Material Empire

Chapter 234: Heroes see the same

The Localization Office has more than 30 technologies for the negotiation this time. Half of them are from Dongyao Plastic Factory and Haijie Company, both of which are related to Qinhai, and R & D funds are also provided by Qinhai. The other half comes from several universities and scientific research institutions in Pujiang. Some of these institutions have been researched in the past and have not yet been used in production practice, and some are newly researched by the localization office to sacrifice money and commission these institutions.

Compared with Qin Hai's generosity, the localization office is a bit daunting in terms of scientific research investment. No way, Qin Hai spends his own money, as long as he is optimistic about himself, he dares to invest. Yang Xinyu spent the country's money, submitted a report, submitted an application, and waited for the Ministry of Machinery to approve the money. He spent more energy than studying a technology. "

Scientific research is venture capital, and no one dares to say that if money is thrown into it, it will be able to produce. This kind of risky thing, Yu Kezheng didn't dare to do it, and Yang Xinyu was actually in trouble. Even if he is open-minded and adventurous, he can't stand the department that manages the money, and other supervision departments, he doesn't care. Others don't want to go down with him.

However, after spending half a year, the funds invested by the Localization Office have finally achieved some results, and they can participate in the transaction negotiation with the results obtained by Qin Hai. Without these "national team" results, all are the results of private companies on the side of Qin Hai, Yang Xinyu and even the Ministry of Machinery's face will not look good.

The technology trading method is very simple. The Nationalization Office hangs out more than 30 results, explaining which new materials can be produced using these results. At the same time, it also lists the domestic automobile industry's demand for these new materials and the Purchase price. The remaining thing is that the various production enterprises invited to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and put forward the price of intention to buy these technological achievements. Negotiate with technology owners.

Regarding the price of technology transactions, Qin Hai once outlined a way to divide the value between the producer and the technology side according to the value-added part of the finished product. For example, the price of ordinary polyvinyl chloride is 3,000 yuan per ton, and the price of modified polyvinyl chloride is 5,000 yuan per ton, after deducting the cost of the modifier and the necessary man-hours. The added value per ton is 1500 yuan, so the 1,500 yuan is used for distribution. Qin Hai proposed a distribution ratio of fifty-five points, that is, each accounted for 50% of the added value.

Qin Hai also proposed this plan with some consideration. The end of the 1980s was the tackling stage for the reform of domestic market prices. From 1986, prices have clearly risen in both consumer and production materials. Taking ordinary polyvinyl chloride as an example, the price per ton before 1985 was 1900 yuan, but in 1987 it rose to 3,000 yuan per ton. After 88 years, it reached a price of more than 4,000 yuan. In this period of constantly changing prices, it is undoubtedly inappropriate to transfer technology at a single price.

Yang Xinyu very much agreed with the plan proposed by Qin Hai. After obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Machinery, the technical trade fair was held as scheduled. In this fair, the main deals were polymer technology. According to Yang Xinyu's idea, if this conference can be successful, transactions in the fields of glass and metal materials will be carried out in the future, and it will become a normal mechanism.

To avoid misunderstanding for participating companies. Both Qin Hai and Xia Yangjie were excluded from the meeting because they had both appeared as localized offices. It is now a provider of trading technology. At the meeting, the representative from Dongyao Plastic Factory was Liu Yaozhong, and the Haijie company was Yu Haitao. As for the scientific research institutes, they also sent personnel responsible for the transaction.

The meeting was held in a happy and peaceful atmosphere. Yang Xinyu and the leaders of several cities that came to participate in the transaction respectively gave warm speeches. The core theme is to work together to contribute to the promotion of the domestic production of automobiles. However, this harmony is only a short-lived event. As soon as the fair began, buyers and sellers had an irreconcilable conflict over the price issue. The two sides clamored, and soon they quarreled:

"We are very much in favor of the method of proportional sharing, and we are willing to return 10% to the technology provider as a return on technology development." This is the price given by the production enterprise.

"The 10% ratio simply cannot compensate for the human and material resources we have invested in development. We believe that the distribution ratio should be around 50%." This is a requirement of the technology provider.

"50%? Do you really need to spend so much money to develop technology? Isn't it just a few experiments? Don't think that we are all big bosses and haven't worked on technology."

"How many experiments? Scientific research is risky. Do you know how many detours we have taken to find this way?"

"It's your problem to take a detour, and you have gained experience."

"Then why don't you go these detours yourself?"

"Without saying so much nonsense, 10%, this is the bottom line we can accept."

"50%, we will quit below this ratio."


The people below can't make any difference, and the contradiction can only be submitted to the upper level. The upper level of the Localization Office is naturally Yang Xinyu, while the enterprise side is the leader of each city, such as Wang Songan and others. As a result, a high-level consultation began between Yang Xinyu and the city leaders.

"Director Yang, first of all, I want to show our attitude. We strongly support and cooperate with the localization of automotive materials. Director Yang should not doubt it. However, our subordinate companies also have their own difficulties, please Yang The director understands. At present, the resin market is in severe supply and demand, and the gap between the supply and demand of resin products in our province is also very large. In this case, we came to cooperate with the localization of automobiles and bear a certain economic loss. Wang Song'an talked eloquently.

"Director Wang said exactly what I want to say." From the leader of Meicheng City, Lu Kangding echoed. He is the vice mayor of Meicheng and also in charge of industry. He said:

"In the past, they made the Qin Mi 520 novel of the China Nationalization Office, and they also went to our city to do research and put forward the development of new materials. At that time, we said that to develop new materials, we have limited talents and limited capabilities. Coordination cannot be provided. But if the localization office can provide the corresponding technology, we can assist in production. But our assistance cannot be free, and the central government also advocates using economic means to do things. "

"We didn't say it was free. You can get 50% value-added, but you don't need to take risks. This is good for you and harmless." Yang Xinyu replied calmly.

"On the surface, this is indeed the case." Wang Song'an said, "However, the workers will not be able to figure it out. Everyone works hard and can only get 50%. Others just provide a paper formula. In fact, this formula does not It ’s not complicated, so we take the other 50%. How do we explain this to the workers? "

"Director Wang, this is a bit inappropriate for you?" Lu Xiaolin couldn't listen. "What does it mean that only one paper formula is provided. This paper formula was also worked out by others' scientific research staff. They are sweating." Didn't you see it in time? "

"Scientific research is also very hard, I know this." Wang Songan nodded quickly, "But we did not say that we cannot give back. We agreed to give 10% of the profit in return, which is our sincerity."

Yang Xinyu waved his hand and smiled, "Director Wang, you are not right. The transaction we advocate is mutually beneficial and there is no question of showing sincerity. Whether you take out 10% or 50%, it depends. It's not about the value of the technology itself, it has nothing to do with your sincerity. "

"So, Director Yang, how do you think the value of technology itself?" Lu Kangding asked.

Yang Xinyu said: "It's very simple, it is reflected in the relationship between market supply and demand. Previously, we had hoped that your subordinate companies would carry out these research work. If so, all the premiums belong to you. But you refused Obviously, these studies are because you don't think these premiums are enough to make up for the research investment. "

Lu Kangding said: "It's not like this, we are just because of insufficient manpower. Director Yang should know that we are also carrying out many other tasks, and it is impossible to take out free manpower to do this."

Yang Xinyu said: "Manpower can be found, and our localization office has no manpower, but we have provided valuable funds, and researchers at universities are invited to help us develop these technologies. If you think these technologies are not worth so much money Why can't you invest in development yourself? "

"Of course we do not have such a vision as Director Yang." Wang Songan laughed and complimented Yang Xinyu.

"Yeah, yeah ~ ~ After all, Director Yang is the leader of the ministry, of course, he is more visionary than us." The leaders of other cities also complimented.

Yang Xinyu smiled helplessly. The compliments in front of them are definitely not out of respect for him, but naked. Their subtext is that we didn't think of it at the beginning, but now we are not willing to suffer at this stage, you can take care of it.

"I want to ask, what is the bottom line you can accept?" Yang Xinyu decided not to talk nonsense, and chose to open his eyes to the question.

The leaders of several cities glanced at each other, and then answered almost in unison: "20%."

"Do you agree?" Yang Xinyu asked.

"Pure coincidence." Wang Songan quickly explained that he explained in such a timely manner that people could not help thinking of such a statement.

"It seems that the heroes see something similar." Yang Xinyu sneered, and the matter was very clear. Several cities must have reached a price alliance before coming. This is intended to use a monopoly on production capacity to force localization. Do your head down. .

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