Material Empire

Chapter 201: Change to a business model

"This question, Xia Gong should know well?"

Zhou Dongyi did not directly answer Qin Hai's question, but set his sights on Xia Yangjie. In his mind, Qin Hai is engaged in administration, and he certainly does not know much about technology, and Xia Yangjie is engaged in technology. If the Pusang Localization Office has mastered the method of polyvinyl chloride modification, then he knows this technology. It is this "summer labor".

Xia Yangjie did not expect Zhou Dongyi to kick the ball to himself. He stumbled and said, "I don't know this very well. We definitely need modified polyvinyl chloride, but how to modify it specifically ... My research method is not in this regard. Secretary Qin, should you know something? "

After a period of contact, Xia Yangjie has learned about Qin Hai's technical level, knowing that Qin Hai is simply an encyclopedia in terms of material technology. For metals, non-metals, organics, and inorganics, Qin Hai can say one or two, and it is not just speaking out, but really familiar to a certain degree, and can say the most critical content.

Xia Yangjie sometimes wondered, Qin Hai was young, how could he know so many things, even if he was a master of chemical engineering at Pudong Jiaotong University, he was only proficient in some aspects and could not cover everything.

Xia Yangjie's words made Zhou Dongyi a little strange. Why is it technically necessary for this secretary Qin to speak? Without waiting for him to say anything, Qin Hai already smiled and said:

"Why, Zhou Gong, are you still worried that we have stolen your technology? In fact, the general idea of ​​this technology is clear. To improve the impact resistance and flame resistance of PVC products, especially to change the low temperature brittleness characteristics of the products At present, the most commonly used method is to blend chlorinated polyethylene in polyvinyl chloride. The difficulty is only in selecting the chlorinated polyethylene containing chlorine content and molecular weight, what blending method to use, and specific processing. What's the temperature. You say, am I right? "

"Secretary Qin is also an expert?" Zhou Dongyi smiled embarrassedly. When Qin Hai asked him about the processing method just now, he did have a mentality of keeping a secret. In the past few years. He has also developed some commercial atmosphere, knowing the value of technological secrets. He wondered if the two localization officials knew nothing about the method of PVC modification, the Dongyao factory could raise the price higher. Make a little more profit. Unexpectedly, Qin Hai was actually an expert, and in a few words he revealed the technical know-how.

"The idea is this idea, but we don't know the specific process, I don't know if Zhou Gong can do it." Qin Hai continued.

Ming people do n’t talk secretly. Since Qin Hai is a knowledgeable person, Zhou Dongyi no longer conceals. He admits: “Because we have just contacted this product, there is currently no mature technology. We have done some experiments in the modification of materials. We have found some ways. If we can give us some time, I think we should be able to find the final process. "

"How much time do you need?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

Zhou Dongyi and Liu Yaozhong looked at each other, Liu Yaozhong's eyes were eager, but Zhou Dongyi's eyes were hesitant. Hesitated for a moment. Zhou Dongyi asked: "Secretary Qin, I take the liberty to ask, what is the price of a set of leads you purchase?"

"15 yuan," Qin Hai said.

"This ..." Zhou Dongyi's eyes finally darkened, he shook his head and said, "Then we are almost unprofitable."

"How can it be unprofitable?" Xia Yangjie was anxious. "Zhou Gong, let's open the sunroof and talk brightly. The cost of materials and processing for a set of 15 yuan is less than 5 yuan at most, which is equivalent to a profit of 10 yuan per set. Are you still low? To be honest, this is why our localization office set the price so high in order to encourage innovation. After two years, the price will definitely come down. "

Zhou Dongyi said: "Xia Gong said well, the price is indeed high enough. However, we produce 10,000 sets a year, which is a gross profit of 100,000 yuan. To develop the modification process, I estimate that it may take two An investment of 300,000 yuan, and it cannot be packaged to say that it can be developed. "

"Dong Yi, need to spend so much money?" Liu Yaozhong asked with his eyes widened. After getting Zhou Dongyi's confirmation, he turned his head to Qin Hai and whispered: "Secretary Qin, if this is the case, this product is for us , Really not suitable. "

Liu Yaozhong did not speak before because he didn't know the investment required for research and development. Hearing Zhou Dongyi said that he also felt that this business was a chicken rib. Small companies like them are afraid to make long-term products. If a product investment takes several years to recover, it is too risky for small businesses.

Qin Hai was not surprised by Liu and Tuesday ’s reactions. He had already calculated the costs and benefits beforehand, knowing that Dongyao Factory would definitely not be suitable for this business unless he changed his business model. At the last minute, Qin Hai naturally did not shake out the real goods. He just smiled and asked, "Why do you only produce 10,000 sets? Our order is 100,000 sets a year. In the future, as the whole With the development of the auto market, you can also provide supporting for other brands of cars. At that time, it would not be a problem to sell 1 million units a year. "

"Our production capacity is limited, 10,000 sets are already the limit, 100,000 sets ... I really dare not think about it." Liu Yaozhong Zhiwu said. It is very depressing that people have delivered their business to the door, but they cannot eat it. In this case, if people sneered and walked away, he would have nothing to say.

Qin Hai disagreed, and still smiled and said, "Director Liu, the production capacity is limited, you can think of ways to expand it. You think about it, a profit rate of more than 60%, what a good business, it is a pity to lose."

Liu Yaozhong is really speechless: "Secretary Qin, you don't understand the distress of small businesses like ours. To expand production, you have to take a loan. Don't say that loans are not easy now, even if you can borrow, hundreds of thousands of dollars, we also have Don't dare to take this risk. Such a thing, if you succeed, it will become rich overnight, but in case of failure, the two of Dongyi and I are afraid to ask for food. "

"It was like this ..." Qin Hai pretended to be stunned, nodded, and then suddenly asked: "Director Liu, Gong, have you ever thought about selling this technology for money? For example Say, if you produce technology and let others produce, you will take profits from it. In this way, will your profits not be guaranteed? "

"Yes, our localization office is brewing a policy that encourages non-governmental scientific research institutions to develop technology and give it to companies with production capacity but no research and development capacity for production. Both parties share the final revenue. Since Zhou Gong is confident that he will With the development of vinyl chloride technology, this model can be adopted for cooperation. "Xia Yangjie enthusiastically echoed.

Zhou Dongyi was silent for a while, and slowly shook his head, saying, "This is still a risk to us. I only have some ideas about the modification of polyvinyl chloride materials, as well as some preliminary experimental data. I ca n’t be sure whether it can be done. Yao Zhong has spent all the working capital in the factory in order to heal me. Some time ago, if I wanted to engage in research and development, I would invest RMB 200,000 to 300,000. It must depend on loans. In case ..., to be honest, I dare not let the entire plant, young and old, follow me to take this risk. "

Liu Yaozhong sighed again and said, "If I used to, I really wanted to fight like this. But now it doesn't work. It doesn't matter if I lose my family. I will not be able to bear the burden of Dong Yi."

The crowd spoke to this extent, and Qin Hai knew that his chance to reveal his cards was up. He looked around and said, "Director Liu Yan, Gong Zhou, I have an idea and would like to communicate with you two. If it is convenient, I would like to ask everyone else to avoid it first, here you two and Ms. Jiang are left. Enough."

Liu Yaozhong nodded for a moment, then raised his hand, and gestured to the middle level of the several factories that accompanied him, and some of them quit the laboratory deliberately. Xia Yangjie looked around, hesitant to plan to withdraw, and was caught by Qin Hai.

"Lao Xia, you don't have to go, I won't hide this from you." Qin Hai said.

Xia Yangjie embarrassed and said, "Xiao Qin ... I just think ..."

Speaking of which, he was speechless. He could predict what Qin Hai was going to talk with Liu and Tuesday, and he felt inconvenient to listen. But Qin Hai insisted on keeping him, and if he insisted on avoiding it, it would seem a bit inappropriate.

Qin Hai asked Xia Yangjie to sit down, and then saw that there were no other idle people in the room. Then he said bluntly: "Director Liu, Gong, if I provide you with these funds, it will be my failure to succeed, and we will succeed. Are you equally interested? "

When Qin Hai said this, Liu Yaozhong and Zhou Dongyi were stunned. The two of them looked at each other for a long time and did not understand Qin Hai's meaning. Liu Yaozhong asked timidly: "Secretary Qin, are you talking about the cooperation between the localization office and our Dongyao factory?"

"It's not ~ ~ It's my personal investment and cooperation with you." Qin Hai said.

"You personally?" Liu Yaozhong said, "You mean, you personally invested 200,000 to 300,000 ... and it doesn't matter if you fail?"

This is no wonder that Liu Yaozhong was surprised. Twenty-three million yuan was not a small number in that year. Rao was a small boss like Liu Yaozhong who had opened a factory for five years. He could not easily get it before experiencing the accident. Not to mention now. In his opinion, Qin Hai is just a small clerk in the government. Although he has a title of secretary, it does not look like he has a lot of power. How dare he let out funds to cooperate in R & D, and he doesn't care What about the risk of failure?

In this moment, Liu Yaozhong thought of countless possibilities, most of which were related to words such as deception and lure. But he wanted to break his mind, and he couldn't figure out what kind of deceptions Qin Hai could use. Besides, their Dongyao factory was now on the verge of bankruptcy, and Qin Hai could not deceive them to find such an unlucky person?


Today is the second time, and I do n’t say anything. I continue to code. Everyone searches the ticket warehouse to see if there are any monthly tickets that missed the Internet.

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