Material Empire

Chapter 229: Sense of shame and then courage

After a short stroll, Cui Hongchun, in the name of worrying about the professor's hard work, asked the followers to lead the crowd to the lounge. Where the leaders are present, you never have to worry about no one taking care of it. After a while, tea, snacks, fruits and other items are delivered. Director Wang enthusiastically greets Chen Heqian and Qin Hai to enjoy casually.

"Comrade Qin Hai, what kind of work are you currently responsible for at Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory?"

The crowd chatted for a while, and Cui Hongchun directed his words to Qin Hai. After the incident just now, Cui Hongchun no longer despised Qin Hai. He could understand why Chen Heqian, a time-honored university student, would be willing to take the time to bring such a young man to the exhibition. "

In this industry, Qin Hai is the lowest regardless of his age or position, so he does not dare to be too frivolous, but always sits in a critical position and does not easily make any remarks. When he heard Cui Hongchun talking to himself, he replied: "I am the liaison of the factory director at Qingfeng Factory, which is equivalent to a working secretary. However, I was seconded to Pujiang to work in Pudong recently. The Sang automobile localization work office does some auxiliary work. "

"The localization office of Pusang Automobile?" Cui Hongchun pondered for a moment and said, "Is it Su Chengying of the Ministry of Machinery?"

"Yes, Minister Su is the direct leader of our office." Qin Hai said.

"How did they second you?" Cui Hongchun was a little surprised. He knew that the Pusang Localization Office was a very powerful department and it was quite strict in terms of employment. Such a unit actually stepped out of the system and provinces and ran to a county-level agricultural machinery factory in Anhe Province to transfer people. There must be a reason for this.

Qin Hai briefed Cui Hongchun on the Qingfeng factory's commitment to undertake the production of Pusang auto parts, and did not conceal his role in key technical links, because if this was not explained. It is impossible to solve why Yang Xinyu called him by name to help.

After listening to Qin Hai, Chen Heqian added: "Xiao Qin has done some research on materials. This time Pusang Automobile transferred him to solve some material problems. Xiao Qin, what do you think of the car I told you today? Let ’s report the situation to Minister Cui. ”

Chen Heqian said so. Qin Hai couldn't be humble anymore, so he could only introduce the matter of the material working group to Cui Hongchun, and he heard Cui Hongchun's eyes full of surprise and appreciation.

Those who can achieve the level of Deputy Minister are not mediocre. In the eyes of others, Qin Hai is just a young man. The technical problems he said are not understood by everyone, so it is impossible to judge how much he has learned. Cui Hongchun is different from everyone. He also does not understand the technical terms Qin Hai said, but he can judge each other's logic level, observation ability, depth of speculation, etc. from Qin Hai's narrative. Qin Hai ’s vision of a game of chess in the whole country is just shown. It is enough to make Cui Hongchun believe that this talent is outstanding.

"So, you are the core of the technology of this material working group?" Cui Hongchun asked.

"Where, I just know a little bit more about technology than other comrades engaged in administrative affairs, and I dare not call it the core of technology." Qin Hai modestly said.

Cui Hongchun laughed: "This old Su, actually went to our agricultural machinery system to dig talents. I have to tell him about this. No, I have to let him pay us consulting fees."

It involves flirtation between ministers. Qin Hai was inconvenienced, and he could only smile slightly. Express yourself as a soy sauce guy, you love to say what you say, don't drag me in.

After making this ridiculous joke, Cui Hongchun said to Qin Hai, "Xiao Qin, you are a material expert. What do you think of the material problems of our agricultural machinery system?"

"Professor Chen and the leaders are here, how dare I call myself an expert?" Qin Hai laughed. "If you want to, also ask Teacher Chen."

Chen Heqian waved his hands and said, "Xiao Qin has a specialization in surgery. Xiao Qin. You have also worked in the agricultural machinery factory for so long, and you should have some opinions of your own. Minister Cui asked you, so please speak up."

"Okay!" Qin Haiying said, "Then I would like to talk about some of my superficial knowledge. I think there are two points about the material problems of agricultural machinery systems. First, our technological level is still relatively backward, and we are relatively backward. There are obvious gaps in the advanced level. Second, this gap is not insurmountable. The key lies in whether we have confidence, determination, and correct methods. "

"Confidence, determination, the right way." Cui Hongchun repeated Qin Hai's words, then nodded, and said, "You summed it up well. Can you elaborate on these three points in detail?"

Qin Haidao: "In terms of confidence, it is not difficult. The practice of Qingfeng Factory has proven that we are not worse than the Japanese. The Japanese can do it, and we can do the same."

"This deed of Qingfeng Factory must be summed up well and notified to the whole system. To launch a campaign to learn the spirit of Qingfeng, call on the system-wide scientific research departments and production enterprises to actively climb the technical peak. As a negative example, the entire system should also be notified. Companies should use this as a guide and conduct self-inspection and self-improvement to see how many of them are defeated by foreign technology and their domestic technological advantages cannot be seen with their eyes open. "Cui Hongchun instructed.

Several followers quickly took out their notebooks for recording, and secretly read Lou Fuxiang's self-respect for blessing in his heart. As a negative example of the system-wide notification, Lou Fuxiang is basically a complete disaster. In the final analysis, it is a mischief caused by owing.

"The determination depends on the leadership of the ministry." Qin Hai smiled at Cui Hongchun with a smile. "The ministry should have a clear attitude towards catching up with international advanced technology. It should assign tasks to powerful units and force them to change. At present, this kind of work style of derogation, passing and passing. In addition, scientific and technological research requires financial and policy guarantees. Shouting slogans cannot solve the problem, and it will also make the people below doubt whether the leadership really does. Determination."

"Haha, this is the task assigned to the party group of our ministry." Cui Hongchun laughed. "Xiao Qin is right. We really need to have some determination in catching up with advanced international technology. At the next party group meeting, I will put this Ask the question, let everyone discuss and come up with an attitude.

Visiting this exhibition today, as far as I am concerned, on the one hand, it is an eye-opener, and on the other hand, it is also deeply stimulated. If five or ten years later, we still lag far behind foreign advanced levels, it is the negligence of our generation. "

Brush brush brush ... The followers quickly began to record again. The minister said that these will be reflected when writing various reports in the future. This is the spirit of leadership speech. To put it simply, after this exhibition, the relevant departments will definitely write summary materials. If you just praise the advanced foreign technology in the materials, without mentioning the stimulus and inspiration for domestic companies, it is contrary to the spirit of leadership. , You just wait to be chased by the leader endlessly.

"About Xiao Qin's tasks, funds, and policies, Changsong, can your company organize people to study and develop a ... agricultural machinery system to catch up with international advanced technology. A plan of action is drawn up first and submitted to the party group of the Ministry. At that time, we will also ask experts such as Professor Chen to give pointers. "Cui Hongchun set his sights on the director Wang, presumably his name should be Wang Changsong.

"Yes, I will arrange this as soon as I go to work tomorrow." Wang Changsong responded.

"By the way, when drafting this action plan, we must also listen to the opinions of Comrade Xiao Qin." Cui Hongchun added.

"Yes!" Wang Changsong replied honestly, taking this note into his book. However, in his heart, he was very disdainful of Qin Hai. In his opinion, Qin Hai just happened to know the secret of a rotary tiller, which caught the attention of the minister. As for what to say about the localization of Pusang Automobile, it may be bragging. Perhaps the real reason is that Qin Hai has any relatives with a certain leader of the localization office.

There are many large-scale agricultural machinery enterprises under the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as agricultural scientific research departments and colleges. It is not an exaggeration to say that experts such as clouds, when do you get such a little fart?

Of course, Cui Hongchun instructed that he should listen to Qin Hai's opinion, and Wang Changsong did not dare to do so. He thought it out. This action plan can first let the experts he found draw up one, and then bring Qin Hai and ask him if there is anything to add. If Qin Hai puts forward any innocuous opinions, add them to him, so that he can explain to the minister. As for whether Qin Hai would put forward some different opinions from the experts, Wang Changsong is not worried. If Qin Hai really dares to do so, he can find a few experts to give Qin Hai a lecture, which is enough to make Qin Hai shame his face. And gone.

Wang Changsong was thinking about a small abacus ~ ~ Cui Hongchun didn't care. He turned his head to Qin Hai and said, "You go on to say that you just talked about confidence and determination. What else is the correct way? "

Qin Hai laughed: "Actually, Minister Cui has already said about the correct method. The action plan you said is actually a correct method. Before doing anything, conduct a scientific demonstration to clarify your own strengths and weaknesses, and make clear what is important. Tasks and minor tasks, and then make a step-by-step investment in people, money, and materials. If you can do this, even the biggest problems can be solved. "

"Haha, Xiao Qin said well." Cui Hongchun Long Yan Dayue said to Qin Hai with a smile: "Now I understand why Su Chengying went to the Anhe to dig you. Talent is rare. How about, Xiao Qin, is there any interest? Come to work in the ministry, for example, be a secretary for me? "

Before Qin Hai had time to answer, he saw that the face of a follower beside Cui Hongchun immediately changed to the color of the bottom of the pot. No need to ask, this person must be Cui Hongchun's current secretary. Qin Hai firmly believes that if this man had practiced intentional killing, he would have been crushed by him at this time.

ps: This is a gorgeous fourth more, fourth more, fourth more, fourth more ... Everyone guesses, is there a fifth? If you guess the orange, you will change the sixth.

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