Material Empire

Chapter 197: Righteousness

Jiang Qiaoyun followed the factory director Liu Yaozhong to accompany the wine, and his heart was filled with helplessness. Liu Yaozhong told her that this was requested by Fan Xue, the manager of the instrument industry company. If she did not show up, the factory would not be able to get orders for the instrument case. The young and old in the factory would drink Northwest wind next year. Jiang Qiaoyun couldn't sit idly by and shut down the company, so he had to come.

Dongyao Plastic Products Factory where Jiang Qiaoyun is located is a township enterprise in the suburban county of Pujiang City. There are two founders, one is Liu Yaozhong and the other is Jiang Qiaoyun's husband Zhou Dongyi. Five years ago, Zhou Dongyi resigned from a large chemical company in Pujiang, returned to his hometown, and set up this Dongyao plastic products factory in cooperation with his friend Liu Yaozhong.

Zhou Dongyi has a unique technology, which can add an additive to ordinary resin, which greatly improves the strength and surface finish of the resin. With this technology, Dongyao Plastic Products Factory has received orders from more than a dozen companies in Pujiang City, which specialize in producing plastic casings for these companies. The returns are very good.

Zhou Dongyi is a technology fanatic. After the success of the previous technology, he started the research and development of follow-up technology. Liu Yaozhong's own education level is not high, but he is very supportive of his friends' research work, and hesitates to use most of the profits from the factory for technology development. He believes that a penny of investment today will certainly be exchanged for a very rewarding tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected events. Zhou Dongyi encountered an accident in a chemical test. Although Liu Yaozhong spent all his money to send him to the best hospital in Pujiang City and use the best medicine to rescue him, Zhou Dongyi only retrieved a life, but his two legs But he couldn't keep it and became a disability.

This time, the accident saved Dongyao Plastic Factory's savings for several years, and the factory faced serious financial difficulties. Zhou Dongyi, who has not recovered after a serious injury, still needs follow-up medical and nutrition expenses, which is also a huge expense that Liu Yaozhong has to face.

At this time, Fan Xue, the manager of the city's instrument company, suddenly informed Liu Yaozhong that the instrument case originally produced by Dongyao Plastic Factory may be transferred to other companies. If Liu Yaozhong wanted to keep the order. Then everyone had better "talk" together.

The meaning of "talk" is very clear to Liu Yaozhong. In the past few years, he knew all kinds of "rules" when dealing with customers. Instrument company is a big customer of Dongyao plant, half of Dongyao's business comes from instrument company. Fan Xue belongs to Liu Yaozhong who can't afford to offend.

In fairness, due to the unique resin modification technology of the Dongyao plant, various companies under the instrument company are also willing to use the shell produced by the Dongyao plant, because this shell is resistant to bumps and more beautiful, and can still be used for several years. Keep the light when leaving the factory, won the praise of users.

Liu Yaozhong knew that Fan Xue said that it was a threat to transfer the shells produced by Dongyao to other enterprises. But if he does not respond to Fan Xue's words, the threat may become a reality. Fan Xue is the leader of the instrument company. He can decide who to buy the accessories.

What embarrassed Liu Yaozhong was that Fan Xue seemed to say something inadvertently after he proposed to "talk". It is hoped that "Xiao Jiang" from Dongyao Factory will also be present. This "little Jiang" naturally refers to Jiang Qiaoyun. She was the chief of the administrative section in the factory. Once Liu Yaozhong hosted Fan Xue, Jiang Qiaoyun was also present. It was the encounter at that time that made Fan Xue linger on Jiang Qiaoyun.

Fan Yaoqi's style was heard by Liu Yaozhong. He was really reluctant to let his friend's wife do this kind of accompaniment. but. When he euphemistically told Fan Xue that Jiang Qiaoyun was inconvenient to attend on the phone, Fan Xue bluntly stated that if Jiang Qiaoyun was not present, there would be nothing to talk between the two of them.

Liu Yaozhong tangled for two days, and finally told Jiang Qiaoyun indiscriminately. After listening to the matter, Jiang Qiaoyun was silent for a long time. In the end, she expressed her willingness to attend the talks for the prosperity of the factory.

The place where the two sides talked was the high-end restaurant where Yang Xinyu and Qin Hai ate. Fan Xue met Jiang Qiaoyun and smiled. Two of the three sentences fell on Jiang Qiaoyun's body, and the wine glass never left his hand, forcing Qiaoyun to drink with cleverness.

Liu Yaozhong still wanted to help Jiang Qiaoyun drink from the beginning, but as soon as he said something, Fan Xue coldly rejected it. Liu Yaozhong saw it, Fan Xue must be unwilling, but his lifeline was in the hands of the other party, and he did not dare to turn his face directly with Fan Xue. What he can do is draw a bottom line in his heart: Drinking is fine. If Fan Xue has further attempts, then he will throw away this order and not let his friend's wife be humiliated ...

"Xiao Jiang, I have heard about your family's affairs, alas, this kind of thing is really unfortunate." Fan Xue said as he stretched out his salty pig's hand, intending to pat on the shoulder of Jiang Qiaoyun.

Jiang Qiaoyun calmly flashed to the side, avoiding Fan Xue's harassment, and reluctantly smiled and said, "Thank you, Manager Fan for your concern."

"Well, if you encounter misfortune, you still have to be stronger. You are still young and you can choose a new life." Fan Xue's words were obviously wrong.

Jiang Qiaoyun sank his face slightly and said, "Manager Fan ... how can you say that?"

Fan Xue smiled easily: "I'm telling the truth, young and beautiful like you, guarding a disabled person all day, this is not a flower inserted in ..."

"Manager Fan! Please respect me!" Jiang Qiaoyun can't stand it. If she didn't take the factory's future into consideration, she even had the urge to slap Fan to learn a slap.

"Haha, I said nothing, I said nothing, and I punished me with a drink." Fan Xue borrowed wine to go crazy. He picked up the glass, but did not punish himself. Right? "

Jiang Qiao Yunqiang bit his teeth, shook his head, and said, "Manager Fan, I can't drink anymore. Otherwise, please ask the director Liu to accompany you."

Liu Yaozhong quickly agreed: "Yes, Manager Fan, Xiao Jiang has a small amount of alcohol, lesbians ... otherwise, I will drink with you."

"You accompany me?" Fan Xue put the wine glass aside and sneered: "Why, who do I invite to drink, and would you like Director Liu's approval?"

"No, no, I don't mean it ... Xiao Jiang, are you okay? Or ..." Liu Yaozhong's face flushed, and Jiang Qiaoyun cast a gaze for help.

Jiang Qiaoyun's heart was full of suffering, but he couldn't say it. She raised her wine glass, gestured to Fan Xue, and said, "Manager Fan, please."

"Okay!" Fan Xue quickly drank the wine in his glass, stared at Jiang Qiaoyun and drank his wine like a medicine, then raised his hand and shouted, "Waiter, another bottle!"

"Manager Fan ... can't drink any more." Liu Yaozhong quickly stopped. "Look, Xiao Jiang is drunk, and you ... are a bit drunk, let's drink this wine, or just drink it."

"What's the fear of being drunk? Let's get drunk all the time!" Fan Xue said, "I sympathize with Xiao Jiang's situation and want to comfort her, why, I don't have this qualification?"

"You really don't have this qualification."

A voice sounded beside them. A few people patronized drinking and didn't notice anyone walking to their table, all startled. Liu Yaozhong looked up, and saw a young man standing beside himself, with a calm face, and a little sarcastic expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you?" Liu Yaozhong asked subconsciously.

"Passer-by." The young man was Qin Hai, and he replied, "Excuse me, who are you?"

"I ..." Liu Yaozhong froze for a moment, and after thinking about it for a while, the question of who he is has nothing to do with this young man. He waved his hand and said, "Boy, do you recognize the wrong person? I don't I know you. "

Qin Haidao: "You don't know me, I know you. Is your surname Liu or Liu? What kind of director is it? A seven-foot-tall man forced his female subordinates to laugh at your boss, you special Is Mo still human? "

As soon as this remark was made, all three of the table changed their colors.

Jiang Qiaoyun's lips moved, and suddenly he fell on the table and wept. Today's events are too humiliating. Could it be that her family suffered such misfortunes, and why did she end up being harassed by a beast like Fan Xue? The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and the cry couldn't hold back.

Liu Yaozhong was originally ashamed, and Qin Hai broke a word, and then saw Jiang Qiaoyun crying. He was regretful and ashamed, his face swollen flushed, almost like bleeding. He deliberately argued, but found that he didn't know what to say, so he had to sigh a long time, raised his hand and gave himself a slap.

The slowest and most violent reaction ~ ~ is Fan Xue. He hesitated for a while before he could understand Qin Hai's words, and he couldn't help getting angry and angry. There were only three of them on the table just now. He harassed Jiang Qiaoyun too much. Liu Yaozhong didn't dare to say a word, and Jiang Qiaoyun just faced him and didn't dare to turn his face. This feeling made him very enjoyable. Now there is a fourth person, and a passerby who has nothing to do with everyone, and bluntly pierces his intentions, which allows him to get face down.

"Which unit are you from! Who made you talk nonsense here!" Fan Xue patted the table, training Qin Hai with a beard and eyes.

"Yo, a big official power, I don't know which unit you are, who made you here to bully and tease women?" Qin Hai asked in opposition.

Qin Hai was originally a person with a sense of justice. The scene where Fan Xue bullied Jiang Qiaoyun just now was disgusting. However, if he does not have Yang Xinyu by his side, I am afraid that he will not come to nosy, because such a thing, if the parties are your wishes, outsiders will not necessarily have good results.

However, Yang Xinyu next to Qin Hai is a person who is more intolerant of sand than Qin Hai. Seeing this situation, Yang Xinyu spoke directly and asked Qin Haihai to intervene. With Yang Xinyu behind his back, Qin Hai's confidence was naturally enough.

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