.

Chen Hongcheng has understood the origin of the matter, and thinks of Qin Hai taking him to visit those steel companies today. He knows what Qin Hai has in mind. Seeing Zhu Xiaofeng verifying to himself, he smiled slightly and said, "Yes, we have a little business relationship with several companies in Madrid."

"So it was ..." Zhu Xiaofeng nodded and accepted Chen Hongcheng's explanation.

Regarding Chen Hongcheng, Zhu Xiaofeng only knew that he went to the sea to start a company from the Material Department. As for what Chen Hongcheng's company was like and what business relations he had, Zhu Xiaofeng couldn't figure out. However, there is one thing Zhu Xiaofeng thinks he knows, and that is that Red Sea Company does have a very hard overseas relationship. Think about it. When he came abroad, he did not have any extra foreign exchange in the hands of the chief of the hall, but Chen Hongcheng was able to take out more than one hundred thousand pesetas at a time and give it to officials.

"Mr. Chen, Director Jiang, they do n’t need two sets of equipment, they only need one set. Can you just talk about the price of the next set? You see, two sets are 16 million, and one set is even 10 million. We can accept it. Yes. "Zhu Xiaofeng started to do Chen Hongcheng's work.

Chen Hongcheng pointed Qin Hai with his hand, and said, "Let's let Xiao Qin talk about this, Oso, he is more familiar."

In fact, Chen Hongcheng didn't know whether Qin Hai knew or knew Osor. Since Qin Hai hadn't dealt with him before, he was too lazy to help Qin Hai figure out how to round the field. Really not. Qin Hai can go to Gonette again. Gonette, as an expert in metallurgical equipment, definitely has contacts with Osor.

Qin Hai smiled, took Chen Hongcheng's words, and said, "I wish you, Director, this is the case. I do have a friend who has a close relationship with Orso Metallurgical Technology Company. I also asked him about the price of the equipment. Come. The only requirement from Osor is to sell both sets of equipment at the same time, so that the inventory can be emptied to accommodate the new equipment.

As for the redundant set of equipment that cannot be used for red steel, I discussed it with the director of the Jiang plant and could lease this set of equipment to the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant in Anhe Province. I have a good relationship with Beigang and can help facilitate this transaction. "

"Is that so?" Zhu Xiaofeng asked Jiang Huanwen.

Hearing Qin Hai's reversal of black and white, Jiang Huanwen had no way at all. He nodded reluctantly and said, "Yeah, Qigong is very enthusiastic, saying that it can help us negotiate the price and help to dispose of the extra set of equipment, but it has helped us a lot."

"Well, since Director Jiang also thinks this method is feasible, then you should do it. Director Li, what do you think?" Zhu Xiaofeng looked at the director of the metallurgical department.

Zhu Xiaofeng has stated his position, and Director Li can have other ideas. Besides, the wife who went abroad with him was just still mumbling with him and asked him to find a way to borrow a little bit of foreign exchange from Chen Hongcheng in order to buy a few items. At this time, how could he say anything that offends Chen Hongcheng and Qin Hai?

"I think this plan is very good, and saves money, and the extra set of equipment is not wasted. This is a practice worthy of being promoted. President Chen and Comrade Xiao Qin can be anxious for our company and think what our company thinks. I wish the Director, I think we should commend them after returning to China.

With the approval of the Foreign Trade and Metallurgical Departments, Jiang Huanwen finally solved the knot. Out of Zhu Xiaofeng's room, Jiang Huanwen said to Qin Hai sincerely: "Okay, Qin Gong, now that everything has been said, can you tell us how you intend to reduce the price of Orso?"

Qin Hai waved his hand and said, "I can't solve the mystery now ~ ~ Anyway, you will go to Osor tomorrow to continue the negotiation. As a negotiator, I will go with you. Just rest assured, I You can certainly persuade Osor to sell these two devices at reduced prices, and you will know what is going on. "

"Well, then Qigong will go back to the room first, and I will wait to see your performance tomorrow." Jiang Huanwen suppressed the urge to curse and politely shook hands with Qin Hai and said goodbye.

Back in the room, Jiang Huanwen couldn't help but scolded the crowd: "The surname Qin is so cunning, it's all this time, and he's still covering his cover, for fear that we'll steal his business."

"Well, there is no business without rape. People have their own way, and they will definitely not tell us clearly." Yao Guojie advised.

Zhu Shouhe said: "This little Qin is indeed a personal talent. Unfortunately, how can I become a businessman? If we can come to our factory, it will be a deputy head of the technical department."

"Forget it, I won't think about these things. I'm tired for a few days. Let's rest early today and see how good the surname Qin is tomorrow. If he's bragging, watch Lao Tzu not pack him!" Jiang Huanwen said fiercely.

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