Material Empire

Chapter 204: Flickered again

As a witness to this negotiation, Xia Yangjie was most strongly touched.

Qin Hai is the designer of the entire cooperation plan. He feels very normal about the whole process and result of the negotiation, and there is nothing to touch. Liu Yaozhong and Zhou Dongyi were a bit shocked at the plan that Qin Hai had thrown out at first, but after a little calm, they calmed down, because this is not new in business.

Only Xia Yangjie, because he has been staying in school, has never seen any commercial cooperation, and has not seen too many rich people. When he heard Qin Hai opened his mouth, he said that he would invest 300,000 and paid all the power to spend money. He was given to Liu Yaozhong, who lived in a strange life. He just felt like he was dreaming.

300,000. This is the sum of Xia Yangjie's salary for many years. Qin Hai is just an employee of the localization office. Where did he get so much money? Also, can such a person who can take out 300,000 casually should be considered a large sum? When dealing with him, should I pay attention to something, for example, how can I pretend to be like chatting with big money often ...

"Lao Xia, what do you want?" Qin Hai noticed that Xia Yangjie's expression was a bit unnatural and asked casually.

"Qin ..., uh, Xiao ... Xiao Qin ..." Xia Yangjie was sweating when thinking about Qin Hai's title. He used to call Qin Hai as Xiao Qin, but now he feels that this is a bit disrespectful. Already. However, he could not call Qin Hai boss Qin. Distressed for a long time, he still called out according to the original name:

"Xiao Qin, do you say that the funds invested in Dongyao Factory are your own?"

"Yeah," Qin Hai grinned, "don't you know, am I one of those people who got rich first?"

"I've heard Xiaolu say that you are more economically wealthy. But I didn't expect it. You will be so rich." Xia Yangjie said, talking about the other party's money with a large amount of money, the psychological pressure is too great.

Qin Haidao: "I just drilled a little bit of the market and made some scarce products in the market, so I made some money. In fact, Lao Xia. If you want, you can also make these money with your knowledge."

"How is this possible!" Xia Yangjie even waved his hand, "I never dreamed that I could make 300,000, even 30,000 I felt far away."

Qin Haidao: "It's just that you haven't tried it. Knowledge is productivity, should you have heard of it? Productivity can be turned into profit. If you have so much knowledge, if you can use it properly, completely You can make a lot of money, and the money is clean, and it's completely different from the money made by crooked people. "

"You mean it?" Xia Yangjie asked cautiously. He did not think that his knowledge could be turned into a profit of tens of thousands, but hearing Qin Hai's words, he couldn't help but feel a little moved. Although he is a scholar, he is by no means a nerd who cannot eat fireworks on earth. Especially after sparking a little spark with Lu Xiaolin, he also started to feel a little bit amused, thinking about buying good clothes for girls, asking girls to have a big meal, etc., all of which must be built on a powerful On an economic basis. With his lecturer salary, there is no way to get a girl.

Qin Haidao: "Isn't Zhou Dongyi an example? You can also see. The core competence of Dongyao Factory is Zhou Dongyi's technology. Because he has the technology, and Liu Yaozhong also knows a little about operations, so they can cooperate to run the factory. Earned some money. If it weren't for an accident, I think they would be able to get 300,000. "

"But ..." Xia Yangjie hesitated. "I don't have a collaborator like Liu Yaozhong, and I don't have any technology that can be turned into a product."

"Why not?" Qin Hai said. "Don't you consider these products we are bidding for these days when you are in the localization office? Let me give you a simple example. The door handles we bid for require glass fiber reinforced resin. Isn't that your strength? If you give you enough research funding, can you make its fiber-wound model? "

"Theoretically, it should be able to do it." Xia Yangjie said, "In Jintang, the few companies engaged in glass fiber materials were bitter, and they couldn't make it. I almost called them out at the time, saying that just give me 200,000 research funding, I will definitely solve this problem for them. Later I thought about it, even if I said it, people did not believe it, and my status was inappropriate to say this. "

Qin Hai laughed: "If I give you 200,000, can you get it out?"

"You?" Xia Yangjie jumped sternly. If it was before, Qin Hai said so, Xia Yangjie would only treat it as a joke, and he would fight with Qin Hai. However, after seeing and hearing at the Dongyao Plant, Xia Yangjie was somewhat convinced that what Qin Hai said was true. Qin Hai can invest 300,000 in Dongyao plant and let them engage in modified polyvinyl chloride. Then why can't he invest 200,000 in himself to engage in glass fiber resin?

Sure enough, Qin Hai didn't sell the secret, and directly opened up the conditions: "Lao Xia, we don't tell anyone secretly, if you intend to do this, I can give 300,000 funds to support you. The conditions are the same as Dongyao Plant If you ca n’t make it, the loss is mine; if you make it, we will get half of the profit. We also set up a research institution, each holding 50% of the shares. What do you think? ”

"I have nothing." Xia Yangjie said, "Liu Yaozhong they have a factory to invest in. I am a bachelor, which accounts for 50%, isn't it?"

Qin Hai laughed secretly. He came to Liu Yaozhong to negotiate today, and deliberately brought Xia Yangjie, precisely to attract Xia Yangjie. When he first met Xia Yangjie, he realized that he could be included in the bag, because Xia Yangjie's basic skills were very solid, his thinking was very active, and he was qualified as an academic leader. Some time ago he was on a business trip with Xia Yangjie, and he had a full understanding of the character, character and so on of this person. Then he finally made up his mind to include Xia Yangjie.

From the conversation just now, Qin Hai heard that Xia Yangjie had already moved his heart, otherwise he would not be entangled in such things as the share ratio. 300,000 to buy a talent like Xia Yangjie is not expensive, Qin Hai is willing to make things look better.

"Lao Xia, you're wrong. Isn't your talent the capital? I only pay for the money, and you pay for it yourself. Think about it. If we cooperate for 10 years, how much can you create each year? Wealth? Take the wealth you created as your share capital, and I have earned it. "Qin Hai spit lotus like a sales lady in later generations.

"Do you really trust me?" Xia Yangjie asked flushed.

Qin Haidao: "I can trust my eyesight."

Xia Yangjie gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Okay, then I will sign an agreement with you. At least 10 years, everything I make belongs to both of us. You can rest assured that I will never slack off. , I will definitely come up with the best results, and I will definitely not let your investment fall into the water. "

"Not only my investment, but also your time. I believe that you will definitely be able to afford the 10 years you paid." Qin Hai said leisurely.

Qin Hai's previous 10-year cooperation period was actually a psychological hint to Xia Yangjie. Xia Yangjie did not disappoint Qin Hai, so he agreed to the 10-year deadline. According to this statement, in the next 10 years, Xia Yangjie will have no other choice but to cooperate with Qin Hai. Qin Hai believes that with Xia Yangjie's talent, he will definitely be able to produce results worth tens of millions in the past 10 years, which means that his initial investment will receive tens of times of return.

As for 10 years later, Xia Yangjie is even less likely to be solo. He has half of the equity in this research institution. Who can give him better conditions to dig him out?

"Are you going to report this to Director Yang?" Xia Yangjie thought of another realistic question.

Qin Haidao: "Of course you have to report. If you think about it, let's go to register a technology service company, I will find a legal representative, you will be the chief engineer, and then do the localization business first, and then expand the business to Other areas.

In this case, you must first quit your current job in the localization office, and then you need to go to school to go through a formality of suspension of employment. All your wages and benefits will be borne by the company.

I will be responsible for all the company's previous expenses. After the company has income, after deducting the cost of scientific research, part of the remaining profits will be used to purchase equipment and expand the size of the company, and the other part will be used as a dividend for the two of us. Lao Xia, if you want to make a lot of money, you have to work hard. "

"That wasn't said!" Xia Yangjie said in a spirited manner. He felt as if a window had suddenly opened in front of him, and infinite opportunities were swarming. While in school, he sat on the cold bench for several years and was unable to decide on a subject's research on his own. But now, Qin Hai gave him such a stage, let him show his hands and feet. He almost couldn't sit still, longing for the long-distance bus to be able to arrive at the station immediately ~ ~ he wanted to work now.

When the two returned to the localization office, Xia Yangjie's excited look had not faded yet, which made Lu Xiaolin, who was greeted face-to-face, startled: "Xiao Xia, Xiao Qin, what's the matter with you, and how so happy?"

"I'm not happy." Qin Hai replied with a grin, and he turned to look at Xia Yangjie, and said, "Yes, you mean Lao Xia? He picked up a wallet on the road, and he would be happy."

"Picked up the wallet?" Lu Xiaolin looked at Xia Yangjie with suspicion. "Then you should return the wallet to the owner. Is this a minimum moral requirement? Xiaoxia, wouldn't you say that you kept the wallet private? "

"No!" Xia Yangjie waved his hands quickly. "Xiaolu, don't listen to Xiaoqin, what kind of wallet ... Yes, Xiaolu, do you have any arrangements at night, I will invite you out for dinner."

"It depends if I'm okay ..." Lu Xiaolin pursed her lips and put on a look of restraint, but her smiling eyes revealed her inner joy.

"Another picking up a wallet ..." Qin Hai shook his head, dropped the foolish couple, and walked to Yang Xinyu's office. (To be continued ...)

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