Material Empire

Chapter 265: Liu Yejin Grand View Garden

The appearance of two young girls in the delegation's ranks stunned a group of uncles and aunts. When I heard that the two girls were an interpreter hired by Qingfeng Farm Machinery Factory, and all the expenses were self-funded, everyone's first reaction was that Qingfeng Factory was too arrogant, and they were able to get this. More foreign exchange to do such a show.

Surprised and surprised, having such two girls in the team made the whole team a lot more lively. Qin Shan is introverted and generally doesn't talk much, but Tranquility has seen some faces with her father. After a brief stint at first, she soon became familiar with the officials and leaders in the regiment and rushed to recognize her. There are more than a dozen daughters.

Taking Li Linguang, Liu Shuo and others to go abroad, Qin Hai had no psychological pressure. But with Tranquility and Qin Shan, he felt somewhat inappropriate. When the delegation gathered in Beijing, Qin Hai rushed to explain to Cui Hongchun, saying: "Western companies will invite some beautiful women to be interpreters when they are conducting such exhibitions. This can enhance the affinity of the company. We arrange peace and harmony. Qin Shan went abroad for this purpose. "

Cui Hongchun just smiled slightly and nodded to accept Qin Hai's explanation. But when there was no one else, he quietly called Qin Hai to his side and whispered, "Xiao Qin, tell me the truth, is this Qin Shan your sister? And, Xiao Ning, He Ning Factory Does it matter if you grow up? "

With the Qingfeng factory becoming a provincial enterprise, Ning Zhongying's level has also been upgraded to the right level, but compared with Cui Hongchun, there is still a lot of difference, which is not the object of Cui Hongchun's attention at all. Cui Hongchun remembered the name Ning Zhongying only because the export of rotary blades by the Qingfeng Factory was too noticeable. Now that I know that the little girl Qin Hai brought is called tranquility, could Cui Hongchun not contact Ning Zhongying?

"Minister Cui Yingming ..." Qin Hai replied with a timid smile, "Qin Shan is indeed my sister and Tranquility is the daughter of Director Ning, but taking them out of the country has nothing to do with Director Ning. . "

"Everyone has come, let them follow." Cui Hongchun felt helpless about Qin Hai's Meng Lang, and he sighed and urged: "Don't spread this. If it spreads, the impact will be bad."

"I know, I know, you can rest assured that I will let them keep a low profile." Qin Haixin vowed to promise.

Cui Hongchun is just a precautionary plan. In fact, except for Leng Yuming, Li Linguang and others, the rest of the delegation basically did not even hear the name Ning Zhongying, let alone think about the origin of tranquility. In those days, it was also normal for this kind of overseas delegation to have several leaders and family members. This trip came to Brazil on the same plane as everyone. There are also some inexplicable middle-aged women who are not engaged in agricultural machinery at first glance. Who will be too busy to question their origins?

When I heard that Qin Hai was going to take himself abroad, both Tranquil and Qin Shan were both happy and shocked, and glad that they had the opportunity to go abroad to meet the world. They are also worried that they will not be able to cope with such and other things abroad. On the way, the two girls were almost inseparable from Qin Hai, but after transiting to Madrid and returning to Brazil, the restraint of the two had been eliminated a lot, and curiosity finally overcome the fear:

"Brother, look at the floor of foreigners. It's much taller than that of Hongze!"

"Qin Hai, why are foreigners so rich, cars are on the streets ..."

"Xiao Jing, look quickly, there is a black man ..."

"Shan, can you understand what is written on that signboard? It doesn't seem to be English ..."

The two little girls were sitting on the bus in the embassy bag. Looking at the streets of São Paulo, I felt overwhelmed. In fact, how many people in the whole car can remain calm. In a delegation of more than 30 people, less than 10 people have really experienced going abroad, and the rest are like Liu Ye entering the Grand View Garden. Everything looks fresh.

The delegation stayed at the hotel that the ambassador helped book, and it was very close to where the expo was held. Since this is an agricultural technology expo, the venue is not arranged in the exhibition center, but instead chooses a local farm so that exhibitors can demonstrate the performance of various types of machinery in the field. Since it is a farm, there is a certain distance to the downtown of Sao Paulo, which makes all the group members who come for the purpose of tourism shopping grumble.

Cui Hongchun knows that the delegation he brings is complicated. Even if he is a deputy minister, there is nothing he can do about this situation. After discussing with Tian Yuzhong, he finally decided to arrange a car to send some people to visit the city of Sao Paulo. He stayed by himself and took another part to the farm to exhibit. The expo will be held the next day. They come relatively late.

"Let's all stay and set up."

People brought by Qin Hai volunteered to volunteer to stay and work. Except for Tranquility and Qin Shan, several others had originally come to work, and naturally, Qin Hai would not drop the chain at this time. Although the two little girls are very playful, they also know that Qin Hai took them out and spent a lot of foreign exchange. They are no longer sensible and will not be afraid to go out to play at this time.

Qin Hai nodded and said to everyone: "If everyone can handle it, let's go to the exhibition with Minister Cui and leave the shopping opportunity to others. Rest assured, I will take the time to arrange for you to go to the city District, the place to play, we will not miss one. "

"Xiao Qin, you don't have to worry about us. We didn't come here to play in Brazil. Work is important." Leng Yuming said on behalf of everyone.

Qin Hai pulled out Li Linguang and Yue Kun and said to them: "Mr. Li, Mr. Yue, the exhibition, you two should not participate. You still go to the city with the ambassador's car. "

Li Linguang was very disdainful of Qin Hai's arrangement. He stared, "Xiao Qin, what do you mean? Who are I and Lao Yue, do you not know yet? We are all the same as Lao Leng. At work, shopping, we have no interest at all. "

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Mr. Li, such things as setting up exhibitions are all physical work. Which round should you and Teacher Yue do? I invite you both to sell thermal spray equipment. This matter is now Do n’t worry, you have to wait for the expo for a few days before anyone will pay attention to this aspect. So, there is nothing for you two these days. "

"That's not enough, we can help you to guard the stall. In short, we are not interested in shopping." Yue Kun shook his head like Li Linguang.

Qin Haidao: "I know you two are definitely not going to go shopping. You can hardly come out and don't want to find a local university in Sao Paulo to talk to them?"

"Looking for university exchanges?" Qin Hai's proposal touched the two professors. Anhe Institute of Technology is not ranked well in China, and opportunities for international exchange are almost rare. Now it's hard to come abroad. If you can go to the local university and talk with foreign colleagues, it is indeed a very interesting thing.

"Yeah, St. Paul's University is so famous in the world, don't you two want to go?" Qin Hai asked with a smirk.

"This ... I'm afraid other people will not have any interest in visiting the university?" Said Li Linguang Zhiwu. Although he has not been abroad, he has not read a lot of academic journals in foreign languages. He naturally knows the status of São Paulo University and can also name the names of several scholars. If he had the opportunity, he really wanted to find these scholars to communicate with each other.

Qin Haidao: "You don't have to act with them at all. They are here for tourism. You are here for academic exchange. I will talk to Counselor Tian in a moment and ask him to contact São Paulo University. After you get to the city, Just go by car alone. These days, you can live in downtown Sao Paulo, find more universities to visit, and also publicize our technology by the way, what do you think? "

Having said that, he took a stack of dollars from his arms and handed them to Li Linguang, saying, "These money is what you have spent in the past few days. Since it came out, don't look too shabby, too shabby, but It's degrading. "

As an overseas delegation, each group member can receive pocket money of a few dollars a day, which is enough to buy a hamburger on the street. It is completely impossible to do something else. Some people remember that people who go abroad to shop will exchange some dollars in China by various means and bring them with them. Li Linguang and Yue Kun are both scholars in the ivory tower. Where can they do such an act, they do not have any foreign exchange in their hands.

Qin Hai knew that it was difficult to walk without money ~ ~ Before leaving the country, he contacted Leonardo of Spain and asked him to exchange some foreign exchange. Taking advantage of the delegation's opportunity to transfer in Madrid, he sent In Qin Hai's hands. This amount of foreign exchange is not small enough for Qin Hai to do all kinds of things.

"How is this appropriate ..." Li Linguang took the pile of dollars with a little embarrassment, a few counts, and could not help but startled: "This is 2,000 dollars! Xiao Qin, why did I and Lao Yue spend so much money?"

"Mr. Li, you and Mr. Yue are both university graduates. Is it enough to bring $ 2,000 with you? Your task these days is to fully conduct academic exchanges and make a few more friends. Maybe they will all be Need it. "Qin Hai helped Li Linguang put the money into his pocket, and then told with a smile.

Unable to withstand the temptation of academic exchange opportunities, Li Linguang and Yue Kun finally got into the car arranged by the embassy. Qin Hai told Cui Hongchun to Tian Yuzhong that the two professors wanted to go to the university for academic exchanges, and Tian Yuzhong promised to help them make contact. He has seen too many people who have gone abroad to play, but few have seized the opportunity to go to school for academic activities. Tian Yuzhong is happy to facilitate this.

After sending Li Linguang and Yue Kun away, Qin Hai took the rest of his side to Cui Hongchun and waited for Cui Hongchun's assignment.

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