Material Empire

Chapter 182: Is it just some inspiration?

"Secretary Lu, Secretary Qin, please here. Watermark ad test Watermark ad test"

Qian Jiangrong, deputy director of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Pujiang Jiaotong University, politely greeted Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin and entered the meeting room of the Department of Chemical Engineering. The meeting room was noisy and there were more than a dozen people of different ages and costumes. The most common characteristics of them were wearing glasses, most thin people, and most of their hair appearing topped. According to Qian Congrong, these dozens are all experts in polymer research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and some of them are quite famous.

"Professor Wang can't attend?" Qin Hai glanced at the list of money passed to him calmly and asked casually. He said that Professor Wang is the only one who has the impression of the Pujiao Department of Chemical Engineering, and everyone on the list may have seen the names of some of them, but he knows that they are not top scholars.

Qian Congrong shook his head and said, "Professor Wang has gone to Beijing for a meeting. In addition, he now has several topics delivered by the National Defense Industry Office, and I am afraid that he has no time to participate in the work of the Nationalization Office."

"Oh, that's too bad." Qin Hai said lightly.

It has been two weeks since Qin Hai came to work in the localization office. After learning about the actual situation and problems facing the localization office, Qin Hai suggested to Yang Xinyu that he first set up a team of experts in materials science research as This work is supported so that the decisions of the material localization working group are based on scientific basis.

Qin Hai himself is an expert in materials science, but he is not omnipotent after all. His advantage is only that he fully understands the development trend of materials technology and has advanced foresight on some new theories and methods that have not yet appeared. In specific technical fields, he still needs the support of scholars who have been engaged in research in this field for a long time. Just like in the process of localizing auto parts in Qingfeng Factory, Qin Hai was able to put forward some basic ideas for some technologies, but they were finally resolved. It also has to rely on Li Linguang and other teachers and students of the Institute of Technology to achieve this through a large number of calculations and experiments.

Yang Xinyu agreed with Qin Hai's suggestion and instructed him and Lu Xiaolin to go to universities and research institutes in Pujiang to find experts. To this end, the Pujiang Municipal Government specially greeted universities and research institutes, instructing them to cooperate fully with the work of the Nationalization Office and send out the strongest lineup of experts. Provide services for the localization office.

The greeting was called. But specific to each unit, the response to this greeting is different. Those institutions directly under Pujiang City are better. Their original status is relatively low, and there is such an opportunity worth cherishing, so they are very enthusiastic and cooperative with Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin's visit. But those institutions that are affiliated with the State Education Commission or ministries are different, and they do not lack opportunities. Pusang localization office is nothing more than that in their eyes, so Qin and Lu are often fooled.

The same is true of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Pujiang Jiaotong University. After receiving the notice from the Localization Office, the Department Office posted a notice in the corridor, asking teachers who are engaged in polymers and related directions to attend the meeting. But such a notice itself is not binding, and college teachers are the most unconstrained group in the world, so wait until Qin Hai arrives. A total of four or five people came to the conference, sparse and very unsightly.

Qian Cong, the deputy head of the department responsible for receiving Qin Hai and his party, saw the situation was not good, while dragging Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin in his office. At the same time, he hurriedly instructed the Academic Secretary to go to various offices to attract people to attend the meeting. After dragging it for ten minutes, there were only a dozen people. It seemed a bit large.

"Dear teachers, let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Lu Xiaolin, the chief secretary of Pusang Automobile's localization work office, and this is the working secretary, Comrade Qin Hai, everyone is welcome."

Qian calmly took Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin to the seat at the top of the conference table, and then introduced to everyone.

The teachers applauded a few times, not so much as to welcome Qin Hai, but rather to give money a little bit of dignity. Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin are familiar with this situation. Qin Hai raised her hand and waved to everyone, cleared her throat, and said:

"Thank you very much for taking the time to attend this seminar during your busy schedule. Let me introduce you to the situation. Our localization of Pusang Automobile currently faces a series of material technical difficulties. Come here today, I want to ask you for ideas for the research and development of several polymer materials. I will briefly explain the performance requirements of these materials ... "

In cooperation with Qin Hai, Lu Xiaolin sent a printed copy of the materials to the teachers. The teachers took the materials and looked around lazily while listening to Qin Hai's introduction.

"Well, this is the main question we ask you today. In the next time, please let the teachers speak freely." Qin Hai said.

The teachers exchanged their gazes, with a slight smile on their faces. Several types of polymer materials on the data are not theoretically high-end things. There are already mature products abroad, and they can be synthesized in the laboratory in China, but they have not solved the technical problems of industrial production.

The study of these materials is a typical chicken rib for college teachers. On the one hand, it is difficult to remove it, and on the other hand, it is hard to see it. Think about it, this is something that people can do abroad, do you still expect to use it to publish a paper?

Everyone had the same idea, so no one said anything. Qian Congrong waited for a few minutes, but there was no one who came out to hit the round, and his face couldn't help but hang up, so he pointed at a teacher who had a good relationship with himself on weekdays and shouted, "Lao Yuan, why don't you talk Right. "

The teacher named Lao Yuan calmly ordered his name when he saw Qian, so he couldn't pretend to be dumb anymore. He coughed and grinned again, saying:

"Since the old money has clicked my name, then I will say a few words. I just talked about it. Secretary Qin just talked about the problem of polymer materials. Let me talk about polymers. Polymers, as the name implies, have a special molecular weight. A large compound, which is composed of hundreds or thousands of atoms bonded to each other by covalent bonds. Its molecular chain is connected by many simple structural units, and the relative molecular mass is generally above 10,000 ... "

Speaking of this, he squinted at Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin with his eyes, and found that both of them were taking notes seriously, and couldn't help but feel proud. These things he said are the contents of the introductory course for undergraduates. He intentionally said that this simple concept on this occasion was obviously a bully for Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin who did not understand technology.

He didn't know that what Lu Xiaolin and Qin Hai remembered were not just these superficial concepts that he said, but the appraisal of related personnel ability and character. This attitude of Lao Yuan was directly given a bad review by Qin Hai: no matter how high your knowledge is, playing this kind of tricks will have a bad character.

After Lao Yuan finished speaking, a teacher named Zhang picked it up. Contrary to Lao Yuan, he did n’t talk about basic concepts, but started to speak at the highest level of knowledge. English words jumped out one by one. What? Terms such as benzene, naphthalene, ester, ether, and ene are spoken like the names of the dishes.

Xiaolin Lu quietly whispered to Qin Hai and said, "Xiao Qin, can you understand what he said?"

Qin Hai nodded slightly, also whispering, "Slightly understand ... but what he said is nonsense."

"Oh ..." Lu Xiaolin was at ease, and secretly proclaimed Yang Xinyu Yingming, and found a "Bai Xiaosheng" figure like Qin Hai to partner with her.

After the two teachers, Yuan and Zhang, other teachers also expressed some opinions in turn. Some people talked about nonsense such as the importance of polymer chemistry purely for the sake of the situation. Jujube's mentality of hitting three poles with a jujube, shouting out the gap between domestic polymer research and foreign countries, I hope Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin can report to their superiors, allocate more funds to the school, or provide more topics.

As for the solutions that Qin Hai hoped to hear, the participating teachers mentioned very little. When speaking, they often used sensational words such as "world problems" and "huge gaps." The problem is beyond their reach.

"Oh, this is the result again." Lu Xiaolin sighed to Qin Hai with an inaudible voice after she crossed out the last name on her notebook.

Qin Hai smiled, didn't speak, but just drew a smiley face on the notebook, indicating that she felt the same as Lu Xiaolin.

Qian Congrong saw that everyone had finished speaking, turned his face and said to Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin, "Secretary Lu, Secretary Qin, everyone's opinions are like this for the time being ~ ~ Look, for you Is there some help in your job? "

"Well, it still has some inspiration for us." Qin Hai said politely. He wasn't the kind of hairy guy, and although there was some disappointment and even anger in his heart, his face would not show up clearly. Such a result was also what he had anticipated in the end. In the final analysis, this is still a mechanism issue, and collaboration channels such as industry-university-research institutes have not been opened smoothly. Even though teachers are wise, they have no interest in dedicating to such a purpose.

"Oh, is it just some inspiration?"

What Qin Hai did not expect was that his kind words actually attracted the dissatisfaction of the participants. The old Yuan who spoke first asked strangely, and suddenly Qin Hai's polite words were changed.

Teacher Zhang and Lao Yuan were sitting together, and just now they were mumbling with Qin Hai and Lao Yuan, saying that the two were just two dim sums, and it wasted so much time. When Lao Yuan spoke, he also intervened and said, "The two leaders, I do n’t know if the ones I just said are valuable or not. We have been talking for a long time, otherwise, please ask the two leaders to comment, also So that we understand the needs of the practice department. "

As soon as the words of the two people came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became subtle.

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