Material Empire

Chapter 193: Do not ask for merit, but do not seek

Qin Hai's remark was just an excuse. The real reason is that he did not intend to provide the knowledge he possessed to these enterprises in Jintang City for free.

In the process of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory undertaking the production of auto parts, Qinhai's technology played an important role. On some key technical issues, he was able to point in the right direction, which would allow technicians to take less detours, save a lot of manpower, material resources, and valuable time.

Today, the problems facing various companies such as Jinnan Chemical Plant are very similar to those of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Plant. If no one can provide them with forward-looking guidance and let them explore it by themselves, the cost will be considerable, which is why Yu Kezhen and others dare not speak lightly. But if Qin Hai is willing to take the shot, these obstacles will not become obstacles, and many technical problems can be easily solved.

The point is, is it necessary for Qin Hai to do this?

At the Qingfeng Plant, as a young worker who has just arrived, Qin Hai, if he can't show his skills, he won't get the attention of everyone, and it will be difficult to get a space for free movement. He solved the technical problems of rotary blades for the Qingfeng Plant and the technical problems of auto parts. In exchange, he favored him from Chai Peide to Ning Zhongying, which is an important foundation for him to fully exert his hands and feet.

Now that his career has begun, the stage has been set up, and it is a pity to dedicate his knowledge in such a way. He hopes that this knowledge will create greater benefits for himself.

The survey that lasted for nearly two weeks ended, and a joint meeting of the Jintang Economic Commission and the working group was held in the conference room of the Economic Commission. Yu Kezhen and a group of business leaders were also notified to come to the meeting and exchange their ideas.

"The leadership in the ministry has given us a problem."

At the beginning of the meeting, Yu Kezhen was the first to speak, and his mouth was a half-joking and half-serious complaint.

"Oh, when are you old afraid of problems?" Wang Songan replied with a half-joke. "In my impression, you are always old and dare to fight hard."

Yu Kezhen shook his head. Said: "It's different. In the past, we fought hard battles, but it was the emergency tasks explained above. As long as I took the workers to work overtime, I would be able to complete them. But this time. We do n’t know where the ministry leaders gave us. Start, it ’s uncomfortable. "

"No, isn't it, Director Yu?" Qin Hai said with a smile, "We have clearly stated the material performance requirements. As long as you can provide materials that meet this requirement, we will accept it. ? "

"How can this be achieved?" Yu Kezheng said. "We haven't worked with such materials, and everything has to start from scratch. If we spend money to ensure that we can get the results, that's it. We can also invest in iron and steel. The problem is that I asked our technical department chief Yu Huiguo. He did not dare to pack tickets with me.

I told him: "Ou Yu, I give you 1 million yuan. Can you get this material out for me?" He said: "Oh, director, if you get it right, 100,000 is enough. If you don't get it, 10 million won't make a sound." You guys talk about it. How dare I do this? "

"Yes, our situation is the same." Liu Jie, the director of another company, echoed. "Secretary Qin's request with us is very clear. Right, it's all here. I read it to you: melting The temperature is not less than 255 degrees Celsius. The elongation is not less than 2%, the impact strength is not less than 35 kilojoules per meter, and the ball indentation hardness is not less than 195 MPa. All these indicators are higher than the glass fiber nylon we are now engaged in. A level.

I asked the engineers in the technical department to study and they said that in theory these indicators can be achieved. However, it costs money and experiments. Ask them how much it will cost? They told me two words: countless! "

"Haha, your engineers in the technical department want to beat you!" Wang Songan laughed, "how can it be counted?"

"It's true. They told me that if they want to modify nylon, they need to work out what modifiers to add. They don't have any clue now. They can only try one or the other hundreds. Nothing is right, the money flowed out in a rush. "Liu Jie said.

"No input, how can there be output?" Qin Hai smiled. "Do n’t you just talk about the input, you should mention the conditions given by our localization office? Take polyvinyl chloride, for example. Ordinary polyvinyl chloride is 2900 yuan a ton, and the modified polyvinyl chloride we need can reach 5,000 yuan a ton, with a difference of 2100 yuan in the middle. How much can a modifier cost? The difference in the middle is almost all It ’s pure profit. Do n’t you think? ”

"Of course!" Yu Kezhen said unabashedly. "If I didn't, I wouldn't come to the meeting today. The profit per ton of polyvinyl chloride has more than doubled. Who can not be concerned? But we just With this heart, without this power, it is useless. "

"Is this the case for everyone?" Wang Songan asked the audience.

"It's all so!" The factory directors answered in unison.

Wang Songan frowned and said to Qin Hai, "Secretary Qin, this is a little troublesome. You have also seen that our Jintang company is very enthusiastic about cooperating with superiors. But the difficulties we face are also Objectively, that is a technical obstacle that we cannot overcome for a while. "

"If there are no technical obstacles, why should we come to Jintang?" Lu Xiaolin interjected. "Everyone may not know about the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory in Anhe Province. Let me give you a brief introduction ..."

Next, she told the story of the Qingfeng Factory in 151, in particular, Ning Zhongying's decision to kill and the strong support of the Deputy Mayor Chai Peide to the Qingfeng Factory. Wang Song'an and others listened and looked at each other, wondering what to say. The example given by Lu Xiaolin is very clear. Without entering a tiger's hole or winning a tiger, a small company like Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory would dare to invest millions in R & D. Is there so many companies in Jintang? Such courage?

Yu Kezhen broke the silence first, he said to Wang Songan, "Director Wang, our factory is determined to try it, but the research funding required may be approved by the commission. We have preliminary calculated the preliminary research. I am afraid the investment will cost about 1 million yuan. Can the Economic Commission give us this amount of funding? "

After several years of reform, the autonomy of the company has been much greater than in the past, but when it comes to the use of large amounts of money, the company still needs the permission of the higher authority. The research funding of 1 million yuan is a large amount for Jinnan Chemical Plant. Even if Ke Yi is determined to invest, he must obtain the approval of the commission.

Yu Kezhen made this request, in fact, kicked the ball to Wang Songan. Once Wang Songan nodded his permission, if the future cannot achieve the expected results, the fault of this blind investment will be borne by Wang Songan. Wang Song'an is not a fool. How could it be possible for Yu Ke to carry this risk, he immediately started playing Tai Chi and said:

"With such a large amount, we ca n’t approve our head with the Economic Commission. Doing research on this modified resin, you have a certain degree of certainty, you need to submit a detailed report. If the money is spent in the future, the results will be obtained. If you do n’t come out, you must have the relevant leaders responsible. This is the state ’s money, after all, we have to be responsible to the country. ”

"Since that is the case ... then we may have to study it again." Yu Kezhen directly winced.

"What do other factories mean?" Wang Songan asked again.

The factory directors exchanged their eyes and no one said anything. Yu Kezhen's request is actually the request of all of them. Since Wang Song'an is unwilling to bear this responsibility for them, why do they have to bear it themselves?

The philosophy of affairs of state-owned enterprise leaders is not to seek meritorious service, but to seek perfection. If you do not ingeniously engage in any innovation, success is just a word of praise, not much meaning; and in case of failure, the superior will have to hold you accountable, and you may lose your hat on your head. Now everyone has some profits in their companies, and their childhood is very moist. Who is willing to take this risk?

Isn't Wang Songan's philosophy the same? He is the director of the Economic Commission, who has done a good job, and if he has enough years, he can be promoted to the next level, and become a deputy mayor. If he follows a few young people in this Laoszi working group to make troubles, and if something happens that affects the development of the career path, he will lose money.

Thinking of this, Wang Songan turned his head and said to Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin: "Secretary Lu, Secretary Qin, you have all seen it. Our chemical industry in Jintang, the overall size is OK, but the technical level is limited ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ I'm afraid I can't take on the tasks you have delivered. Can you go to some large enterprises in Pujiang? They have strong technical strength, and it is easy to do research and development. "

Qin Haidao: "Pujiang's large enterprises have large production scales, and it is more difficult to switch to new products. In addition, the country also hopes that the entire automotive industry can have a more reasonable layout. Don't limit all industries to a few large cities. That's why we came to Jintang to seek cooperation.

Jintang's chemical industry is not too big, not to mention strong. If it is not possible to improve the product quality, we are afraid that we will face the risk of elimination in the future. "

"Of course we hope to improve our product grade, but we lack research and development capabilities, and everyone is worried about investing money but no results. If we can have some more mature technology, we would be very interested." Wang Songan said.

Qin Hai was already waiting for Wang Songan's sentence. He took the conversation with a smile and said, "Director Wang, your idea is also good. However, if the technology was developed by others, I am afraid that we in Jintang cannot It has been used for free, but it has to pay some costs. I don't know if everyone can accept it. "

"If the cost is reasonable, we can certainly accept it." Yu Kezhen replied on behalf of Wang Songan.

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