Material Empire

Chapter 178: Happy troubles

Hongyuan Province sent a team led by the director of the Economic Commission to Pujiang to welcome the foreign trade delegation. Qin Hai was not interested in this occasion, so he slipped away. Jiang Huanwen also felt that Qin Hai's appearance on this occasion was a bit abrupt, so he only left a few words symbolically and let him go. However, Jiang Huanwen said repeatedly that the original lease of an electric furnace to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant would not change. When the electric furnace arrived, he would arrange for someone to send it to Beixi.

Chen Hongcheng and officials in Hongyuan Province are more familiar, and certainly will not let go of this opportunity to show up. He said goodbye to Qin Hai at the airport and left with the group of people in Hongyuan Province.

Qin Hai went out of the airport with his luggage and walked straight to a taxi that "lived" outside the airport. When the driver in the car saw someone coming, his face first showed a look of joy. After looking at Qin Hai's skin color, nose bridge, and other characteristics, he continued to play with his nails in a downcast.

"Will this car go?" Qin Hai knocked on the driver's window and asked.

"This is a rental," said the driver, shaking a half of the window, angrily.

Qin Hai was laughed at by the driver. He said, "I can see. If it was a bus, would I come over?"

"Then what do you knock?" The driver said.

Qin Haidao: "Isn't it just for rent? I'll take a car."

"You ride?" The driver narrowed his eyes. "Do you know how much it costs?"

"Dozens, hundred?" Qin Haidao, "Where do you think I don't look like someone who can afford a taxi?"

"You don't have money, we only accept foreign exchange." The driver replied, he felt that he probably met a second-generation rich man. At that time, there were already some people who got rich first in the country, but they could afford a taxi. .

Qin Hai took out a Spanish banknote from his pocket, put it on the window glass, and said to the driver, "Is this possible?"

"What kind of money is this?" The driver became serious, and he could see that it must be foreign money, but he didn't know it. At this moment, his view of Qin Hai suddenly changed. Nima, this is not a rich second generation. This is obviously an overseas Chinese returning home and province!

"This is Spanish peseta, with a denomination of 10,000, equivalent to 160 US dollars." Qin Hai said helplessly. Even the rental industry has the task of earning foreign exchange, and it is no wonder that taxi drivers are unwilling to pull the Chinese. Don't talk about grandeur and honor, in Ning Zhongying's words, who makes the Chinese poor when they are rich?

The driver finally got up, jumped out of the car and diligently helped Qin Hai pack large luggage into the trunk. Then he asked Qin Hai to get in the car and asked, "Sir. Where are you going?"

"I'm going ..." Qin Hai remembered this, and he didn't seem to think about where to go. Of course he had countless friends in Pujiang in the previous life, but in this life he only knew one Yang Xinyu in Pujiang ... Otherwise, go to Yang Xinyu.

Qin Hai gave an address and the driver started the motor. Pulling Qinhai off the road. There were no cars on Pujiang Road that year. The taxi took 40 minutes and came to the door of Pusang Localization Office.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?" The guard came forward, stopped Qin Hai, and asked him.

"I'm looking for Director Yang, Director Yang Xinyu," Qin Hai replied.

The guard looked suspiciously at Qin Hai, who was carrying a large bag. Asked, "Have you made an appointment with Director Yang?"

"No." Qin Haidao said, "I just came back from abroad and didn't have time to make an appointment with him."

"No appointment ..." The guard drew a long voice. "Then I have to ask Director Yang if he would like to see you. What is your name and which unit is it?"

"My name is Qin Hai. You can just introduce it to Director Yang like this." Qin Hai was a bit depressed, and he was almost refused to take a taxi. When he saw Yang Xinyu, he had to report in advance. Did he look so bad?

The guard gave another serious look at Qin Hai, and then dialed the intercom phone. He just said "Qin Hai" on the phone. The opponent apparently showed a surprise attitude, because Qin Hai could see that the guard's face also immediately became kind.

"It turned out to be Director Yang's friend, then you go in quickly." The guard put down the phone and said politely to Qin Hai.

"My box is too big, I'll save it for you first." Qin Hai left the large suitcase for going abroad in the doorman's room, went upstairs with a small bag on his own, and found Yang Xinyu's office based on his memory.

Before Qin Hai knocked on the door, the office door opened, and Lu Xiaolin walked out from the inside. When she saw Qin Hai, the girl pouted and said, "Wow, it turned out that Qin Daner was here. Our director still Let me go downstairs to pick you up. "

"How dare you dare, how dare you miss the road." Qin Hai laughed. After he had a few times with Lu Xiaolin, the relationship between the two was actually quite good, but Lu Xiaolin felt that Qin Hai was so young that he was valued by his leader, and in the eyes of the leader, he was even higher than his status. I have some sour feelings in my heart, and I always have to depreciate a few words when I meet.

"Come, I just came back from abroad, and I didn't bring anything to Lu, a little snack. Lu girl please smile." Qin Hai took out the small snack Wang Zheyi gave him before leaving Madrid, and passed it to Lu Xiaolin. These snacks are not suitable for boys, so Qin Hai has not moved. Now seeing Lu Xiaolin, he happened to be offering flowers to the Buddha.

"Ah, hazelnut chocolate! Cranberries, how I like to eat them. Not bad, Qin Hai, you have a little conscience." Lu Xiaolin looked at the snacks in her pocket, and couldn't help jumping up, on her face Fanzhuang's indifference swept away. Xiaolin Lu's family is good. These high-end imported snacks have been seen and eaten, but she usually wants to buy some to eat by herself. She can't bear it.

"Xiaolu, again against discipline?" Yang Xinyu's voice came from the room. He heard what Qin Hai had sent to Lu Xiaolin, and made Lu Xiaolin happy, so he reminded him by speaking.

Lu Xiaolin pulled Qin Hai into the house and smiled to Yang Xinyu with a grin: "Director, it ’s Xiao Qin who just came back from abroad and brought me some snacks. Hee hee, these are what our girls eat. Oh, you guys No share. "

Qin Hai said hello to Yang Xinyu, and then took out a large decorated carton from his bag, put it on Yang Xinyu's table, and said, "A box of Cuban cigars was sent by the customer, and I transferred it to Yang. Director. "

"Xiao Qin, when did you learn this set?" Yang Xinyu said, sinking his face slightly.

"Which one?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

"Giving guests a gift. When you go out to China, you come back to bring me things and bring things to the side road. This is not your Xiao Qin's style of doing things." Yang Xinyu reprimanded.

Qin Hai pushed the cigar to Yang Xinyu and said, "Director Yang, you want more. This box of cigars was sent to me by a steel merchant in Spain named Leonardo. I don't smoke or send you Who else can I send it to? I have another box, and I plan to go back and send it to our factory manager Ning. As for these snacks ... "

"Don't say that it was sent to you by others, otherwise I will be angry." Lu Xiaolin warned with a chocolate in her mouth.

"Eh ... well, this is what I bought specifically." Qin Hai said, blinking at Yang Xinyu, which means don't believe this.

Yang Xinyu looked at the box of cigars, hesitated, and said, "Okay, then I will make an exception. I will never accept gifts from others, but I can still accept your gifts, you Xiao Qin Not a conspiracy. "

"Finally, I heard a word." Qin Hai celebrated with his forehead.

Yang Xinyu was annoyed, "What is this? Didn't I say anything before that?"

"Humanity is too light." Qin Hai laughed, and he felt Yang Xinyu's temper a bit. People in this position, like Yang Xinyu, didn't know how much he flattered him. This made Yang Xinyu very sensitive to all polite words. . Qin Hai went the other way, not big or small in front of Yang Xinyu, but could win the favor of Yang Xinyu. Yang Xinyu said that receiving his gift exceptionally is an example.

"Director Yang, don't you think your localization office is a little high now? I remember last year when you opened the door to attract business, one of us who broke the farm machinery factory could be greeted by your director Yang in person. But now, I ask Seeing that you actually want the guard to report first, "Qin Hai complained.

Yang Xinyu sighed: "Don't you know that since the site meeting in Beixi has opened, there has been a small upsurge in the localization of cars. People who come to our localization office every day are almost breaking my threshold. .Some want to undertake auto parts, others want to sell auto parts on consignment. People who come are carrying special products in big bags and go to the office to leave. Some dry goods are fine, some people send fresh meat, eggs and the like. It's broken after a few days. What do you want us to do? "

"So our director set a rule, but anyone who comes with a bag will refuse to enter." Lu Xiaolin added with a grin ~ ~ No wonder ... "Qin Hai also laughed, because he was from abroad Come back, so the luggage is particularly large, but the doorkeeper mistakenly thought it was a gift giver. Then again, haven't you really given gifts to both Yang Xinyu and Lu Xiaolin? The value of the gift was not able to use the volume. To measure, the box of cigars given to Yang Xinyu is worth hundreds of dollars, enough to buy a cart of pork.

"Well, it's an inexplicable worry." Yang Xinyu sighed.

Qin Hai laughed: "This is also a happy trouble? Isn't it anyway, the localization work has begun to open up the situation, Director Yang should be happy."

Yang Xinyu shook his head and said, "I can't get up. We used to be troubled when nobody took on the task of localization in the past. Now everyone sees the benefits and wants to squeeze into this circle. It is also a trouble."

"Our country has limited national strength, and it is a huge waste to repeatedly use limited resources in a pile." Qin Hai commented.

"You're right!" Yang Xinyu's eyes brightened, he looked at Qin Hai carefully, and then said, "Xiao Qin, are you interested in coming to me? I urgently need an assistant who understands technology and has a big picture. . "

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