Material Empire

Chapter 174: Foreign devil bowed his head

The lego company that Qin Hai said is not a metallurgical equipment manufacturing company, but a steel smelting company. Tony is very familiar with Legos, because this company is also one of Osor's customers, and many of its equipment is purchased from Osor.

It was because of his knowledge of Lego that Tony knew how shameless Qin Hai's suggestion was. At Lego, there is an old electric stove of the same age as the two electric stoves they are selling now. It is now abandoned. If anyone wants to buy 3.5 million, Lego will definitely give it with both hands.

The electric furnace abandoned by Legor is said to be old, but it is actually 70% new. Shortly after Legor bought the electric furnace, the concept of ultra-high-power electric furnaces became popular. Due to the higher production efficiency of the ultra-high-power electric furnace, which can save electricity and labor, Lego put the old electric furnace on hold and purchased a new electric furnace for production.

For the Chinese, if it is determined that they want to purchase ordinary power electric furnaces, then buying new and old models of electric furnaces from Osor's stock will not be much different from buying 70% or 80% of new used products that Legor has eliminated. . Lego's electric furnace needs some simple repairs, plus the cost of disassembly, but it is still cheaper overall. Qin Hai said that if Orso was unwilling to cut prices, they would buy Lego's second-hand electric furnaces. Tony's view was definitely not a threat, but a possible choice.

What's more frightening is that once the Chinese people start to use their brains, the two electric furnaces of Osor Company really can only keep their cubs. Throughout Spain, at least a dozen iron and steel plants have obsolete old electric furnaces, and they are willing to dispose of them at the price of scrap. The Chinese can contact Legos, and naturally they can also contact other companies. When bargains are available, who will rush to buy expensive things?

"Mr. Qin, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us." Tony's words softened completely. Qin Hai held a good hand in his hand, and Tony had nothing, only to get down to three.

"The price of two sets of equipment is 14 million, which is really too low. I have not obtained such authorization. I think that you have travelled to Spain all the time, and you also want to purchase a brand new equipment instead of disassembling a used Equipment. So, I think if the price is right, the transaction between us is in your best interest. "Tony said bitterly.

Qin Hai smiled kindly and said, "I have the same idea with Mr. Tony on this issue. We do want to purchase two new sets of equipment, although their designs are relatively old. Now that everyone has reached a consensus, then On the question of price. Don't bother talking too much, right? "

"Well, two sets of equipment, 22 million, what does Mr. Qin think?" Tony said with gritted teeth.

"Up to 15 million." Qin Hai calmly added a little price.

"20 million?" Tony said again.

"15.5 million." Qin Hai's price increase has decreased.

"18 million, this is indeed our reserve price. If it is lower, Mr. Isaac will fire us." Tony played an emotional card.

Qin Hai was unmoved and said, "One price, 16 million."

"FOB?" Tony had the heart to hit the wall.

"CIF." Qin Hai wouldn't be polite. 16 million to buy two of your outdated equipment, already worthy of you, the freight and insurance. Sorry, I can only let you put it on.

"I need to ask the president." Tony said.

"We will stay in Madrid for another week. If we can't get a satisfactory answer within three days, then we have to negotiate with Lego. By the way, Rauss is said to want to dispose of their old electric furnace. I heard that their electric furnace is also a masterpiece of your company ... "Qin Hai threw another card with a smile. One day yesterday, he asked Gonette to accompany himself to run several steel mills, and made a lot of calls just to grasp this information.

"You will get a satisfactory answer ..." Tony looked like a discouraged ball. Murmured.

When Qin Hai and his party left Oso, Tony and Valentine had no previous pride. They politely sent a few Chinese people outside the company, even called a taxi for them, and then accompanied them. Smiley shake hands and say goodbye.

"Let's be stunned by them like this?" Valentine looked at Tony and turned to Tony.

"Did you not find out that this Qin is a secret weapon they prepared. I bet Qin was investigating our details in Madrid while we were talking with Jiang," Tony said.

Valentin complained: "Mr. Tony, I said a long time ago that our two electric furnaces can't sell such a high price. If the price we started was only 12 million or 14 million, I am afraid these Chinese would have been with us for a long time. Signed. "

Tony said angrily: "I don't need you to tell me how to negotiate. What you need to do now is to write a detailed report to explain to the president that these two sets of electric furnaces are seriously out of date. After hard work, we finally let China People bought it for 16 million. Don't forget that the Chinese originally priced at 14 million for two sets of equipment, but we let them add 2 million. "

"Well, I'll write it." Valentine shrugged his shoulders again, but this time he was not cool, but helpless.

When you are depressed, you are naturally happy. On the way back to the Mellon Palace Hotel from Oso, Jiang Huanwen patted Chen Hongcheng's shoulders in the same car countless times like he was drunk, saying repeatedly: "General Manager Chen, General Manager Chen, from Where did you get such a baby from Xiao Qin? How about, I will exchange 1,000 tons of cheap steel with you, and let him give me. "

Chen Hongcheng smiled bitterly in his heart, secretly saying that Qin Hai could sell it by himself. With Qin Hai's ingenuity, it was considered polite to sell him without inserting a straw. However, he would not say such words, he smirked and justified: "Actually, this is mainly because our company has some business dealings with Spain. Yesterday, I ran a lot with Xiao Qin, like Xiao What Qin said about Lego, Rause, we've all been there, yes, I still have their president's business card here ... "

"Of course, of course, Xiao Qin is capable, mainly because of your general manager's leadership." Jiang Huanwen knew that Chen Hongcheng couldn't hang on his face, and quickly rounded the field, but after speaking, he began to feel emotion: "Oh, this Xiao Qin, it's true Nope, a few words, actually made the foreign devils bow their heads, it's amazing! "

For the next two days, several members of the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant had nothing to do. Like the officials in the delegation, they were finally able to walk around the commercial street and buy something pleasant.

Because the two sides have become partners, Chen Hongcheng no longer refuses to lend foreign exchange to some of Honggang's. Of course, Jiang Huanwen is also very generous and promised to get hundreds of tons of planned steel for Chen Hongcheng after returning. Psychological balance. At that time, the difference between planned steel products and unscheduled steel products in the domestic market was as much as 2,000 yuan per ton. As long as hundreds of tons of planned steel products fell down, their profits were hundreds of thousands.

During this period, Qin Hai took Chen Hongcheng to see Juanito again, and received the follow-up money for the sales of mold steel formula. Then, under the guidance of Juanito, they met Leonardo, Madrid's largest steel dealer.

"This is my Chinese friend, Mr. Qin and Mr. Chen. They have some good products that they want to sell to you." In the large office of Leonardo, Juanito said.

Leonardo is a super fat man with a full face and a round belly, which best explains the origin of the idiom "waist around the waist". He sat on his enhanced swivel chair, looked with interest at the two Chinese people wearing plain clothes, and then asked Juanito: "This is the two you told me last time A Chinese businessman? "

"Exactly." Juanito said, Leonardo was also his dealer. Although the property was several times more than his, the relationship between the two was fairly equal. He said: "The kind of hot hammer forging die steel I just provided was developed by this Mr. Qin. You know, the quality of this die steel is better than all similar products on the European market, and its development ideas also show Out of the genius of the developer. "

"Well, it is not easy for the Chinese to develop such excellent steel." Leonardo nodded and asked Chen Hongcheng: "Mr. Chen, what kind of steel do you want me to sell for you?"

In Leonardo's view ~ ~ Chen Hongcheng is older and has a bigger belly than Qin Hai, apparently he should be the boss of Qin Hai. Things like this, of course, he wanted to talk to the person in charge, how could it be possible to talk to a young classmate?

Chen Hongcheng smiled helplessly, pointed to Qin Hai, and said in stuttered English: "This question, please ask Mr. Qin to talk to you, uh ... my English is not very good and I don't know Spanish, There are some obstacles to communication. "

Juanito knew the real situation, but he would not expose the relationship between the two, just sitting aside, in front of a guest.

Qin Hai had a smile on his face, a confident smile from the bottom of his heart. Although Juanito introduced him to Leonardo ’s property and influence in the steel industry, Qin Hai did not find it terrible. He believes that in less than 10 years, a dealer like Leonardo , Will become a very common part of his supply and marketing system, he has enough confidence in himself and the Chinese economy.

"Mr. Leonardo, we come to you today to talk about a series of in-depth cooperation. We hope that we can give you the special steels that represent the global level of the 1990s and sell them to you. We also hope to pass You help us purchase some raw materials and equipment. In short, this is an all-round cooperation, which will have a great impact on you and us. "Qin Hai said unhurriedly.

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