Material Empire

Chapter 239: I'm a good wife too

The banquet was over in peace. Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test (Pingnan Literature Network) Although Wang Songan, Lu Kangding and others are full of dissatisfaction, they can only pretend to be indifferent. They often raise glasses with Yang Xinyu, Chai Peide and Qin Hai, and invite them to have time Go to visit and visit yourself. Economic development matters are, in the final analysis, public affairs, and there is no need for everyone to hurt personal relationships because of public affairs. The flow of cadres within the system is a very common thing. Who knows that one day, people will not be mixed in a pot to stir a spoon, can they rip their faces for this?

In order to express his gratitude to the four cities for their participation in the negotiation, Yang Xinyu obtained the purchase index of 80 Pusang cars from Pujiang Automobile Factory and distributed them to Wang Songan and others. At that time, Pusang cars were not available to anyone who wanted to buy them, especially in the following cities. The index that can be allocated in a year is only one or twenty, which simply cannot meet the needs of various units. This gift from Yang Xinyu is not worth a penny on the surface, but it is actually a great humanity. Such a move made Wang Song'an and others feel much more relieved. Fortunately, this trip to the Pujiang River has not been run in vain.

Before leaving Pujiang, Yu Kezhen specially made a trip to Qinhai and asked him to have a light meal. At the dinner table, Yu Kezhen did not conceal his regrets, but also asked Qin Hai to understand, because under the circumstances that everyone has agreed on a price alliance, it is impossible for Jinnan Chemical Factory to sign a contract with the localization office alone.

"Director Wang may not always be working in the Economic Commission, but the director of the factory, do you think you will not leave the Jinnan plant in the short term?" Qin Hai said.

"Yeah ..." Yu Kezhen understood what Qin Hai was referring to. This time, he missed the market opportunity for automotive materials. For Wang Songan, there was not much pressure, but for Kezhen, it was a huge hidden danger. A few years later, Yu Kezhen will still be the director of the Jinnan plant. If the chemical materials market really changes, the most uncomfortable thing is Yu Kezhen.

"The state has always said that it is necessary to expand the autonomy of enterprises. In fact, the will of the chief is at work." Qin Hai commented.

Yu Ke sighed. Said: "Secretary Qin. This time, I'm really sorry. However, I still want to ask Secretary Qin for something shameless. I don't know if Secretary Qin can help."

Qin Hai smiled. It didn't mean that Ke Yi talked about what he wanted to ask for help, and he said to himself:

"With the development of the economy, the demand for traditional artificial leather and other products will gradually decline and be replaced by leather and fabric materials. In contrast, the construction industry is gradually undergoing a transformation from plastic to steel. Demand for plastic water pipes, sewers, etc. The quantity will increase sharply. In short, the soft market is shrinking and the hard market is expanding. At present, the production structure of our products is extremely unreasonable. The ratio of soft and hard products is 3 to 1. Foreign countries are 1 to 1 2. The hard gap in the future will be very obvious. "

"We have noticed this trend," Yu Kezhen said softly.

"Zhou Gong of Dongyao Plastic Factory is now working on several hard research projects. After success, it can increase the service life of water pipes by 50% and double the impact resistance. At least in the domestic market, Strong competitiveness. "Qin Hai said calmly.

"I made a reservation," Yu Kezhen said without hesitation.

For Dong Yao Plastic Factory, Yu Kezhen didn't know much. What really made him confident was Qin Hai's guarantee. This setback in automotive materials has allowed Yu Kezhen to see Qin Hai's technical strength and his vision for the market. Qin Hai's grand launch to him, did Yu Kezhen have no reason to accept it.

"Conditions are the same as for automotive materials," Qin Hai said.

Yu Kezhen nodded: "I understand, even if I am a pig, if I hit the South Wall, I should know to turn back."

"Director Yu is too modest." Qin Hai smiled slightly, and said, "Zhou Gong has insufficient funds. If some advance payment can be made, their scientific research may be more helpful."

Yu Kezheng said: "No problem. After I returned, Mr. Yu was immediately brought to Pujiang to discuss the matter with the director of Liuchang and Zhou Gong. We have sufficient liquidity now, and it should not be a problem within 1 million. It's going to alarm the city no more. "

"Haha, this kind of thing, it's better not to alarm the city." Qin Hai smiled easily.

"Yeah, it's better not to alarm the city." Yu Kezhen said unconsciously.

Yu Kezhen was not the only one who sought out Qin Hai to communicate his feelings in private. In addition to Qin Hai, Xia Yangjie and Liu Yaozhong also received invitations from some factory directors and talked about similar things. Wang Song'an and others are not slow. From the eyes of subordinates, they can see what they have done, but they are also very clever and have not questioned.

"Yugong, are you off?"

This is in the family area of ​​No. 7 Plastic Factory. Former process engineer Yu Lihong carrying a handbag for work and returned from the outside. The acquaintances I met along the way greeted him habitually, and he responded neatly as usual: "Uh, uh, it's off work, off work."

No one noticed that there was a little nervousness in Yu Lihong's expression, and his manner was more sneaky.

After finally returning to his own unit building, Yu Lihong went upstairs in three steps and two steps, took the key to open the door, hurriedly knocked the door after entering the house, and then plunged into the back room.

"Hongmei, Hongmei, come here for a moment." He poked his head out of the back room and whispered to his wife Li Hongmei who was busy in the kitchen.

"What's the matter? Tell me, I'm washing vegetables." (Pingnan Literature Network) Li Hongmei replied without looking up.

"Come here." Yu Lihong still insisted.

Li Hongmei shut down the faucet unexpectedly, wiped her hands on the apron, and then came to the back room, only to see Li Hong carefully opened his handbag and took out a boxy newspaper bag from the inside.

"What is this? The soap from your unit?" Li Hongmei asked with a frown, judging by the shape and volume of the paper bag, it really looked like a few bars of soap.

Yu Lihong didn't answer. He put the paper bag on the bed and opened it seriously. When the contents inside appeared in front of Li Hongmei, Li Hongmei couldn't help but yelled, and then quickly covered her mouth with her hands, for fear of shouting again.

There was no soap in the paper bag, which clearly was a "big unity" for five thousand yuan!

Lost in sight for a second. Li Hongmei looked at the window subconsciously, and found that the curtains had been closed, and there was no possibility of being peeped. She glanced at the door again, and found that the door was closed. The self-locking pins have been pushed down.

"Older. Where did this come from?" Li Hongmei asked in surprise.

Since Li Hong applied for a pay suspension and stayed at Haijie to work, he was able to get back 600 yuan a month. Li Hongmei is already somewhat immune to large sums of money. However, when a whole 5,000 yuan appeared in front of her at the same time, she was still stunned.

"This is my project bonus, we President Qin personally sent it to me!" Yu Lihong said with a trembling voice. The muscles on his face were twisted a little because of excitement. On the way home, he was afraid that someone would realize that he was carrying a huge sum of money, and he had been working hard to suppress his inner ecstasy. At this moment, he could finally say it. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to scream loudly, the sound insulation effect of this old-style unit is really bad.

"So much money. Older, we are rich!" Li Hongmei rushed over and picked up the five yuan, if not worried about the bacteria on the money. She couldn't wait to kiss the money fiercely. People who haven't had a hard time cannot appreciate the loveliness of money. What do the scholars say about copper smell, oh, these money are clearly filled with ink fragrance, OK?

"Hongmei, let me tell you, Mr. Qin is really a big deal. At this meeting, all of the items we worked on were traded out, and the customer paid, and Mr. Qin immediately asked the accountant to go to the bank to withdraw money Give bonuses to those who participate in the project. Because I am the main person in charge of the project on glass fiber resin, I won the highest prize, 5000 yuan! Those young people who followed us to get reagents received 500, 1000, the entire The people in the company are all crazy. "Yu Lihong eloquently told Li Hongmei about the grand situation in the company, and he couldn't wait to share this happiness with others.

"It's great, Yu. After this project, do you have any other projects?" Li Hongmei asked.

"Why not?" Yu Lihong said cheekily, "General Manager Qin had a meeting with our technical experts and proposed forty or fifty new projects for us to demonstrate. By the way, Hongmei, let me tell you Said, Mr. Qin is awesome. Don't look at him who isn't engaged in polymer, but he understands all the materials we have. Just inserting a sentence can greatly inspire us.

I picked a project for high-strength fiber resin. This material was made and can be used to make large pressure vessels in the future. President Qin said that this project can produce dozens of derivative results. When these derivative results are sold, we can get more bonuses. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Li Hongmei said, "I ’m old, I think about it. I will do all the housework in the future. You focus on research. Let ’s make more money. Xiaohua and Xiaojuan When you get married, you can be beautiful. "

"No problem, I feel like I'm full of energy right now. I'll tell you that our company's research conditions are particularly good, the equipment is the most advanced, and Manager Qin Hening and Manager Yu are very reasonable, as long as it takes scientific research. I do n’t blink my money. With such good conditions, I ’m really sorry if I ca n’t achieve results. ”Yu Lihong said.

"Yes, old Yu, now that we are rich, I think of one thing, and I want to discuss it with you." Li Hongmei said suddenly, a little hesitantly.

"Whatever you say, that's it." Yu Lihong waved his hand like a man-like man ~ ~ The so-called Qian Zhuang encouraging people, that's it.

Li Hongmei said, "We are rich now. Is it time to take your parents to Pujiang for a few days to play, and it will also open the eyes of the elderly. In the past, our families were poor, and we did n’t respect the elderly so much. Those who are daughters-in-law have their families poked their spine behind their backs. "

"But what can we do if we can't live here?" Yu Lihong said sorrowfully.

"It doesn't matter, you can stay in the guesthouse." Li Hongmei said, "Last year our workshop invited her father-in-law to Pujiang to live in the guesthouse. In fact, she only lived for one day. It is still a very broken guesthouse. Everyone said that she would be a daughter-in-law, so that she should not be too proud. I think about it, let's take over the parents, we don't live in the guesthouse, go to the hotel, and let them see me Li Hongmei also understands things People! "

"Okay, just do what you say!" Yu Lihong said, "Hongmei, you have really wronged you these years ..."

"Without grievances, people say that I married a good husband ..."

"Hongmei ..."

So omitted 5000 words ...

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